When are gifts for the New Year?

New Year is a celebration of fun and magic. Not only children but also adults love to receive gifts. The special atmosphere of the holiday with many interesting traditions and fairy tales is not overshadowed by even the many troubles in preparation. Many people think about exactly when to give and open gifts.

Features of tradition
On the eve of the holiday, the whole family chooses a tree, sets and decorates it. Often tinsel and garlands hang around the whole house, which makes the atmosphere even more cozy and atmospheric. Santa Claus gives gifts to the child for the New Year. Parents are out of work at all, kids know this for sure. Writing a letter can rightfully be called the most magical New Year's tradition.
On the eve of the holiday, remind your child about the magic mail. Hand in a pen and a leaf, take care of a beautiful envelope. If the baby still does not know how to write, then let him dictate the text to you, write the message together. Another option is to invite the kid to draw what he wants.

There are several ways to convey wishes to Santa Claus:
- hang on a tree;
- put on the window;
- invite the animators of Santa Claus and Snegurochka so that the child personally hand over the envelope.
According to the New Year's tradition, adults leave gifts under the tree, where children find them. If the house has a fireplace, then you can place it next to it.
Tell the kid that Santa Claus got into the house through the chimney. In all other cases, it can be a window or balcony. You can call the animators again or change someone from the family into a wizard to give the gift.

How many gifts are placed under the tree?
There are simply no exact traditions on this score, so you can build on the circumstances and age of the child.Gifts are prepared in advance and are usually placed under the tree. Everything should be folded as imperceptibly as possible for the child, so as not to shake his faith in a fairy tale.
Most families believe that the holiday begins on December 31, and therefore gifts are given on the night of December 30 to 31, or in the morning. If on the day of the main adult's troubles the child is already with sweets and toys, then he will not feel so much the lack of increased attention to his person.
Giving gifts to adults at this time is not a good idea. Everyone is busy cooking or preparing at home, quite stressful and unlikely to fully enjoy the magical feeling.

Other families are used to giving gifts on the night of December 31 to January 1. This is due to the fact that the 1st of the year begins. You can correctly put gifts under the tree like this.
- While the chimes are striking and the children are busy with fireworks, sparklers... Imperceptibly, one of the adults must put gifts under the tree. Then the child will enjoy the toys at night.
- While the children are sleeping. You can neatly lay out the boxes and wait for the baby to wake up. On the morning of January 1, the child will happily run to rustle the packages.

Gifts for adults are given during a festive feast, after the chimes. There are also several options. You can transfer from hand to hand or also lay out everything under the tree... In the latter case, the use of name tags is relevant.
The exact choice of time and date largely depends on the age and characteristics of the baby. You should not wake up the child at night: if he fell asleep, then let him enjoy the present in the morning.
If the child is sitting at the table with you, then give gifts at the same time as adults. You can give gifts to babies at any time from December 30 to January 1.

Delivery Secrets
Of great importance is not only what you give, but also how you do it. When it comes to magical New Year's surprises, this rule is especially relevant. Taking into account the customs of the ancestors, certain donation traditions were formed. Each family chooses something that suits them and passes it on to the younger ones.

Some secrets.
- The gifts are stacked in a large red bag decorated with stickers and tinsel. The names of the recipient are written on the boxes, but the donor remains unknown. The bag is thrown under the door after the chimes. Someone from adults, or better from children, goes to check, finds gifts and brings them into the house. Giving alternates with toasts and jokes, so it can take several hours.
- The method is similar to the previous one.... Only when receiving gifts from the box, they read a humorous description of the person to whom it is intended.
- For children, you can come up with a whole quest, at the end of which there will be a gift. Create encrypted clue notes and place them in a specially prepared room. You can dot the floor with pointers made of tinsel or serpentine. When the children receive a well-deserved prize at the end, their joy knows no bounds. In this case, it is better to closely associate the tasks with the holiday.
- Make a card of Santa Claus, on which the places with gifts will be indicated with crosses. Tell the child that Grandfather had a hole in the bag and the boxes fell. The recipient names must be encrypted so that they can only be read with the magic key.
- In the 19th century, at public Christmas trees, children played the game "Transfer". Adults give a gift that is wrapped in many layers of paper. Children pass the packaging from hand to hand, gradually removing the layers. The gift was taken by the one who removed the last paper. The child left the circle and the game began again.
- Hang sweets with the names of the gifts on the tree. Bag forfeits. Both adults and children can take part in such entertainment. Everyone chooses a phantom, completes the task and takes a candy from the tree. Accordingly, everyone wins a special gift. It's a lot of fun.
- Guests should find their special business card on the tree. It should include a name, personality traits, habits, or fun facts. On the back, place the coordinates where the personalized gift is.The person being gifted will start searching with pleasure.

When is it customary to open?
Receiving gifts is a lot of fun and enjoyable. Many people think about when to open them. If we are talking about children, then they start unpacking immediately. On an adult holiday, little changes either.
An important feature of the New Year is that it is customary to unpack presents in public, right during the feast.
Be sure to thank for the gift, show the donor your emotions. When it comes to children, let them try out a new toy or eat candy right away, depending on what you give. New Year's magic shouldn't be burdened with parental grumpiness.

See interesting facts about New Year's traditions in the following video.