Gift ideas for a boy 4-5 years old for the New Year

On New Year's Eve, every child is waiting for fabulous miracles and dreams of the best gift from Santa Claus. Boys at the age of 4-5 already know about the existence of the winter wizard, so they are looking forward to a surprise. True, the kids do not even suspect that their true wizards, namely mothers and fathers, begin to puzzle in advance over what to surprise their little son with. If the New Year is just around the corner, and the issue with the gift has not been resolved, we suggest using the following recommendations.

Age features
It is important to understand that at the age of 4-5, a child will be happy with a car, a gun, an airplane, but such a gift will captivate him only for a few days, and over time it will be thrown to the bottom of a box with toys. That is, this is not the magic present that children are expecting for the New Year. To interest the baby, you should take into account the peculiarities of age.
For example, school-related gifts are relevant for children who are already five years old. At this age, children remember that school time is just around the corner, and are already in anticipation of their first school line. Therefore, a gift that can be prepared for training is a practical and exciting option for a boy. Books, alphabet, encyclopedias, educational computer games, intellectual board games are suitable as a presentation.

At the age of 4-5, children already know exactly what they want. This can be seen in their hobbies. Paying attention to the interests of the child can make a wonderful themed gift. If this is football, then the kid will be happy with a new ball, if he likes animals, then give a toy four-legged friend, if he loves to sculpt from plasticine, he will be happy to receive a children's set for sculpting from polymer clay.
Do not forget that until the age of 7, adults should participate in all the child's games, so choose a gift that will be attractive for mom and dad. This can be, for example, board games or participation in family sports competitions.

Remember that you are raising your future man, therefore give preference to sports presentations as well. At this age, it is better to give sports equipment, and not sportswear, since at 4-5 years old boys still do not understand the need for a special uniform, it seems to them that a regular T-shirt is suitable for sports, so they will not understand the essence of such a gift.
Now in many families it is customary to give gadgets to children, but you need to be careful with this.... A tablet, laptop, mobile phone are quite serious gifts that can become constant companions of a child, although they should serve as his assistant.
Therefore, it is better not to give a gadget to a kid if his parents are not too sure that they will be able to constantly monitor their son's relationship with technology.

To better understand what the child wants from the winter wizard, you can ask him to write a letter to Santa Claus. Without the help of the parents, the baby will still not be able to cope with this task, he will ask mom or dad for help in writing, this tricky move will allow him to find out what the child is waiting for in the New Year. True, be prepared for the fact that the child may ask for a rather expensive gift. In this case, psychologists advise explaining to your son that Santa Claus is still not omnipotent, and therefore it is better to ask for a more modest gift.
Another option for those parents who cannot afford the ordered gift is to send a letter from the winter wizard in response to the baby. In it, Santa Claus will apologize for not being able to present the boy with the gift of his dreams, since now his bag does not contain the desired item, but he will give something else, even more interesting and useful.
Usually, a personal response letter causes a storm of emotions in children, and the bitterness that the necessary presentation is not given fades into the background. Morally, the child will already be ready for another gift under the tree, and will not be upset when he sees another surprise.

How to choose the right gift?
When making a New Year's gift for a 4-5 year old boy, be guided by the following criteria.
- Board or group game. This is exactly the age when the baby begins to build relationships with peers, listen to parents, feel like a member of society. Therefore, a game that requires the participation of several people will come in handy. You can "test" the game right during the holiday - this will once again bring the family closer and create a cozy family atmosphere.
As a gift, cards with quizzes, chess, tactical games, loto, various puzzles are suitable.

- Sports development. It was already noted above that from childhood it is important to educate a man in a boy. Moreover, at this age, boys are usually more mobile than girls. Even if the child is not yet fond of sports, a new sports gift will once again make him touch this area and, possibly, will interest the future athlete.
Popular sports gifts for boys of this age are a trampoline, a hoop, skates, rollers.

- Educational games. Parents of four-year-olds know how many questions a child can ask per minute. Buying an educational game can keep the boy interested and make life easier for his parents. Now the child will find answers to many questions in the game. Among the educational games, sets of letters, numbers, and the English alphabet will be useful. If the child is already 5 years old, then you can give him books, encyclopedias about space, technology, dinosaurs, Vikings are especially interesting for preschoolers.
If you supplement a book about travel with a real globe, binoculars or an atlas, then the child will be completely delighted.

- Gifts Developing Charity... In order for a child to grow up not only smart and athletic, but also kind, you can give him a real animal. At this age, every child dreams of a puppy or kitten.
However, remember that the main concern for the four-legged family member will fall on the shoulders of the parents, so if mom and dad are not ready for such a gift, then it is better to limit yourself to a toy dog or a robotic dog.

Original presentation ideas
A boy of 4-5 years old will be happy with any games associated with his favorite cartoon. At this age, children love The Flash, Lightning McQueen, Paw Patrol and others. A set of favorite characters will delight the boy in the New Year.
Of course, all boys adore cars since childhood, however, a traditional toy vehicle will interest a child only for a few days, so it is better to buy some unusual copy. Let it be a radio-controlled car or a railroad.
It will be even more fun if the child receives a controlled helicopter, plane or tank as a New Year's gift - he will be happy to show off such a toy in the yard or in kindergarten.

At this age, most boys are fond of superhero robots from "Transformers", so Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and other characters presented in the New Year will cause a lot of positive emotions in the young recipient. In stores, these toys are offered in interesting transforming forms, for example, cars can turn into heroes armed with intergalactic weapons.

Most four- and five-year-old boys are happy with the designer, however, remember that at this age, the designer should consist exclusively of large parts. The child will also be happy with table football or air hockey. By the way, these options are good not only for the baby, but also for all family members - board sports games are very exciting for adults.
Do not forget about such original gifts as going to the theater, water park, skating rink... A trip to the camp site is also a great option.
However, in these cases, it is still better to supplement the gift with something material, at least a small machine. Still, at 4-5 years old, kids perceive as a gift something that can be touched with their hands.

Educational games and kits for creativity
Classic wooden and plastic construction kits are a great option for a little boy. They develop creativity, hand motor skills, imagination. These initial skills will be very useful to the future man.
The set for a young master should also be included in the same category. The preschooler sees how dad is putting the house in order: nailing down a fallen picture, mending a broken stool. Of course, the kid also wants to be included in this process, and the tools for young craftsmen will help him to master this science faster. Usually, the kit includes toy keys, files, screwdrivers and pliers, some kits even include chainsaws and helmets, and the case itself resembles a toolbox, like a real carpenter.

Wooden instruments are very good at developing the child's cognitive abilities, especially they should attract parents who are fond of the Montessori system. Usually these are bright beautiful sets, to which the young master will definitely not remain indifferent. Also, educational games include sets of a young electrician, spy, detective, astronaut, traveler. Depending on the boy's hobbies, choose any of the proposed sets.
Also, in the children's departments, separate sets for creativity are offered, for example, "Color a flashlight", "Build an autodrome", "Create a ship", "Make an airplane" and others. All of them are not only interesting for the young designer, but also useful.

For little lovers of creativity, they are perfect Finger paint. Energetic children quickly get bored with drawing lessons, they want to move more, to misbehave, and a set of finger paints just gives such an opportunity. A set of bright colors develops imagination, motor skills, stimulates creativity.
When choosing paints for a child, pay attention to the environmental friendliness of products, and also try to buy sets that include an album, an easel and other auxiliary elements.

For information on what to give a 5-year-old boy for the New Year, see the next video.