Birthday gifts

What to give a guy for 20 years?

What to give a guy for 20 years?
  1. Age features
  2. Key ideas
  3. We share interests
  4. We give impressions
  5. Handmade
  6. What shouldn't be gifted?

Before presenting a gift to a young man, imagine yourself in his place. Now turn on your imagination 100% to guess what exactly will impress the birthday boy. You can give not only things that you can touch. You can give impressions and sensations that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Age features

A guy at 20 is no longer a boy, but not yet a husband. Almost all young people in their 20s go through a period of formation, their views and priorities change. Guys can be divided into 3 types.

  1. They are not particularly interested in girls, but everything else - friends, cars, careers - become the meaning of their lives. If you meet such a person, give a gift according to his interests.
  2. The second type, on the other hand, is simply obsessed with girls. He is extremely ambitious and is the soul of any company. All women's views are directed exclusively towards him. Therefore, it is not easy for such a guy to please with a gift. Don't worry, even such people can be "pacified" with an unusual presentation.
  3. The third type is seriousness itself, both in a career and in relationships with your other half. She loves and appreciates the girl, and takes off quickly and easily up the career ladder. It is not very easy to impress such a person with a gift, but it is possible. Here we "turn on" all our originality and give gifts, preferably in piece copies.

There are myths about male logic - it is complex, mysterious and incomprehensible. In fact, any man, especially at a young age, adheres to the rule: "It is easy to go through life and not complicate anything." Guys are alien to worries about seeing a jumper, hairstyle or, even more so, a manicure.

In their hearts, they are still the same boys-boys. This means that a gift in the form of a radio-controlled car or a paraglider will be incredibly happy.

And you can't get away from genetics. Anyone, even a twenty-year-old man, hunter and conqueror. Therefore, the "theme" will include a donated gun or fishing rod. Another feature of a young man who has crossed the threshold of the second ten is to hide and conceal his feelings. And to get them to the surface and send them in the right direction, just give him a ticket for two to the sunny coast. This will be his chance to show that he knows how to be attentive and charming.

Key ideas

Who, like mom and dad, knows their beloved boy best of all. He has already almost unlearned or even given up his duty in the ranks of the armed forces, and may be preparing to become a family man and a father of a family. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account precisely these circumstances and give the appropriate gift to the son from the parents.

Most young people by the age of 20 do not have their own financial "safety cushion", so banknotes will always come in handy.

But it is not necessary to give them in a completely banal way. For example, you can invest in a brand new wallet that smells of natural leather and wealth. Thus, the young man is given a chance to correctly use and profitably invest his first money. Or you can present the opportunity to accumulate and manage your finances competently in the future by donating shares of several companies of different directions. For example, one package with the securities of an oil company, another telecommunications.

You can also replace green, crispy bills with bars - gold, silver or platinum. But not all parents can fork out for such expensive gifts, it is important to teach your child financial literacy. Then present to your son the course: "How to correctly dispose of your first money." And if the son already lives separately and is surrounded by bare walls, then pieces of furniture will be very useful: a wardrobe, a sofa or a computer table. He will also need household appliances: a multicooker, a microwave oven or a robotic vacuum cleaner that is so relevant today.

Perhaps your son has already got his first car, for sure it is not so easy for him to maintain his "iron horse". Then feel free to give the birthday boy car accessories. To keep your car always shining with cleanliness, use a mini vacuum cleaner, panel polish and expensive deodorant in a beautiful bottle. And if mom and dad are concerned about the safety of their boy, then let them give a video recorder and a navigator. After all, any driver is an increased risk category. You can also significantly save on car maintenance.

In order to visit service stations as rarely as possible, present a device that measures tire pressure, and to it a pump and a set of specialized tools.

If the birthday boy is your friend, surprise him by visiting a wind tunnel. Such a gift does not depend on the season, and flights in a wind tunnel are supervised by qualified employees. Your friend can feel like a superhero. He will also be pleased if you together celebrate his 20th anniversary at the water park - hand him a certificate for a three-hour visit to such an extreme place.

If soon your brother turns 20, and there is not much time left, we go to any home appliance store and choose a "fancy" gadget. A good gift would be wireless headphones or compact portable music speakers. Or maybe your brother loves the world famous game of tanks? Then give him a game console or pay for a new modern model of a virtual tank.

