How to make a gift for a guy for the New Year with your own hands?

On New Year's holidays, everyone subconsciously expects something beautiful and wonderful, so the choice of a gift should be taken carefully and seriously so as not to upset the addressee. Finding the perfect present can take some time or make it yourself. Most of all, a hand-made product will be appreciated by relatives and friends, especially a loved one.

Pros and cons of homemade presents
If there is a desire to give something special to a guy for the New Year, then it is best to do it yourself. Not everyone prefers to spend time and effort on the creation of some products, taking advantage of the opportunity to buy something in a store or on the market, or order on the Internet without leaving home. If we are talking about a gift to a loved one, then there can be no question of convenience, the main rule that should be followed is the expelling of such a thing that will satisfy the needs of the guy, please him and will show all love for him.
If there is no such thing in stores, you can try to make it yourself.

The advantages of handmade include the following:
- the ability to create a unique thing that no one else has;
- selection of a gift that your loved one needs;
- preparation of a presentation based on the interests and hobbies of the guy;
- the opportunity to show creativity and originality in the process of working on a product;
- preparation of a surprise personally for a loved one, specification and personalization of the gift made;
- creating something pleasant and necessary, while putting all your soul and feelings into a present.
There are quite a few positive aspects of homemade gifts, so if you want and know how to make them, you can safely start work, having previously armed yourself with certain knowledge regarding the wishes of your loved one.

In addition to the pros, there are some disadvantages of hand-made gifts that you need to know about in order not to make an irreparable mistake, because it can cost important and necessary love relationships. Among the disadvantages of self-made presentations, the following should be noted:
- unsatisfactory work result due to lack of experience, skill or talent;
- the wrong choice of direction for a gift, guided by your wishes, and not the needs of a loved one;
- annoyingly creating handicrafts for a guy who can't stand them;
- changing the appearance of the guy's favorite things and items of use, which can have a negative result, makes the beloved angry.

To make a New Year's gift appropriate, pleasant and delight the guy, you need to find out what exactly he wants and try to realize his wishes. If you can't get information out of him, then it is important to pay attention to his interests, occupation and life.
Understanding what he needs in any of these areas will provide a great presentation option that you can do yourself.

How to decide on a gift?
A New Year's gift does not have to be something valuable and very important, especially if a loved one gives it, but it is better to rely on wishes and bring pleasant emotions than to spend time and money acquiring just what. The simplest option would be to analyze the guy's life and choose the appropriate presentation. If a loved one works as a driver and is constantly on the road, it is important to create comfortable conditions for him to work and relax in the car, for which there are several options.
- Seat massage mat made of wooden beads or other similar material, which allows you to have a positive effect on the body of a driver who is on the road for a long time. Creation options and techniques can be found on the internet.
- Rest pillow. It can be made in the form of a crescent moon or be creative and build a funny toy that will wrap around the neck of a loved one and promote relaxation.
- Keychain at random. If the guy is an adherent of any little things that, in his opinion, will bring good luck, you can do them yourself. Soft dice, a horseshoe or something similar that will remind of the love of the other half and protect on the road.
- Phone case or stand... Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a normal and measured life without a mobile phone, so having a convenient case will not be superfluous, especially when you have to use the gadget in the car.

For a guy who has certain hobbies, a corresponding gift should be prepared. For example, for a fisherman, you can make gifts such as:
- a small folding chair, which is convenient to always take with you; a lover of winter fishing can be supplemented with such a product with a heating built into the seat;
- any fishing should be comfortable, for which you cannot do without appropriate clothing - a warm knitted sweater, vest or cape would be an excellent option as a useful and pleasant New Year's present.
If a guy loves to hunt, then, in addition to warm clothes, he will also need a specialized bag, into which you can fit a lot of things, with the ability to quickly access any thing you need. A warm scarf with a hat, which should merge with the landscape, will also be useful; for the warm season, green camouflage is chosen, for the cold season - a combination of white, black and brown shades.

If your loved one is into sports, then you can try to make a hip bag for the necessary things that the guy takes for a run.If you have sports equipment at home, for example, dumbbells, you should try to make a bag for them, so that the projectile always remains clean and tidy.
For the runner, there is the possibility of constructing a case for a phone or MP3 on his hand to free his hands and make the training process more comfortable.

