Gift ideas for the New Year for girls 3-4 years old

All parents love their children very much and want to delight them with various gifts. By the age of four, children already consciously understand what is happening around, and mothers and fathers want to please them. They very carefully observe how their child develops, how his thinking works, how the baby reacts to the world around him, what interests he has. After all, it is at this age that the formation of the personality takes place.

Features of choice
A New Year's gift should be chosen based on the wishes of your child, as well as taking into account the quality and cost of toys. When creating New Year's magic for your treasure, you need to think over everything to the smallest detail, which means that you do not forget a single character or details of the New Year's fairy tale: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree and a gift.
It is very important for parents to convey the New Year's mood with a gift so that the child feels the magic of the holiday. Three- and four-year-old girls are always looking forward to this magic, which happens once a year.
You can invite actors or negotiate with relatives who can transform into the main characters.

While the children are small, they will watch what is happening with interest and sincerely believe in the New Year's miracle, and this will be remembered for a long time.
You can also use your wit and think a little about how interesting and unusual it is to congratulate the baby. For example, while she sleeps, quietly put a small gift under the pillow, and the next morning say that Santa Claus came.
In this case, it is better to put the main gift under the tree.
Popular options
Choosing a gift for a 3-4 year old girl will not be difficult. The majority of parents choose standard options: strollers, dolls, tableware sets... Here are some more popular New Year gift ideas.

Educational games
At this age, the child actively absorbs information and enjoys all kinds of developmental games. They are focused on developing a child's attentiveness and good memory. These games include, for example, puzzle.
If the child is enthusiastic, then this indicates his interest and desire to learn.

Sporting goods
Many children's stores have dedicated sections that offer sporting goods for children of all ages. If you are choosing a gift for a 4-year-old girl, then should be guided by her interest in physical activities. Rollers, skates, a scooter, a bicycle can be ideal.

Learning materials
By the age of four, a large number of questions already arise in a child's head. In order for the child to develop correctly, The first teaching materials are best for a gift. These include different sets of letters and numbers.
Also this age is ideal for learning English. And a good gift would be, for example, alphabet with pictures in English.

Young children are very fond of creating. Their work is varied and includes drawing, modeling, assembling the constructor.
The best gifts in this case will be a drawing kit, puzzles, felt-tip pens, etc.

And if your child loves pets, then the choice of a gift is obvious - this is puppy or kitten. The kid will be in seventh heaven. Also, an original gift will be fish or parrot.
But get ready that you will have to fulfill some of the responsibilities of caring for animals, since the girl is not yet old enough to understand the extent of her responsibility. But you can teach the baby a careful attitude towards our smaller brothers.

Unusual gifts
To really surprise your baby you should be smart and choose something a little different.
- A projector for drawing lessons. A special and very exciting gift that can reproduce the images that the child drew. This is a very interesting and developing present.
- A fun and interesting gift is bath powder. The point is that when it mixes with water, it turns into jelly. It's kind of fun for the kids.
- Chocolate coloring. A very tasty and original gift for a little princess. Its meaning is that the jars of chocolate paints must be heated and applied to the base. Once the chocolate has hardened, you can eat it.
- Children's kaleidoscope. A bright gift made of colored glass and patterns will not leave indifferent any child. This toy is very addicting and develops attention. This budget option is quite suitable for the theme of the New Year.
- Kinetic sand has become a very popular gift lately. It is unusual in composition and very pleasant to the touch. It looks like quite ordinary sand, but there is a viscous mass in the composition of the grains of sand, which makes it possible to make different figures. The manufacturer usually includes molds and brochures with the kit to see examples of what can be built from this sand. Even parents do not mind to get carried away with this activity and immerse themselves in entertaining creativity with their child.
- Glowing paints. At first glance, they are no different from ordinary ones. But the magic starts when the lights go out. The colors begin to shimmer very beautifully. It will be interesting if parents allow their child to play pranks in their room and apply paints on various surfaces.
- Another original gift - This is a magnetic mosaic tablet. Details allow interesting figures to be laid out on the surface. Such a gift is very suitable for a three-year-old daughter. It will be not only pleasant, but also useful. This toy will develop hand motility and have a positive effect on the development of the child.
- Artificial snow. A very unusual and relevant surprise for the New Year.A white powder is mixed with water to create a blue, sparkling snowball. You cannot distinguish it from the present at all. Girls can play with him with dolls, imitating winter and sledding various toys in the snow. The child will be delighted with such a gift.

As you can see, there is an assortment of presents for the New Year for every taste and budget, so you can please any, even the most demanding child.

At the same time, it is important to take into account the interests of the daughter or granddaughter and choose gifts with soul.
Remember that on the eve of the New Year you need to be able to give kids not only gifts, but also the magical atmosphere of the holiday.

For interesting gift ideas for the New Year for a girl of 4 years old, see the video below.