Gifts for the New Year: a list of universal and original ideas

New Year is one of the most beloved holidays for several generations and it is difficult even to imagine such a person who would not celebrate it. For most people, the New Year has a strong association with gifts, so forgetting about such an important element of the celebration is unacceptable. At the same time, you always want to give something worthwhile, which at the same time would not be too banal or stupid.
So that none of our readers racked their brains in vain, we will consider the most popular and appropriate gifts for all major categories of loved ones.

Choosing gifts for children
If for adults this holiday can somehow manage without gifts, then for children the New Year without presents is a complete failure and disappointment. Kids are sincerely waiting for cool and cool gifts, mainly from their parents and other close relatives. Consider various options for what you can put your baby under the tree.
- Toys can be a good solution for kids.who have not yet outgrown the elementary grades of school, but this recommendation is too general. First of all, for one of the two main holidays (the second is a birthday), you should not choose too modest solutions, otherwise they will be associated with an everyday gift from your parents.
In addition, the chosen toy should correspond not only to the child's hobbies, but also to his age.

- Gadgets and various accessories to them are popular gifts for any modern person, and for a kid they often become an indicator of his “coolness”.If the child is very small, it is worth consulting with the parents whether it is necessary to distract the child from studying new smartphone or tablet, but here is a cute and beautiful cover for the unit, which has already been purchased, you can always give it away.

- Impressions - one of the best gifts for a person, especially if it is a child who is a priori impressionable. At the same time, you need to remember that New Year is not a trivial holiday, here it is necessary, albeit a small, but real miracle, therefore, a good decision would be, say, a ticket to a concert of your favorite artist, especially if the person being gifted is already a teenager.
You can also play with something that the child really likes: for example, someone who loves to splash in the water, you can give a subscription to the pool.

- Clothes and accessories are generally considered child stop-list items, but there are two categories of minors that are not covered by this statement: fashion girls and teenagers of any gender. If the item is really stylish, the child will quickly appreciate that his environment considered the new look “cool”. Gloves, bracelet and even a backpack (with the right print) will be received with a bang.

- Childhood is a continuous movement. If adults usually need a reason to go in for sports, then children just do it every day in huge volumes, without even thinking about it. Of course, it is more interesting to keep yourself in physical shape in the event that sports exercises are clothed in some kind of playful form, therefore goods for football, basketball, volleyball or hockey will come in handy. "Personal transport" will be accepted with equal enthusiasm: a bicycle, a scooter, a skateboard or roller skates.
Sometimes it turns out to be a good option to install the wall bars directly in the nursery - the shell can be additionally equipped with swings or horizontal bars.

- As with sports, children rarely think about the role of creativity in their lives - they just create if there is such a desire, and it is usually present. At the same time, a certain set for drawing or modeling is rather small for the New Year, therefore you should pay attention to large creator's Kitreleased today for children of all ages. With their help, you can even try yourself in an unusual role, for example, as a soap manufacturer.

- If we are talking about a girl, cosmetics can be a good gift for her. Contrary to popular belief, this gift will fit at any age, you just need to choose the right type of it. Babies who want to be like their mother should be presented with special baby cosmetics, which do not hold up so well, but are completely harmless. The girl will learn the basics of makeup in a playful way.
If we are talking about a teenager, then perhaps it is time to give her real cosmetics for personal care.

- If the child is sociable and always surrounded by a lot of friends, for him the optimal gift will be something that can be used in a fun company. A popular option in recent years has become a trip to the quest room, where friends will have to turn into a real team in order to solve the task. Alternatively, you can send all the kids to the movies.

Adult presentations
This is where the space for choosing gifts is huge, so this is when choosing a present for the New Year for an adult. Sometimes such a person will be pleased that they have not forgotten about him at all, and then even the most banal souvenir will seem like a sensible idea. In addition, in most cases, adults are not attached solely to the New Year's theme, you can give them anything - useful or long-desired.
For this reason, our list does not even remotely pretend to represent all possible options, we only suggest several popular, but not the most hackneyed solutions.
- Plaid with sleeves, embellished with, for example, reindeer - a chic practical Christmas-themed gift that is suitable for a person of any age and gender.This is a very convenient thing for those who like to bask under a blanket and are very upset that their hands are often outside - here and the blanket is with you everywhere, not just in bed, and your hands are protected from the cold. With such an accessory, it is convenient and warm to play on a tablet or knit socks.

- Animal style hat - a great gift for girls who love animals. In winter, such an accessory will come in handy anyway, but there is no contradiction in such a gift - although it looks like fur, in fact the material here is artificial. This present looks very cute - usually it is also equipped with characteristic ears.

