What to give a woman for 60 years?

60 years is a beautiful, worthy date, and if a woman celebrates her sixtieth birthday, such an elegant age can and should be emphasized. There is also in the minds of ordinary people (fortunately, not all) the association of this beautiful date with the retirement age, which is only suitable for grandchildren and summer cottages. Alas, these circumstances are often hinted at by the gifts that are presented to the heroes of the day - they are not at all complementary to age.

Features of choice
By and large, the choice of a gift is little tied to the date. All people are different, and one 60-year-old woman sincerely wants to get a new knitting kit, another wants to get a new bicycle as a gift, and the third will not refuse a certificate to a beauty salon.

Therefore, what to give to a woman is not a question of the date, the number written in the passport, but a question of individuality.
A rare birthday is complete without flowers. And even if a woman shyly shrugs off bouquets, there are practically no ladies who are not pleased with flowers, and no one will refuse an armful of roses or a bouquet of delicate chrysanthemums. Yes, they are not cheap but this is an invariable attribute of an anniversary gift, without which any present looks somewhat unfinished.
Which flowers are best.
- Roses are a classic. It is believed that women of age need to be presented with roses of deep dark shades (burgundy and red), but this rule is possible and sometimes needs to be violated. If your hero of the day is a gentle blonde who prefers light outfits and some airiness in her look, dark roses will be alien to such a mood. Pink, white, tea, nude are suitable for both aunt and girlfriend for 60 years.

- Tulips. If it's springtime, it's hard to find something more relevant than tulips.Either a gorgeous bouquet, where there will be more than a dozen of them, or 7 things diluted with gypsophila - it looks convincing, bright, solemn.

- Chrysanthemums. Budgetary, but not at all a pass-through option. The more luxuriant the bouquet, the better. Don't be afraid to mix shades ranging from whites to deep lilacs. These flowers in large numbers do not need special packaging.

- Gerberas. It is appropriate if grandchildren give a modest bouquet of gerberas to a grandmother - it looks more natural than the same gift from adults.

- Assorted. The intricate bouquet is worthy of an elegant age of 60. Sister or matchmaker, boss or friend - an interesting composition will be a compliment, which is definitely not superfluous.

We start with flowers, but we do not end. What if you want to congratulate a lady, but, for example, you are not invited to a gala dinner, and your gift is rather a sign of attention? For example, the birthday of your colleague, tutor, mom's friend. Remember the best gift - a book? The expression is not in the least outdated. Yes, there is almost no need to stand in line for books today, but how has typographic work changed, what amazing collectible editions you can buy in a bookstore today!

If a person close to you appreciates art, you can give him an album with the work of your favorite artist.
Other unassuming gifts include jewelry box, key holder, business card holder, notebook... If the gift is symbolic, then do not refuse such platitudes as chocolate, sweets, coffee, tea. A cute sign of attention will emphasize that you remember the holiday date and want to please the person.

Original ideas
Many requests come with the message “I want to give something original”. An unusual gift is always a tough nut to crack for friends and family, but sometimes it makes sense to break your head in order to come up with some really interesting idea.
If you want to present flowers in an unusual way, it can be floristic composition in an envelope, hat, cylinder. Sometimes it is these flowers that should be given to the boss - such a creative form of the gift will not affect the subordination, but it can relieve some tension, excessive severity.

It will be more difficult with an original perfume: you always need to be sure that the hero of the day will like the perfume. Therefore, it is worthwhile to conduct "reconnaissance" in advance: accidentally slip the testers, draw conclusions in time and remember. And, of course, if you know that mom is dreaming about some brand perfume, but cannot afford such an expensive eau de toilette, give your mom just such a gift. And at 60, dreams should come true!

Yes, perhaps the birthday girl will say that spending is crazy and you shouldn't have given so much money for a regular perfume, but deep down she will be more than happy.
A creative gift for a florist can be called aquarium for succulents. If your birthday girl is interested in such plants, then she will definitely like to equip a "house" for them. A gift that is both creative and unusual, and playing along with the lady's hobbies.