Have you forgotten what your nephew is dreaming of? If even in a dream he sees himself as the protagonist of the film "Japanese Drift", then you can give him a paid extreme driving course for his birthday.Then all your relatives, including parents, will be calm about the life of their pet.

We share interests

It is always pleasant for a busy person to give gifts, because he has his own interests. Passionate young people are divided into several types.


At the age of twenty, all people involved in sports are at the peak of their careers. All the highest achievements fall on this period. Therefore, family and close friends can increase the chance of winning a gold medal through gifts. For lovers of winter sports, underwear with a thermal effect is suitable. Soccer fans will love the jersey with their favorite athlete's number. Sneakers from a well-known company will help you to quickly overcome a long distance in an athletics race.


A trip to an ancient city or even another country will appeal to a young traveler. If the donor is limited in money, then you can present a sleeping bag, a tent or a modern navigator with a GPS function.


Lover of noisy fun you can donate:

  • countermark for a concert of your favorite artist;
  • a ticket to a party in the club;
  • pay for a table in a trendy restaurant;
  • mirror ball with light and music accompaniment;
  • a stereo system with powerful speakers in addition with noise isolation for disgruntled neighbors.


Thrills can also be gifted, memories will last for years to come. Everything will depend on your imagination and financial ability. Options for an extreme gift-experience:

  • horseback riding along the mountain route;
  • playing paintball or laser tag;
  • if the body of water is close - water skiing or jet skiing;
  • independent parachute jump or paired with an instructor;
  • if you live next to a warm sea, then choose a dive into the depths of the sea;
  • if in your city there is a club of fans of balloons, then give the opportunity to "touch" the clouds with your hands.

    All these unforgettable events can be fixed by filming or photo session.

    You can also confirm your relationship with a lover with a pair tattoo. Before going to the salon, be sure to make sure that the master's qualifications meet the necessary requirements, and that the tools do not pose a threat to your health.

    We give impressions

    A young man can be given impressions from a girl. Quests are relevant today. Choose such a gift from a company with a high rating so that expectations coincide with reality, and your boyfriend can safely pass all stages of the test. Quests are different.

    1. Extreme - usually take place on the territory of abandoned factories and old buildings. They consist of a whole network of labyrinths, passing which you can gain courage and feel like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
    2. Scientific, with elements of horror movies. Nobody needs outdated laboratories, they are used for quests. In the company of real clinical equipment and specially trained actors, you will certainly become scared and creepy. You will have to solve "unsolvable" tasks under the sighting gaze of a monster chasing you.
    3. Fancy... For example, by solving the mystery of the female soul. Having solved non-trivial puzzles, you will finally understand the irrational female thinking and learn a lot of interesting things about your girlfriend.
    4. Historical... The most popular quest usually plunges you into the times of the Great Patriotic War. The appropriate surroundings, sounds and even smells will make you feel the feelings of that generation as realistically as possible. Going through each stage in bunkers and dugouts, solving tactical difficult tasks, you will be filmed and given a photograph in vintage style.


    If you are a big dreamer and an original nature, then you can easily translate the idea of ​​a handmade gift into reality. The following can be made.

    • Edible bouquet of sausages and cheese products. For a gift, you will need thin sausages on a skewer, smoked cheese in the form of a pigtail, and in the form of a semantic load and a subtle hint, add thin fiery hot red pepper between the cheese and sausages. Such a gift will look beautiful if wrapped in craft paper.
    • Knit a warm sweater or a set of scarf, hat and mittens.
    • To draw a picture with a theme close to the birthday man.
    • To mold from clay a beautiful vase or figurine.

    What shouldn't be gifted?

    • Do not in any way give to a young man slippers... Looking at such a gift, he will imagine himself as an old wreck, which can only dream of peace and comfort in the form of woolen socks and an openwork plaid.
    • Alcoholic drinks. After such a presentation, the young man will think that you consider him a potential alcoholic.
    • Socks / Briefs Is the most derogatory category of gifts. Such a gift will quickly dispel the festive mood.
    • Eau de toilette or cologne. Even the most subtle, barely perceptible perfume note can turn a young man away from the giver forever. Only the birthday man himself is able to choose a good perfume according to his taste and smell.

    For gift ideas for a guy for 20 years, see the following video:

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