Birthday gifts

What to give your daughter-in-law for her birthday?

What to give your daughter-in-law for her birthday?
  1. What not to give
  2. Optimal gift options
  3. DIY gift
  4. Gifts from sister-in-law

Gifts play an important role in building the right relationships. To maintain warm and friendly relations, you should make presentations just like that, and a gift from the mother-in-law, chosen with heart, will delight the daughter-in-law, prepare a fertile ground for friendship and respect. How to please, what gift to present to the future daughter-in-law, we will consider in this article.

It is not difficult to choose a surprise for the birthday of the young wife of her son if you know her hobbies and tastes. Otherwise, it is better to choose gifts that are universal, without a claim to originality, because the preferences and wishes of the young daughter-in-law are still unknown.

What not to give

Surprises that can overwhelm or scare a girl are not good options. Gold jewelry with diamonds, mink coat, car - inappropriate offerings... And also not a very good surprise will be the offered help in repairing the apartment of the future daughter-in-law. As a rule, when the mother-in-law takes over the repair, she does everything to her liking. This is already considered a violation of all personal boundaries of the future daughter-in-law. In no case should such help be offered - it will completely scare away the still failed daughter-in-law.

Public congratulations from a hired orchestra or a creative team are also not the best gift from a mother-in-law. You can immediately cross out large household and kitchen appliances from gift tributes.

It is inappropriate to present a watch as a gift if the daughter-in-law is inclined to believe in folk omens. They are believed to have an energetic effect on the host. Or you need to “buy off” such gifts with coins, that is, accept the offering, and give the donor a certain small amount of small money.

It is undesirable to give pets as well. There are several good reasons for this:

  • pets, instead of joy, can bring unnecessary trouble and monetary costs;
  • with such a gift, only close, close family members can guess;
  • responsibility for the life of a pet is not to everyone's liking.

Optimal gift options

Giving a future daughter-in-law needs inexpensive gifts. In any case, the son's young girl will like the following things:

  • dull umbrella - the right thing, always useful on the farm;
  • road beautician - an irreplaceable thing when traveling;
  • jewelry box or miniature figurines for jewelry - rings, bracelets, chains are hung on them;
  • mascot - amulet for home, family;
  • robe for a bath;
  • set of towels for the bathroom;
  • hydromassage;
  • certificate to the spa;
  • coffee, tea, sweets;
  • aroma candles - will help not only create an atmosphere of comfort in the house, but also have a healing effect on the psyche.

It is rash to give gift sets related to skin care for the face, body. This is individual. The aroma of a perfume is difficult to guess. Only if the girl herself does not express preferences.

Gift offerings, universal and inexpensive, can show a good, kind attitude towards the future young daughter-in-law.

If a girl has already entered the family, then her needs are easier to recognize. In this case, the gift is chosen in accordance with the tastes of the birthday girl. It is not forbidden to give a daughter-in-law for a birthday:

  • gold jewelry - chain, earrings, ring, bracelet, pendant with a horoscope symbol or icon;
  • medium-sized household appliances - iron, vacuum cleaner, food processor, multicooker, electric meat grinder, air humidifier;
  • linens;
  • if a woman is driving, then you can present car accessories: snow brush, glass cloth, car fragrance;
  • beautiful, stylish leather diary, briefcase, business card holder;
  • certificate for cosmetic procedures;
  • gift basket with a set of tea, coffee, sweets, sweets, fruits - this will undoubtedly please the daughter-in-law.

Surprises can be both material and spiritual. It can be tickets for a performance, concert, evening of rest.

If you plan to give your young daughter-in-law tickets to a camp site or on a trip to the sea, then you definitely need to warn in advance, since people may have their own plans. Otherwise, such a surprise may put the daughter-in-law in an uncomfortable position.

A set of expensive high-quality dishes will delight the daughter-in-law. Cutlery, especially silver, is also a necessary thing in the household. According to popular beliefs, you should not give a set of knives - this can lead to quarrels and troubles in the family.