My wife needs a special gift. There was so much for family life - and some events were captured in photos and on video. Give the archives to the master, comment on the images, and he will create a film that will touch not only the birthday girl, but all the guests at the festival.

A photo book can be considered an unusual gift as well. From children, grandchildren - it is appropriate, it is warm and touching. For a complete surprise, order a holiday photobook delivery. In the morning, a messenger with a mysterious beautiful packaging will come to the birthday girl (do not forget to accompany the gift with flowers, even one rose). A great start to your birthday!

Comic surprises
If you are sure that the hero of the day will appreciate the jokes, you can think about such a festive program. Play a scene, shoot a comic video greeting, order a magician or comedian for a holiday - there are a lot of options.
Do you think the same illusionist is out of place at such a respectable holiday? In some cases, it will be "the cherry on the cake" - all guests will be waiting for the usual toasts, dancing and an abundance of delicious food. And when a magician appears in front of everyone and gives out miracles and surprise guests with tricks, it will cheer everyone up (and the hero of the day in the first place).

If you want to organize a comic surprise yourself, try editing a funny video. Make video clips of famous people (from pop artists to presidents), just remove the original sound, replace it with your own congratulations to the hero of the day. The voice in the video processing software can be changed. Surely the birthday girl will not expect this, and for a festive evening such a joke will definitely be successful.

The most sincere comic gifts are from children. Play a scene, let them sing ditties, take part in such a performance yourself. But remember about the appropriateness of jokes: try to bypass the topic of age (it is very slippery), try not to hint about all the delights of retirement, etc.

Humorous toasts and congratulations should not prevail at the holiday, yet 60 years is some kind of milestone, the age is beautiful and strong, and the hero of the day wants sincerity, warmth, compliments, and not endless jokes.
But a rare woman wants a comic congratulation to be the only one. As an addition, the attachment to the main gift is wonderful, but still for 60 years a woman wants something more solid, valuable. And even comic gifts (like a frog jumping out of a music box) can even be offensive to a woman.

Practical things
If you know that a mother-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law or colleague should not give impressions, armfuls of roses and performances by artists as a gift, she is probably a practical person and means this in every possible way. And this is her right! Do not try to convince the birthday girl, but please her with what she will accurately assess and be able to apply in practice.
- Household Appliance Store Certificate... A wonderful gift, because the birthday girl can really use your present the way she needs. You do not have to worry about choosing a suitable toaster or kettle, on the other hand, you don’t give money (by the way, such a gift does not fit into the rules of good form). In the same way, you can purchase other certificates - to a clothing store, cosmetics, handicrafts, bedding, etc.

- Cookware sets... No, no, this is not a return to the Soviet tradition. But if you are at least a little versed in this fashion (and there is also a fashion for dishes), then you will agree that this gift will be gorgeous. In addition, women often cannot part with their old, well-worn sets of dishes, which have long gone out of fashion, and do not pretend to be vintage.

Then your gift will be highly appreciated, and it will definitely not gather dust on the shelves.
- Furniture. And why not, if you are a close relative or friend, and you know what the hero of the day needs? You can choose a chest of drawers, a coffee table or a bed (what is needed) together with the birthday girl the day before, and on her birthday it will be delivered to the address. More than practical, and no need to rack your brains.

- Subscription to the gym / pool / dancing. If you know that the birthday girl is not averse to taking care of herself, she has long wanted it, but all hands do not reach, you can bring her dream closer to her. Just buy a long-term subscription so that the hero of the day is carried away by the new activity in earnest, and she was not tempted to quit this business.

- Bicycle / skis... Active women will not refuse such a gift. Perhaps they themselves have long dreamed of changing their old bike to a modern one, "with bells and whistles" or buying skis that slide no worse than the skis of Daria Domracheva. All this can be bought today - and if the gift is expensive for one, try to unite with the whole family.

