Birthday gifts

What to give my husband for 30 years?

What to give my husband for 30 years?
  1. Best ideas
  2. What to consider when choosing?
  3. What is the husband unlikely to be happy about?

The 30th anniversary is an important date in the life of any man, because it is a kind of milestone, after which the true essence of a person becomes visible. On the one hand, at thirty, a man is still quite young and can have excellent prospects, on the other, by this time he could already achieve a lot in life. Accordingly, such an anniversary is a reason to receive a special gift. Most successful thirty-year-old men have a wife's closest relative, so it is from her that he expects to receive a gift that is expensive, if not from a financial, then from a moral point of view.

Best ideas

If you show enough imagination, then for 30 years your husband can be presented with many different useful things, which he will be sincerely happy with. Everything, of course, depends on the preferences of a particular representative of the stronger sex, so we will not even try to make a complete list of what can be awarded for the 30th anniversary. Instead, let's briefly go through all the main categories of gifts that are in demand with most birthday people.

Clothes and accessories

It is generally accepted that this direction of choosing a gift is more interesting for women, but it is not for nothing that in various men's teams the main corporate gift is a tie or shirt. This, of course, is a terrible commonplace, and if your man at work is given something like this on a regular basis, do not try to repeat it. - it was not enough to put myself on the level of barely familiar people.

It's another matter if the husband's work does not imply such gifts, and he himself can be considered a fashionista or has long expressed a desire to have, for example, expensive and fashionable sneakers from a well-known brand.This is a completely different question, because any man in his heart likes to look attractive and stylish. Here, of course, it is important to very clearly understand the tastes of a loved one, so as not to give something that you do not like. However, clothes can also be presented in a more original design: for example, an avid fisherman or hunter will probably need a new comfortable and warm camouflage.

Accessories are given less often, but they also suit a certain style very well. So, for a business person, a leather briefcase or a folder made of the same material will become a very stylish addition, no one has canceled expensive cufflinks. After all, a branded watch or an expensive perfume, if they fit into the general image of a man, can also be met with approval from him.


Most men have little interest in the jewelry industry and find it wiser to spend their money on something more practical. However, in certain circles, the presence of expensive jewelry may indicate the status of their owner, and, therefore, will help in running the same business. From this point of view, jewelry in the eyes of a man can suddenly become practical, and then such a present will be received more warmly.

When choosing a gift for your husband in a jewelry salon, you should remember that jewelry should not violate the overall severity of the image, otherwise an active young businessman will turn into a gypsy baron.

In most cases, the choice is limited to two categories - you can give either a chain or a ring. Sometimes a bracelet or even a gold watch can also act as an alternative, but such gifts are usually very expensive, so not every woman can afford them.


A man at his best is perceived as a rational and thinking creature, so a book for such a birthday person looks like an eternally relevant gift that will always remain appropriate. In this case, the wife is required to choose the right tome, since the very scale of the occasion puts forward serious requirements for the present.

First of all, you need to build on the interests and hobbies of your husband. So, if he loves fiction of a certain genre, you need to choose a certain bestseller of the corresponding direction, which until now somehow did not fall into the hands of your man. At the same time, many men often perceive the book as a source of useful knowledge about a certain field of activity, therefore, some impressive encyclopedia or a gift edition on topics of interest to the hero of the day is also suitable.

Almost the only problem with handing over books for the thirtieth birthday is that an ordinary volume is usually not perceived as something outstanding. Most of the books today are available to anyone, they are given not only for anniversaries, but also for ordinary birthdays, and even just like that, and not only those close to the wife's level, but also colleagues. We'll have to make sure that the present doesn't look too small.

We have already casually mentioned gift editions - they differ in large format and large illustrations on high-quality paper, and therefore are impressive. Alternatively, you can donate more than one book, but a whole collection of several volumes.


The modern reality is that games have become an integral part of our life, and therefore can be a good gift for an anniversary. Here two completely different categories of games should be considered separately - board games and computer games.

  • Board games often impress with their complexity, they can have an intricate plot and rules that will drag a man head over heels for several hours. Many of them are quite cool and interesting even for serious adults, so you shouldn't think that everything is limited to banal chess, backgammon and dominoes.Among other things, such a present also allows you to spend time interestingly with friends, but keep in mind that then your husband should definitely have a company to play with - you cannot play this alone.
  • Computer games at first they were considered the lot of adolescents and young people, however, during their existence, these categories of the population have grown and celebrate their thirtieth anniversary, without giving up their favorite hobbies. In the end, an adult also sometimes needs to escape from everyday problems by switching to virtual ones, especially if they are solved much easier, and your husband achieves much greater success in the game than in life.

At the same time, you need to at least roughly understand what genre of toys a man is interested in, and if you are afraid of losing him in the digital world, find a way to give something that you can play together.


