What to give a 7-year-old child?

Birthday is the best holiday of the year for an adult. Attention, gifts and a festive meal will please any adult. For a child, a birthday is a special event. Magic, permissiveness and a bunch of gifts - all that a little person can dream of. Our article is devoted to choosing a gift for a seven-year anniversary. This is an important undertaking that should be taken very seriously.

You need to correctly approach the issue of buying a gift, otherwise your birthday experience may be spoiled.
There are a number of nuances associated with a seventh birthday. They help you better understand the desires of your child.
- Before buying a gift, you need to find out the hobbies of the birthday person. Some children at the age of 7 are fond of studying, which is why the choice of a gift can be simplified: any cognitive toy will delight. Another child, for example, loves cars: in this case, a toy car will come in handy. Conclusion - it is important to devote a few minutes to communication with the child and carefully find out what he likes lately.
- There is a special option for buying a gift. It is suitable for those parents who are not sure of the desires of their child, but want to give him a piece of happiness and not be mistaken. On the day of the seventh birthday, you can take the child and go to the store with children's goods, which has a wide selection. Then invite him to walk around the hall and choose toys for himself in accordance with the budget. Some will find this method lacking in surprise and, accordingly, less acceptable. However, in this way, the child will choose exactly the product that he likes.
- On a day when all the wishes of a little dreamer must be embodied in reality, you can not be distracted by anything other than the hero of the occasion. We are talking about gifts, but the main gift for every child is attention and care from the parents. It is not necessary to have a huge amount for the celebration or buy several expensive things at once - you just need to devote the whole day to the celebration, without distraction.
- The age of seven presupposes the beginning of training. It is important to present on your birthday not only a beautiful and functional present, but also an educational one. Developing motor, mental and physical functions through fun toys and products is the best way to instill good qualities in a growing person. There is no need to be too zealous when choosing several educational books: it is just worth keeping in mind that through games, children get to know the world and gain knowledge best.

Top best gifts
One of the most desired and anticipated events for a child on this day will be a holiday. Fun, positive emotions and surprises are what it is for. That is, it is not necessary to purchase a prestigious hoverboard or a fancy phone, this is not the main thing, if the child is not spoiled.
The main thing is to wake up and see a room decorated with balloons and inscriptions, who wish you a happy birthday. Then see a gift that is carefully sealed in wrapping paper: it is important that feeling of surprise not lost behind simple packaging. Then have fun and play with friends all day. This would be the perfect birthday option.
And also many pleasant impressions can be obtained if you arrange quest - not just give the birthday boy a gift, but offer to find it: prepare notes and hide the gift in a secluded place so that it can be found only with the help of hints.
Such a creative approach will delight any kid.

Below are a variety of interesting and useful presents that can be chosen by both a 7-year-old boy and a 7-year-old girl.
- Book... With the development of the Internet and gadgets, it is less and less common to see a person who seeks to gain knowledge from a book. But a huge selection of children's educational literature with colorful illustrations is a great way to choose an interesting book that your child will like. Teaching the young generation to read, you can be sure that in the future they will read more and strive for knowledge.
Any children's work or encyclopedia on various issues (for example, "Why Much" is a book in which there is an answer to any "why?") Will not leave a child indifferent. The book will always remain the best gift at any age.
- Telephone... Young people have fully mastered the Internet and modern technologies, and even at the age of seven, children are already interested in the world of smartphones. Around this period, you should think about communication with your child at school and on the street, so a smartphone is a good decision when choosing a gift. If you are planning to buy your first phone at this age, then you should not choose an expensive one.
In the store you can find options, the price of which does not rise above 6-7 thousand rubles. Such a smart device will allow you to always be in touch with your 7-year-old child, while an accidental breakdown or loss will not be financially critical.
- Animal... A pet is one of the best surprises for a seven year old. He instills in the child a sense of responsibility for a tamed creature. If a child has long dreamed of a pet, it is worth talking to him about caring for the animal. It is necessary to make it clear that the owner-child will have to carry out the cleaning and monitor the comfortable living of the pet.
This gift can be considered only if no one in the house suffers from an allergic reaction to this or that pet. You also need to make sure that the surprise is appropriate.If a gift is chosen for someone else's child, you need to ask the parents whether such a present will be acceptable: the family may not plan to purchase a pet.
- Radio controlled toy. Many radio-controlled models are available today: cars, robots, helicopters and dolls. A seven-year-old boy or girl is delighted with any device that can be remotely controlled. And while RC cars are common as gifts for boys, girls also enjoy remotely driving toy vehicles or caring for a robotic pet. Cat, dog, parrots - all of them are made today in the form of robotic animals and compare favorably with the real ones in that they do not require care.

What can you give an autistic person?
A special child needs to choose an individual gift, consider the most popular options.
- Tablet PC. With the development of applications for technical devices, you can find a lot of cognitive add-ons that are designed specifically for children with special needs. A tablet is a great way to get young talent interested in new knowledge and games.
- Constructor... Most children at the age of seven spend a lot of time alone. In their free time, putting together a constructor from numerous parts will be an exciting undertaking for them, so buying a large constructor for their 7-year-old birthday is a good choice. You can choose soft options for constructors (a bag of rag cubes, from which you can build your own castle, will definitely not leave a child indifferent). Hand motility and imagination develop the most in this case.
- Sets for needlework. It is difficult for a child diagnosed with autism to adapt to the world around him. However, for his seven-year anniversary, he will be glad to get the opportunity to do creative work. You can buy a set of plasticine or a set for drawing with paints as a gift - you need to build on the capabilities and character of the child.
The gift will help the young person realize his talent.

Unusual gifts for a blind child
A blind child also needs to purchase something special on his birthday: ordinary presents in this case may not work. Important note: a blind child “sees” and feels the world with his own hands. When choosing a gift, it must be borne in mind that sometimes a blind child may lag slightly behind his peers in development, since cognition of the world around him occurs without the aid of sight.
It is worth discussing the issue of choice with the parents of the child in order to accurately guess with the gift.

Contrary to established stereotypes, it is not necessary to donate books that are intended for the blind or educational toys. An ordinary car or a Barbie doll will delight the baby precisely by the fact that the gift will be the most "ordinary", like all children at this age. But if difficulties in choosing have arisen, consider the following options.
- Any musical toy for children that responds to pressing. A bear with a button inside, a toy piano, a "smart" phone with responsive keys - the musical accompaniment of these things will allow the child to be in communication with the world around him and the toy. The presence of voice commands in some toy products will also be a plus in choosing a gift.
- Soft, pleasant to the touch toy will cheer up any child. A blind child will be able to keep a plush friend next to him, stroking him and falling asleep at night. Such a gift can be a child's best friend.
- Development kits that differ from others in the presence of convex details. The magnetic alphabet, for example, will help you learn letters and have fun in your free time. It is worth focusing on those products that include numerous buttons / levers.

In the next video, you will find examples of successful gifts for a child for 7 years.