- A voucher to the sanatorium. Such rest, combined with health improvement, is needed not only for people of age. But a large number of sixty-year-old women can only afford to rest in the country.You can contact a therapist who treats your relative: he will advise which sanatorium would be the best choice.
And, of course, this gift is unlikely to be appropriate if during the sanatorium time a lot of things fall on the birthday girl - help with them, so that the person close to you has every opportunity to devote a few weeks to his beloved.

- Bank account. For the most practical, this option will be very good. Open a savings account in a bank at good interest, let the starting amount be worthy for such an undertaking. Many people in their 60s worry that they do not have a "safety cushion" in the form of financial savings. For a pensioner, such an account is a great help.

Any practical gift may not have the most practical addition. For example, two tickets to the cinema are kind of a trifle, but it cheers up, dilutes the routine of everyday life. Take your mom to the museum (and don't get off with a ticket, but keep her company), go to the same movie, go shopping and buy something that caught her eye.

If your relative or friend, for some reason, does not want to celebrate a birthday brightly, there are situations when you take over his modest organization. If not everything is in order with health or not the easiest period in life, a person really may not have the strength to celebrate. At the same time, you will certainly catch, I would like the birthday girl, albeit modest, but a festive dinner on this day, and close people nearby.
If so, book a table in a cafe, call the closest ones, and under the pretext of going to the store or somewhere else, take the birthday girl to dinner in her honor. It is better, of course, to invite your mother (friend, colleague, relative) to the Philharmonic or to the theater, so that the appearance matches the celebration.

Care and attention is the most valuable and warmest gift that everyone needs.
DIY gifts
If your beloved grandmother has a birthday, the grandchildren should definitely take part in the holiday preparations. Rehearsed dances and poems, postcards and drawings - this is an impression that grandmother cannot but appreciate. Especially if the guys do not work in an impromptu program, but really prepared, tried, rehearsed.

If the family has rhyming, you can ask him to write a poem for the birthday girl, and the grandchildren will learn it and read it touchingly.
If the grandchildren are older, then a festive table can be a wonderful gift for a grandmother from the grandchildren. Teenagers, students can deal with this if they approach the matter thoroughly. And while the grandmother is with other relatives or friends at work (in the theater / in the cinema), the grandchildren can show their culinary skills. Granny will certainly appreciate such a gastro feat!

Grandmothers rejoice with all their hearts at handicrafts, handicrafts, works of varying complexity. Will the birthday girl refuse to demonstrate to the guests how wonderfully her grandson plays the violin or how talented her granddaughter draws? Of course, all greeting numbers must be rehearsed with the parents.

And "for dessert" - a family birthday script for the hero of the day, who is celebrating her sixtieth birthday. Try to make it so that in the morning (or in the morning) you can festively decorate the house. If the birthday girl is at work, you can take advantage of this time.
If not, come up with some pleasant affair where she could go away.

One part of those participating in the congratulation is busy with the table. If you don't want to spend the whole day in the kitchen, order catering, everything will be done quickly, beautifully and tasty. The other part of those participating in the congratulation prepares gifts (goes for flowers, draws up gift certificates, etc.) As a result, the birthday girl should come to the decorated house, at the festive table, her task is to enjoy her birthday and have time to receive gifts.

Do you think this scenario will not work? And you suggest (mom, mother-in-law, grandmother) to abandon the usual troubles on this day. We are almost sure that it will be easy to persuade if you demonstrate a willingness to take on all the attributes of the holiday. And don't forget to take more photos! Then it's so cool to look at them, smile, remember funny moments, look at all the nuances of the holiday.

Do not give gifts on duty, do not get off with a round sum in an envelope, do not say words whose meaning has long been devalued by frequent repetition. Our loved ones deserve attention, our thoughts, strength, efforts - in the end, everyone is happy and inspired!
See the video below for what you can give your mom for her birthday.