In recent years, there has been an ever more noticeable tendency of an increasing bias towards professionalism - now more and more men do not belong to jack-of-all-trades, but prefer to make money with their basic skills, so that in case of something breakdown, they can simply call a professional.

However, public opinion often still requires a man to be a classic man, so sometimes a person who has never held anything heavier than a mouse in his hands is pleased to drive a nail into the wall on his own in order to catch his wife's contented glance. Even for such a simple operation, minimal tools are required, which should still be at home.

At the same time, there are also representatives of the stronger sex who like to make something in their free time, be it practical things or just crafts. If the husband's hands require work, and he still sits for a long time over the design of something, a very careful step from the wife's side will be to present him with a set of tools that will greatly simplify the task at hand. The home craftsman himself, perhaps, also likes the result no less than the process itself, so he should not be upset by such a gift.

Sport equipment

By the age of thirty, not all men think about regular sports, but it is at this age that some come up with the idea of ​​the need to strengthen their own health and the need to put themselves in order. Such a desire is commendable, because the husband will become healthier, and with a thorough approach to completing the task, he can also look prettier, which will not go unnoticed by the wife, therefore, the outbreak of interest can be encouraged by handing over equipment for classes.

The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, all sorts of dumbbells and barbells, and for especially active ones - soccer balls, but for thirty years this is all too commonplace. The necessary equipment can be found in the gym, so the husband's fit can be stimulated by gifts from the tourist destination. For example, the same tent is great during a hike in the mountains, and such a trip will definitely contribute to the restoration of physical fitness and help hold the family together.

Alternatively, do not forget about fishing equipment, because fishing, in the opinion of many men, is also a sport, and a significant number of them consider themselves to be avid fishermen.

New impressions

By the age of thirty, the life of most men settles down and begins to flow as usual. Even if a person is happy with everything, hardly anyone will argue that too monotonous existence sooner or later gets boring and you always want something new. Sometimes intangible gifts are perceived much better than tangible gifts, so this option is worth trying.

For example, if your husband can be considered a traveler and is easy-going enough, and still has no problems in order to take time off from work, you can surprise him and arrange a trip for two.Perhaps you go somewhere on vacation every year, but the vacation is planned in advance and because of this it even loses a little in the amount of provided emotions, but here everything has already been done - you just need to go and go, and right away.

If your birthday is not yet in the traditional holiday season, you can choose some non-trivial direction and really recharge with new emotions, just do not be afraid to try what you previously ignored. This shared adventure will help fan the fire of feelings in a relationship, as well as bring the couple closer together.

What to consider when choosing?

The most common mistake when choosing a gift for a thirty-year-old man is to be sure you understand it. No one argues that mutual understanding in the family can be at a very good level, but this does not mean that the couple's views on the world are the same in everything. For example, he wears an old stretched T-shirt and sweatpants at home, and you decided to give him an expensive dressing gown for his anniversary - this is risky, because for the husband, most likely, convenience is of fundamental importance, and not appearance, and in this regard, your gift can lose.

Forget about giving what you would like, being in his place - he is already an accomplished person and probably knows better what he wants. Listen carefully to his phrases starting with "I want", in a pinch, just ask.

Remember that you are the next of kin to your husband, therefore it is from you that he expects something special. You can always buy something banal, focusing on the fact that since everyone likes it, then your man will do it, but this is a road to nowhere. This will show the birthday boy that you are not very interested in him, being guided by trends more than by the preferences of your beloved. Therefore, give only what has a clear connection to the gifted.

Besides, never expect surprises - men usually don't like them. As we have already persuaded, it can be quite difficult to guess the wishes of the husband, and if you did not guess with the gift, it will be difficult for him to pretend that this is what he was really expecting, and you will be upset.

A real man does not like pretense, often he does not succeed, even if he wants to seem believable, and making excuses that you are not happy with a thing that you never wanted is not an activity that you want to do on your own anniversary.

What is the husband unlikely to be happy about?

The thirtieth birthday, like any other holiday, can be fraught with a completely wrong choice of a gift that will not be understood by the birthday man. As a rule, presentations on such a day are given in order to please the hero of the occasion, so a woman is also unlikely to be satisfied if a representative of the stronger sex did not appreciate her efforts. The stop-list of what will definitely not fit on this date is not so long, but obvious mistakes should be avoided.

  • Thirty years is a round and significant date, on this day the birthday person is waiting for something special, so you should not be surprised if the man does not like the presented souvenir. In general, forget that you can give souvenirs to a loved one for a holiday like a birthday or New Year, especially when it comes to a man - usually these are very practical people who are not fond of trinkets.
  • Even worse is the idea of ​​buying something that both seem to need, but more interested in a woman. So, bed linen, a washing machine or a slow cooker - things seem to be useful, but any man will regard such a gift as the one that you bought for yourself, hiding behind his holiday.

For information on what to give a man, see the next video.

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