If the second half does not have any special hobbies, and he spends his free time at home, then here you can also show creativity, using ideas such as:
- create a comfortable pillow for watching TV;
- build a pillow for your feet if they are very tired after work and need increased rest;
- present a delicious gift in the form of a guy's favorite treats; for a sweet tooth it will be all kinds of sweets, for a meat-eater - a bouquet of sausages and sausages, original and non-standard decorated;
- if a guy loves the procedure of family tea drinking, then it is worth making the decor of his cup or creating a new one on his own; if a loved one does not intend to change the cup, you can make an original suit for her that will decorate the dishes and make the tea drinking procedure more comfortable.
To decide on a gift that will be created for a guy, you need to evaluate everything that surrounds him, and also identify those points that can be improved. With a certain talent, patience and diligence, you can achieve any goal and make a dream gift for a loved one for the New Year.

We create useful things
It's no secret that men are more practical than women, and a gift of flowers or candy won't impress them at all. This should be taken into account when creating a presentation with your own hands, since all kinds of trinkets that will not be used in any way will not please a man, which means that the work done will not pay off. Among the most relevant presentations, the following are worth highlighting:
- desk calendar for next year with the best photo of the coupleso that the guy contemplates his soul mate every day and remembers her;
- homemade wallet or purse - if you have some experience in creating such products, you can safely take up work to present your beloved with an original New Year's gift that the guy will use every day;
- Knitten thingswhich are very appropriate in the winter cold - a beautiful scarf, gloves and a hat, which are made according to the pattern, taking into account what style the guy prefers to wear, as well as with the choice of the right color scheme, will be highly appreciated by a loved one;
- laptop bag - it is not always possible to find a given product for the size of a computer or to place everything you need in it; often there is a problem with the selection of color or material, so you can make your own bag that will meet all the necessary requirements of the guy; work should be started only if there is exact confidence in a positive outcome, since this is not the simplest product that requires quite deep knowledge in the field of cutting and sewing;
- book - if a guy loves to read and has been looking for a printed edition of this or that author for a long time, you can print the electronic version, arrange it beautifully, make a hardcover and give the guy as a New Year's gift;
- organizer for small things - if a young man constantly loses a second pair of socks, cannot find where he put underwear of a particular color or model, you can make an organizer for him with a large number of compartments in which things are placed; one organizer is suitable for socks, the second - for other small things, because when everything is in plain sight and in its place, it is much easier to find what you need, while the order in the house becomes many times more.
Necessary and useful gifts for the New Year will be positively received, even if they are not purchased. A well-done thing, created with love, will be much more appreciated by a man.

Original ideas
New Year's gifts can be very diverse. Their choice depends on who they are intended for. For some guys, it is worth making cute and beautiful presents, for others - brutal and practical, someone only needs purchased options, and there are those who value most of all handmade products.
Very unusual, but very pleasant will be the original a photo album, where the pictures will be placed in specially sewn covers, which are connected to honey by themselves and folded into a box or box that is created especially for them. Such a present is suitable for a couple who have just started a relationship, they have a few common pictures, and for those who have been together for a long time. The photographs themselves can be left intact, or you can edit them by signing the time and date, location, and leaving a specific comment.
Frames for such photos can be made of cardboard or thick fabric, which is more convenient to work with. Casket can be cardboard or wooden, depending on what is easier and more comfortable to work with.

A pleasant present for the holiday can be creation of key chains for flash drives, keys, cars... If a guy with a girl has any of the above items, then it makes sense to make paired keychains that everyone will have. It can be two halves of a single whole, or the beginning and continuation of a plot, you can create absolutely identical products, but make the letter of the name of a guy and a girl on them so that there is no confusion. Such gifts from colored or plain leather look best, but you can try your hand at other materials as well.
Will be very original pillowcases with unusual pattern - it can be an abstraction, something cute, or drawing a photo. If you want to create something zesty, you might consider applying something personal that stimulates the relationship and makes it more passionate. In this case, a variety of gifts for spending time alone will be appropriate: soft handcuffs, role-playing costumes, an eye bandage.
If you want to make the moment of intimacy as romantic as possible, you should present your beloved scented candles to which you can add an aphrodisiac.

The choice of a New Year's gift for a guy can be very diverse in value, size and focus. The main thing is to know exactly what a loved one wants, and then follow his needs.
Love and desire to please your soul mate will not go unnoticed, and the present for the holiday will turn out to be excellent.
To learn how to make a gift for a guy for the New Year with your own hands, see the next video.