- Kitchen aprons with a typical New Year print - another solution for all ages. Such a gift is good because it is inexpensive, but it also creates the appropriate mood, and will come in handy on the farm. Depending on the gender of the person who is given such a gift, the product may depict Santa Claus or his faithful friend Snegurochka.
At the same time, such things should be presented to women with some caution - the apron should neither be sent to the kitchen, nor look vulgar, since there are models of such a plan.

- Snow blaster - a technological solution for those who are ready to fall back into childhood, only with a serious, adult approach. Similar device allows you to automatically sculpt perfectly round snowballs and launch them by analogy with an ordinary school slingshot. In everyday life, such a thing, of course, is not useful, but if there are at least two more like-minded people with the same "weapon", there will be no more effective way to organize the New Year's mood.

- Gift package or basket - This is an interesting symbolic gift for those who have long lost the habit of a miracle. Instead of a banal presentation of gifts, such a present can really be received by mail from a person who decided to surprise you. There, most likely, there will be nothing really expensive, the emphasis is usually on various foods, but they are made in the best traditions of the old days - all natural and no flashy brown paper.
Of course, such a set is sold ready-made, but the addressee will probably get the impression that he went back in time at least half a century and received a real parcel from somewhere far away - this is the miracle that everyone is waiting for.

- Down slippers - another inexpensive gift option that, in spite of everything, is in stable demand. It is no secret that warm air rises to the ceiling, and cold air descends; it is also well known that it is enough to overcool your legs to get the whole body cold. Down-based slippers are not only very soft, but also incredibly warm, they are once and will permanently solve the problem of socks - they are simply not needed at home. Of course, you don't wear such slippers all year round, but literally everything in their design suggests that they are created specifically for winter.

Interesting ideas for friends
Honestly, good friends are obliged to know what a friend is dreaming about - this has definitely slipped through the conversation at least once, and this is what will be the perfect gift, because what could be better than a dream come true?
By giving your friend the gift he wanted, you will once again show that the friendship is not accidental: at least you know how to hear your friend and are ready to take certain steps to make the loved one happy.
Another thing is that not always everything is so simple. Often, adults, successful people in general already have everything that others could give them, and the only thing that is missing is why it has not appeared yet, since it costs a very impressive amount or, in general, is not measured by financial categories. Naturally, leaving a friend completely without a gift in such a situation would be completely stupid, therefore consider pleasant decisions with meaning that will help you get out of the situation.
- Tea or coffee they are often presented to colleagues, spending a small amount on such a present, but your friend could be a real connoisseur of the drink, and you could find something very rare and expensive for him. It is possible that the person being gifted can not only afford such a gift, but even tried what you are giving - this still does not change the essence, because you show the value of a person.

- Alcohol in some ways very similar to tea or coffee, but it is usually given only to the stronger sex. You should not give such things if a friend is completely teetotal or uses only on very big holidays, however, in all other cases, such a present will work, only do not be lazy to find a large store and choose something not the most typical there.
A hot drink in small quantities will help a friend relax after hard work, or will be used productively during the next holiday.

- Tie Is another popular corporate gift for a man, but if your friend does not work in a company where he is presented with them annually, such a present will come in handy. The essence of such a gift is to take care of the appearance of a loved one, and in fact strangers meet him precisely by his clothes. If a suit, or at least just a shirt, is not entirely alien to the donated, the presented a tie will help make an impressionwhether it's a job interview, a business meeting, or a date with a charming lady.

- Oil burner Is a good choice of gift for women who have it all. Women, as representatives of the more sensual sex, are very picky about all the details around them, including the atmosphere in the room. Various aromatic oils today are no longer a rarity in our country, they began to be used not only as components of various cosmetics, but also as incense. With an aroma lamp you provide a gifted friend with a good mood and pleasant relaxation.

- Dishes as a gift for the New Year seems too commonplace, but in fact it all depends on how you approach this issue. No one forces them to stop their choice on inexpensive and banal solutions - it is quite possible to give a friend an expensive and exquisite service or a set of dishes. Let them not be used every day, but the hostess will no longer blush in front of the guests because of trivial plates. In addition, crockery is not always used as a cutlery: you can present a commemorative plate from a distant country, which will become a wonderful souvenir.

- Cigarette case - a common gift for men, but for women, even if they smoke, such products are usually not produced. In fact, such an accessory is not so necessary - most modern gentlemen do without it, but with it your friend will look like a true aristocrat.

- Headphones - a gift option that does not provide for restrictions on the gender of the person gifted, since everyone, without exception, listens to music. The beauty of this solution is that you don't have to worry about whether your friend already has other headphones, and whether someone else will give him the same gift. Anyone with experience with this accessory knows that headphones are usually not only not forever, but even not durable, because your present in any case will not have to gather dust for too long.

