What to give a guy for 21 years old?

Twenty-one years is a serious age for a young man. At this time, the personality is fully formed, there is a choice of life values. To give an original gift to a guy on his 21st birthday, you need to explore all possible options. It should be noted that the price of the gift does not matter.
If you approach the choice correctly, for a small amount you can buy an excellent gift for your brother, son, husband for your 21st birthday.

What is the best presentation?
- Book, comic strip, magazine. The choice should be based on the interests of the man himself. If he is fond of video games, it is better to buy a comic book on the game universe, if he likes to read science fiction, you can buy several books in the corresponding genre (for example, S. King). The book in all its manifestations was and will be at the head of the choice of a gift, because it combines the maximum of useful and pleasant qualities: self-development, leisure, new information.

- Technique. An external hard drive, a tablet, a speaker, headphones, an e-book - each of the presents will definitely please the guy, the main thing is that it matches the hobbies of the birthday man. With competent communication, you can find out what a young man does not have at the moment and what he would like to buy, and then buy or order a product on the Internet.

- Impression. A parachute jump, a shooting lesson or the opportunity to take part in a paintball battle, a master class on extreme driving - an adrenaline rush that can be given to a man for 21 years.
It is important to present the certificate only to sociable and open people. Calm or squeezed guys will clearly not like such a gift.

- Wrist watch. The watch will not become outdated like any other gadget.An ordinary wrist accessory is a symbol of stability and solvency, as well as the ability to always keep up with the times. The design of the model should be selected based on the preferences of the man in clothing: if the guy wears neutral suits, the classic version of the wristwatch will do, and if he prefers a sporty or modern style, but you can present options with additional options (they are also called "smart"): health monitoring , SMS and call management, GPS and more.
- Perfume... Perfume differs from deodorants in that it has a bright, individual scent. As a rule, such a gift should be given to those men who do not have a favorite scent, otherwise the gift will gather dust in the chest of drawers.

- Certificate. Any store can be considered for the purchase of a certificate: clothing, equipment, perfumery. This is done so that the guy will definitely get himself an individual present. A gift certificate can be compared to money in an envelope. But when the certificate is presented, the guy will definitely not be left without a gift - he will go and buy something, and not spend money on little things.
A gym membership is also suitable - a son or brother will definitely be happy with such a surprise.

What should not be gifted?
- Money in an envelope. The money present itself is a good option. However, often at the age of 21, the amount of money is spent not on a gift, but on payment for food, accommodation, and small purchases. Gift money just goes to household expenses. An exception to the rule - you can give money if the guy is saving up for some expensive purchase (laptop, video camera). In this case, the bills will definitely not be wasted.
- Hygiene supplies... This includes: shower gel, soap (except for handmade soap), razors, skin cream, socks, underpants, T-shirts. The guy will buy all these things himself in the amount that he needs.
- Umbrella. An umbrella is very useful for walking in the rain, but it is not suitable as a gift for the twenty-first birthday. An umbrella is a thing that a man, if necessary, will acquire himself.
- Bracelets, chains, rings. The male gender pays less attention to jewelry. A handsome stately ring may not please a man, because wearing accessories is unacceptable for him. Many guys prefer to wear only a wedding ring on their finger and a cross around their neck.
- Flowers. Flowers are an impractical gift. In addition, flowers in men are usually associated with women.

What to consider when choosing?
- The interests of the guy. There is a stereotype like “all men love football, so you can give a ticket to the match”. Of course, such a gift is possible, but the males also have hobbies and interests, in addition to sports. If, before his birthday, it is unobtrusive to find out what the young man has been passionate about lately, the issue with the gift will be resolved.
- Banal birthday gifts spoil the experience. On this holiday, anyone wants to get something bright, dynamic and funny. A box of chocolates, a mug with a photo - all these are already outdated gifts that do not evoke emotions. If there are no ideas for a presentation, then you can directly ask what the birthday person would like - at this age a person will even be happy with such a question.
- Quality is the basis for a gift... Be sure to choose a product from several options in order to buy the best possible one. It is not recommended to give a gift of questionable quality.
- You don’t need to give something that will be used by someone else.... Such a gift will not be useful to the guy.

Budget options
There is not always financial means to purchase a gift. You can congratulate a person on his birthday without spending large sums, it is enough to show ingenuity and ingenuity - useful gifts are not always expensive.
- USB accessory. Most people use laptops and desktop computers. You can take advantage of this fact and buy a device that works from a USB connector as a gift.There are many options: flashlight, mini-fan, mug warmer.
Such a present will be an original, useful and necessary accessory when working with computers, and the price of such devices fluctuates around 300 rubles for several pieces.

- Thermos. A thermos is useful in any situation, because not only fishermen and hunters spend a lot of time on the street. Hot tea, coffee or fruit drink will warm the person who is outside the house. As a gift for 21 years, you can buy a medium-sized thermos (1-1.5 liters). More will be much, and less will be too small for two cups of drink.

- Antistress. Everyone sometimes has to deal with numerous problems. Nerves sometimes fail, and there is depression, irritability. An accessory designed to relieve stress is perfect for a gift. It can be a soft ball, a cube with numerous buttons and levers - there are plenty of options on Aliexpress.
You don't have to think that at 21 years old such a thing will seem stupid - sometimes anti-stress toys help people to control themselves.

- Smartphone case. It is enough to know the phone model to get a beautiful and stylish case. If a girl makes such a gift to her boyfriend, it is better to choose a romantic design: two cats, many hearts, and so on. The case will appeal to those guys who like to customize their technique.

- Handmade gift: keychain, soap or painting. Any gift made from the heart is appreciated above all else. You can not spend money at all, but use the means at hand. The main thing is the accuracy and individuality of the gift. The stores sell kits for making homemade gifts, so making a personalized gift is easy.

Watch a selection of birthday gift ideas for your boyfriend in the video below.