A bouquet of flowers will be a good gift from your mother-in-law. But an unusual bouquet, but an original one. Now there are many flower salons where they will make a wonderful composition of extravagant plants. If you know the preferences of the daughter-in-law, then you can choose flowers taking into account the taste of a relative. A shapeless bouquet of garden flowers is not an option for a birthday present.

In addition to the bouquet, you can take a cute postcard and wish you health, happiness, love. Write everything by hand, and not choose a postcard with ready-made wishes.

If you know the daughter-in-law's hobby, you can give a gift for this activity. It can be:

  • embroidery kits:
  • knitting accessories;
  • sets for decor;
  • paints, brushes, canvases;
  • sewing machine;
  • knitting machine;
  • casket for needlework;
  • a book corresponding to the daughter-in-law's hobby.

DIY gift

DIY things are always original. They keep warm and kind energy of hands. Such a sign of attention suggests that the birthday girl is dear and loved, and the time and effort spent on the craft only confirms this. If the mother-in-law is an excellent cook, why not present a handmade dish. Although many girls talk about diets, they love sweets and will be delighted with such a gift as a cake, unusual cookies, fruit baskets, cupcakes.

You can knit a cardigan, cape, pullover, provided that the size of the daughter-in-law is known. Blankets, original rugs, bedspreads will be a good gift. A mother-in-law with a long knitting experience can knit a beautiful dress for her daughter-in-law.

This option should be discussed in advance so that the gift does not gather dust in the closet, but becomes a really necessary thing in the birthday girl's wardrobe.

You can also surprise your daughter-in-law with embroidery. Nowadays it is fashionable to embroider with beads. The picture, embroidered with beads, will become a decoration of any apartment.

A wonderful surprise for the daughter-in-law will be custom portrait painted on canvas by a real artist. Such a work of art will not only bring aesthetic pleasure, but also fill the whole house with positive energy.

The modern look of the gift is a money envelope. This offering is universal and will please any daughter-in-law, as sometimes it is difficult to please the taste and mood of a person.

An expensive gift from a mother-in-law can be the result of generosity, or it can be used as a means of manipulation. When accepting an unjustifiably expensive offering, one should think about whether it was presented with sincere sympathy or with the aim of embarrassing and making it obligatory to the donor. In any case, you need to know that gifts love "reciprocal gestures."

If there is no way to repay with "the same coin", probably, you should not accept expensive offerings. You need to boldly and honestly talk about this with your mother-in-law.

Gifts from sister-in-law

A brother's sister is a sister-in-law; in most cases, she maintains friendly or friendly relations with her daughter-in-law, and therefore is aware of her tastes and desires. It is easier for the sister-in-law to pick up a sign of attention to the future daughter-in-law, since they are usually on the same wavelength, they know all the new items in perfumery, creams, and fashion. What should not be given from the mother-in-law is allowed to be given from the sister-in-law.

For example, you can give a brother's wife from a sister-in-law:

  • underwear, if the relationship is trusting;
  • creams for body and face skin care;
  • set for hair care;
  • clothes;
  • perfume;
  • a certificate for visiting a plastic surgeon, if the daughter-in-law herself discussed this option;
  • fashion accessories: beautiful leather belt, clutch, costume jewelry;
  • hats;
  • shoes.

The correct gift option is to go shopping with the young daughter-in-law, to pick up the things that are really necessary and suitable for her.

Whatever the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, one should strive better for a bad peace than for a good war. Accept the choice of a son, accept a new person into the family.

The initiative in this case should come from the mother-in-law: small gifts, sincere tokens of attention will create favorable conditions for respectful, good relations.

Undoubtedly, a gift from a mother-in-law should be from a pure heart, given with joy. What is important, gifts should be accepted with reciprocal sincere, kind gratitude. Even if the gift was not to your taste, it is not worth showing it, because the giver may be more upset than the birthday person. In no case should the gifts be re-donated, because it may happen that the gift will return back to the donor after some time, and this will be very ugly. Do not forget that giving surprises is as pleasant as receiving.

If you do not know what to give your daughter-in-law for her birthday, see a selection of original gifts further in the video.

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