- Flash drive - a solution for those who have not come up with anything better. Although computers today are used by everyone without exception, in recent years such a gift has greatly lost its popularity - now almost any gadget is freely connected to the Internet, which means that there is no need for a portable physical storage medium. On the other side, it is better to store copies of important documents on a USB flash drive, which you can always take with you and for a friend who is actively working with documents, such a gift will still not be superfluous - its "competitors", as in the case of headphones, will not last forever.
If you also chose a flash drive of non-standard "appearance", focusing on the hobbies of a friend, then the gift becomes good from both sides - the souvenir is beautiful and practicality does not fail.

List of universal things
There are gifts that are both logical, pleasant and not tied to the role of a person in your life - they can be given to anyone. Here the space for fantasy is widest, therefore Let's look at some of the most common examples of New Year's gifts.
- Picture can be presented at any time of the year, but, for example, the depicted symbol of the coming year will add a New Year's flavor to it. Moreover, if you do not pursue a purely New Year's design, the gift will remain a relevant interior decoration for many years, and a cozy atmosphere is already a good gift.

- Ball for decision making everyone saw the movie, but in reality you can meet him very rarely. Of course, it is not very correct to trust your fate to the theory of probability, but some people are so indecisive that they are constantly tormented by doubts even in such matters as what to wear or what to choose for dinner. For them, such a gift can be very practical.

- Even a document cover can be a good gift, if you come to the choice of a presentation with a creative idea. Honestly, it's better to make such things yourself, but only if you are confident in your abilities. Scrapbooking cover, and even exploiting the favorite theme of the gifted, will surely please him.

- Coffee table or breakfast tray in bed - indeed, not the most ordinary solutions, but this is the plus. Most people are not very happy about the need to wake up in the morning and even on a weekend, when a person has already slept, they often do not want to get out of bed. Any accessory that adds comfort to the moment of awakening should be accepted with enthusiasm, especially if you find it in a personalized version.

- Santa Claus invitation - a somewhat unusual option if this is a gift for a person over eight years old, however, in recent years, such decisions have been practiced quite often. In the end, if such actors are invited to corporate parties, then why does the idea of inviting them to a home party look bad? This solution will appeal to those who want a little miracle on New Year's Eve, but in fact, the situation can be played out in a completely different way, if his granddaughter comes instead of the grandfather.

- A glass ball with an installation in the form of a landscape and falling snow inside - a very popular souvenir that creates a New Year's mood in any situation. The beauty of this decision is that it is appropriate in any case - for relatives, colleagues, and friends.

- A wallet is a simple yet very practical gift.... With this present you are, as it were, symbolically hinting that new levels of income should come with the New Year, which is regularly mentioned in congratulatory toasts.

- Suitcase, backpack or handy travel bag. If the gifted person does not belong to those who constantly sit at home, and often go on business trips or travel, the practicality of such a decision is obvious. Of course, this is not the same as directly sending a loved one on a chic tour, but if he begins to pack himself, then thanks to you his fees will be a little easier - at least you won't have to look for a bag.

What shouldn't be gifted?
There is no unambiguous stop-list of gifts for the New Year - in theory, everything depends only on the preferences of a particular person, and he may suddenly be glad even that everyone else would consider a completely unsuccessful present.
For this reason, the most sensible advice is to always start from the situation.
However, gifts that often turn out to be unsuccessful can still be highlighted, which we will do. First of all, not only children, but also adults are waiting for some miracle on this night. If you are not too close to the person, you may not give him anything at all - it is often better than giving a trinket. The little thing you handed with the symbols of the New Year is most likely not needed at all, but now he feels obligated to you, and if he has not prepared anything in return, this will put the person in an awkward situation.

Another unwanted gift is personal items of any type. Cosmetics, perfumes and underwear are undoubtedly useful things, but they are usually all part of a certain image that a person has determined for himself and is unlikely to deviate from it. If we are not talking about the closest person, whose features you know by heart, the probability of guessing with the choice will be minimal. With linen, the problem is also in the choice of size.
If it seems to you that the recipient of the gift would still be interested in such a presentation topic, just hand the certificate to the appropriate store - let the person choose for himself what he likes.

In a situation where you want to show your affection for a person with a gift, do not even think to put off choosing a presentation until the last moment. As practice shows, in the hustle and bustle, you cannot pick up a good gift - when time is running out, consciousness involuntarily strives to solve the problem as quickly as possible and grasps at the most primitive options. As a result, in a panic, you will almost certainly opt for a stupid trinket, all the disadvantages of which have already been described above.
In addition, the person to whom you present it will consider such a present a courtesy gesture, but will understand that you did not try to be interested in his real hobbies.
For New Year's gift ideas, see the video below.
Great ideas.