What to give a mother-in-law and a father-in-law for the New Year?

The wife's parents are one of the closest people to a young family. They will always provide support and will do everything for their children to live happily ever after. In this article, we will look at ideas for gifts for the father-in-law and mother-in-law for the New Year.
Top ideas
As a rule, the relationship between the son-in-law and the father-in-law with the mother-in-law is smooth. Everyone is trying to keep neutrality and treat each other well. Sometimes the daughter's husband becomes such a close person that he is no longer perceived as anything other than his own son. There are other situations when the relationship between them is not very smooth.
No matter how you feel about the parents of your beloved woman, a New Year's gift should be bought and presented with love, a smile and a couple of warm words.

Many believe that the phrase "beloved mother-in-law" is an oxymoron, anecdotes and jokes on this topic played a significant role in this. However, some sons-in-law quite sincerely call their mother-in-law a mother and treat her with great respect and love. Make a nice present for your wife's mom, even if your relationship is a little strained and she treats you with slight disapproval. With a good present, you can melt the ice in her heart.
- Beautiful vase. A floor or table vase will be an excellent choice for a woman who loves to decorate an apartment with decorative elements.

- Porcelain figurine. You can purchase a figurine to be placed in a display case in the living room. It can be a girl in a beautiful dress, a young couple, or a symbol of the coming year, which will bring good luck and prosperity to the house of elders. Buy a solid figurine in a good store.

- Painting. Another option for a decorative gift that will be accepted with joy.The mother-in-law will gladly hang the donated thing in the most conspicuous place in the hall. You can print photos of your beloved's parents on canvas, choose the classic version with a landscape, still life or animals.

- Bedding set. High-quality sleepwear is a useful present, albeit a little standard. But you can be sure that they will definitely use it. After all, practical things always come in handy.

- Service. Grown women love beautiful dinnerware sets. You can donate a porcelain tea or coffee set, a set of dishes for six persons, or individual items, for example, a painted tureen. A set of cutlery would also be an excellent option.

- Frying pan or saucepan... Of course, such a present is not considered the most successful gift for a mother-in-law, but rest assured that if a woman loves to cook, she will always be happy with a high-quality and expensive frying pan with a Teflon or non-stick coating, in which she can cook delicious meals and delight all family members.

- Kitchen appliances... Every woman will appreciate a good technique as a gift. Depending on your capabilities, present your mother-in-law with a new kettle, microwave oven, multicooker, toaster or even a dishwasher.

- Theater ticket... Find out in advance about the taste preferences of your beloved mother and buy a ticket for her to a good play.

- Certificate for attending the master class. A great option for a person who likes to learn something new. You can present a certificate for a culinary master class, especially if the mother-in-law has long dreamed of learning how to bake real Adjarian khachapuri or cook Italian dishes.

- Massage chair. A caring son-in-law will always be on a special account with the bride's parents. The device will help relieve tension in the back and just relax after work.

- Creative set. Present your mother-in-law for New Year's paintings by numbers. Women love to draw, the lesson will take her for a long time, and she will gladly hang the resulting masterpiece in her bedroom.

- A certificate for visiting a beauty salon or spa. The present will delight any woman who can get a lot of pleasure in the salon. Relaxing massages, facial, hair and nail treatments - all this she can afford thanks to her beloved son-in-law.

It is much easier to choose a test-in-law for the New Year. Of course, men always understand each other better, and their relationship with their son-in-law is always easier. As a rule, men prefer practical gifts that they can use in everyday life. The best option would be a gift taking into account the hobbies and hobbies of the father-in-law.
- To the car enthusiast. Many men have a favorite car for which they are ready to sit for hours in the garage. Such a person can be presented with something related to his "swallow". A navigator or video recorder will be a useful present. The father-in-law will be glad to have new soft covers for the salon or a massage pad that will help relieve fatigue while driving through traffic jams.
But above all, a car enthusiast will appreciate a set of winter tires, which is always useful in our climate.

- To the fisherman. If your father-in-law loves to fish and often goes out to a lake or river to bring home your catch, you're in luck. It is easy and quick to choose a gift for an angler. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is a quality fishing rod or a set of fishing lures, new hooks and a large case for storing all the necessary things. However, when choosing the above items, you need to clearly know what kind of fish and at what time of the year your wife's father catches.
There are also universal gifts for anglers that are no less practical. For example, a thermos or a set of tourist dishes with a portable boiler. A large solar-powered torch or a pocket knife is a great choice.
If possible, bring an inflatable boat, tent or ice ax. You can also buy a sleeping bag or hammock from the tourism and outdoor shops.

