What to give classmates for the New Year?

With the approach of the main winter holiday, the New Year's bustle begins. Everyone takes care of gifts in advance, choosing souvenirs and unusual options. What can you give classmates on the eve of such a long-awaited holiday like the New Year is the best ideas about this in our material.
Traditional gifts
New Year is an amazing holiday, the coming of which is eagerly awaited at any age. Everyone is in anticipation of New Year's miracles, preparing gifts for each other and waiting for New Year's surprises in return. Let's talk about what New Year's gifts can be given to a classmate or classmate.
For close friends, you always want to choose something special in order to pleasantly surprise, delight and, perhaps, even play kindly. As a New Year's present, it is quite possible to give something traditional and relevant for the holiday. Now you can easily find various souvenirs and accessories made in the New Year's theme, which will be glad to your close friends.
By tradition, on the eve of the coming New Year, it is customary to give each other souvenir or soft toy in the form of a symbol of the next year. You can choose a New Year's souvenir in the form of a figurine on a stable stand - it will take its rightful place on a classmate's desk. And for a classmate, the most suitable option is with a soft toy in the form of that animal, which will be a symbol of the coming year.

Small notepads with pens can be quite a pleasant and useful New Year's gift for classmates. But here, too, you should choose unusual options.For example, it can be a notebook with a combination lock, and the pen can be made in the form of a traditional New Year's candy.
Beautiful mug with the image of the symbol of the coming New Year - quite a traditional and practical present. You can choose just the option with a picture, or you can choose a mug, which is made in the form of one or another animal. As a rule, such mugs are supplemented with spoons or lids and packed in beautiful boxes. Such a gift will be useful to everyone, without exception.
Glass snow globe is quite a New Year's gift for any child... You can choose a ready-made version, or you can donate a set for making it.
It will be interesting for your school friend to create such a ball with his own hands.

Another traditional gift for the New Year is a pair of warm mittens or a cozy scarf. Choose interesting options that your girlfriend or boyfriend will definitely like. As for the choice of shade, be sure to focus on the personal tastes of your classmates.
Don't give your classmates the same scarves - girls don't like that.
Among the traditional gifts should be highlighted sweets. School friends will be delighted to receive something tasty and sweet on the eve of the holiday. For example, you can gift sets of cookies that are shaped like gingerbread men, snowflakes, or bells. You can present sweets in a box with a New Year theme or chocolate figurines in the form of hares, squirrels or Santa Claus. Or you can give classmates cool greeting cards with a small chocolate bar inside.

Original ideas
For a close school friend or girlfriend, there is always a desire to give something special, original and unusual. I would like to pleasantly surprise a loved one on the eve of the holiday. In this case you should choose gifts, focusing on his hobbies and interests.
For example, if a classmate is seriously interested in space or biology, then a thematic encyclopedia is ideal for him. For classmates who love to read, you can choose an interesting book. Choose a book based on your friend's or friend's tastes. As a classic option, you can choose a book with New Year's stories that are filled with magic.
To pleasantly surprise classmates, you can give them personalized T-shirts with a New Year's print. You can choose ready-made options or make such a festive T-shirt to order. For example, you should order an interesting or funny inscription on it. For such a case, some kind of school joke, a phrase that is known to everyone, is perfect. But do not write in the form of nicknames or some offensive jokes, otherwise your gift will upset the recipient.

A decorative pillow can be a great New Year's gift for both girls and boys. You can choose a pillow in the shape of a star, with the image of a famous hero, or just with a beautiful New Year's story. Such a gift can create a cozy atmosphere in the room and take its rightful place on the bed or sofa. By the way, now on sale you can easily find unusual and very original pillows with a New Year's theme. Their peculiarity is that the pattern on the cover is applied with special paints and individual parts will glow in the dark.
Can be given to a school friend as an original gift a practical gift. For example, it can be a flash drive in the form of a snowman or in the form of a symbol of the coming year. And you can also give a rug for a computer mouse with a New Year's theme. Original headphones in the shape of cherries, banana or sushi will appeal to any child of school age. In addition, a friend or girlfriend will be happy to receive a case for their smartphone as a presentation.

Can be given to a school friend as an original gift a certificate for a joint visit to a master class. Boys, for example, can go to a trial lesson of some kind of martial arts or a robotics lesson. Girls can go to a gingerbread painting workshop or a beading lesson.
Almost all schoolchildren love computer games. That's why disc with a new game can become a very original and, most importantly, a pleasant gift.
A disc with your favorite films or cartoons will also please your friends.

Inexpensive options
A New Year's gift should bring joy and benefit. It doesn't have to be some expensive present. It is quite possible to choose something special among the budget options. For example, you can give to classmates a mug made in the New Year's theme. Choose from mugs featuring your favorite cartoon or comic book characters. Or order a photo print and decorate an ordinary mug with your joint photo.
As an inexpensive gift, you can choose something you need to study. For example, it can be a set of pencils or erasers that are made with a festive theme. And also pay attention to bright and beautiful covers for notebooks and textbooks.

Almost every student has a wall in his private room decorated with various posters. Therefore, a new poster can be an inexpensive but useful New Year's present. Choose the topic that is closest to your friend. Many people collect posters depicting actors, singers or athletes. If you have visited a classmate at home, you probably know which poster will be relevant. You can consider such an option as a wall or desk calendar for next year.
Original keychain with the symbol of the coming year will also be a good gift for friends. The keychain is useful for every student. There are other options to choose from. For example, boys will be delighted to receive a soccer ball keychain or stylish sneakers. And girls can be given key rings in the form of stylish handbags, lipstick or any kind of fruit. The choice of such inexpensive gifts is very large, so it is quite possible to choose something original that your friends will definitely like.
A good gift would be a small toy from the antistress series. This can be a slider, spinner, or finger trainer. Such toys are very popular with many schoolchildren.
They help relieve stress and improve your mood.

What can you do with your own hands?
We are all taught from childhood that the best gift is one that is made with our own hands. Indeed, hand-made gifts are gaining great popularity over and over again and do not lose their relevance. Let's see what you can do with your own hands to pleasantly surprise your classmates.
If the girl is already showing a clear talent for the culinary arts, then you can make your own New Year's sweet gifts for everyone. For example, it can be delicious muffins decorated with sugar snowflakes or Christmas tree meringues. It is quite possible to cook everyone's favorite "potato" cakes, since you do not need to be a culinary genius for this. These cakes are very easy to make. You can decorate them with coconut flakes or sugar hearts. A sweet gift can be wrapped in a beautiful New Year's box.

If you already easily own various computer programs, then it will not be difficult for you to create for your classmates exclusive calendars. As a basis, you can take school photos together or take photos of friends from social networks.
Can be done an interesting collage of photos, add original jokes or just New Year's greetings to it... Each classmate will be pleased to receive such a gift. You can make a New Year's card yourself. And in order for it to be unusual and original, it is recommended to make it using the scrapbooking technique.
As a result, each postcard will turn out to be unique and unrepeatable, and with this you can pleasantly surprise your classmates.

Alternatively, you can arrange yourself a real quest for all your friends and go in search of the treasure. You should think over the plot in advance, come up with a task, make a map and tips. You can arrange it outside after school. Classmates will remember this unusual winter adventure for a long time. As a treasure, there can be a chest or a box with sweets.
For information on what to give classmates for the New Year, see the next video.