- To the gardener. If the father of the woman he loves to spend time managing in the garden or vegetable garden, the best option for him will be a universal multi-shovel and other new equipment for the summer cottage, which greatly facilitate the work. A lawn mower and a tree sprayer are also excellent choices. Aged men like to gather family and friends in the summer for a barbecue prepared in the country.
Present your wife's dad with a good grill with a set of skewers or a large electric grill on which he can fry meat and delight his family.

- Jack of all trades. For the New Year holidays, a man with skillful hands can be presented with a large set of tools in a solid case, a box for storing and organizing items, as well as a modern electric tool that will become an assistant in any business.

- To the humorous joker. If your father-in-law has a good sense of humor, you are very lucky, because this man with one hundred percent probability will become your friend and mentor. It is always easy to contact such people, and it is a pleasure to choose gifts for them. You can choose something original and comic, but in everything you should observe the measure, because this is still an adult man who suits you as a father. An excellent option would be a T-shirt with the words "best father-in-law" or "father-in-law of the year". It can be ordered from many online stores.
A set of checkers with glasses instead of figurines or a globe-bar, where it is recommended to put expensive cognac or whiskey, will be a fun gift.

- Serious person. If your father-in-law is an adult, respected and serious person, it is better to present him with a classic gift that will always come in handy. This behavior is typical of the bride's father, who has not yet fully looked at his son-in-law and has not decided for himself whether he is worthy of the hand of his beloved daughter or not.

- Elite alcohol - a win-win option that is always in place. It is advisable to give a bottle in a beautiful package with a certificate of quality. You will earn double approval if the drink is well aged, or better yet, the same year of birth as the recipient. Complement the alcohol with a glass with a personalized engraving, and you can safely present it.

- Souvenir weapon - a great option for a man's gift. You can donate not only a gun with wooden inserts and carvings, but also a beautiful dagger.

If the bride's father smokes, present him with a silver cigarette case with his favorite cigars and a small guillotine. A personalized lighter, a beautiful ashtray and a snuffbox will also be appreciated.
Choosing a joint gift
It is not necessary to give separate gifts to the wife's parents, you can give one for two, from which both parents will be delighted.
- A voucher to a sanatorium. The health of aged people is ensured by calmness and good rest. Give mom and dad a ticket to a sanatorium, where they will eat right and be able to undergo wellness procedures. A trip to a holiday home would also be an excellent option. Walking in the fresh air, meeting with peers and other activities will help you gain strength and have fun.

- Delicatessen basket. A great gift option from a young son-in-law who wants to impress new relatives. Put expensive alcohol, a couple of cans of caviar, packages of salmon and other gastronomic products in a large basket, which will always come in handy on the New Year's table. Wrap in wrapping and decorate with a bow. Another option for a basket is fruit or chocolate: with fruits, sweets, small souvenirs and a bottle of wine. Entering the house with such a present, you will immediately make a good impression.
By the way, such baskets are usually ordered over the Internet, so even if you live in different cities, you can just do something nice for adults and send them such a gift.

- Big TV. Modern technology is always useful in any home.A home theater with a wide variety of functions and the ability to connect to the Internet will be a great gift for the wife's parents.

Selection recommendations
When buying gifts for the wife's parents, one very important thing should be remembered: mom and dad are people who love your soulmate more than life and are ready to do anything for her, they have entrusted you with the most precious thing. Therefore, appreciate and respect them. Family is the main thing in the life of every person, remember this and approach the choice of a gift with soul and love.
Any gift should look festive, so wrap it in gift paper and decorate with a large bow. Any present can be supplemented with a souvenir symbolizing the coming New Year. It can be an animal - a symbol of the coming year, a small Christmas tree or home decorations. Try to focus on the hobbies and hobbies of the recipient so that he or she is pleased.
If you have any doubts about a presentation for your wife's parents, give her gift Certificate. When handing it over, tell them that you want to please the best father-in-law and mother-in-law, so you give them the opportunity to make their own choice.

The level of closeness with the parents should also be taken into account. If you are a future son-in-law in the status of a young man, present a large basket of fruits or sweets, a bottle of good wine, or any neutral gift.
For gift ideas for mother-in-law and father-in-law for the New Year, see the video below.