Gifts for school and kindergarten

Can I give gifts to teachers?

Can I give gifts to teachers?
  1. Prohibition law
  2. What gifts can you give?
  3. Reaction of teachers and parents

What should be a gift for a teacher, and whether it should be given, in general, is a question that worries parents and students at all times. It's no secret that in some cases it came down to direct orders for expensive jewelry, equipment, vouchers. With the advent of purchase certificates, the situation has only worsened. For a year for such gifts on every occasion (Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, New Year, March 8, last bell, teacher's birthday, and so on), the average family laid out a very tidy sum.

Some active parents, confident that the teacher's attitude towards children directly depends on the quantity and value of gifts, suggested giving them even, for example, on Mother's Day and even on Memorial Day of Faith, Hope and Love. Those who refused to contribute money were reported to the teachers, thus “correcting” both grades and interpersonal relationships. This situation could not continue for as long as desired, calls for decency on greedy teachers and overly "generous" parents did not affect, as a result, this disorder was limited by law.

Prohibition law

The Federal Law regulating the donation procedure (Article 575 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) was called upon to solve the problem of combating corruption. Initially, the amount spent on the purchase of the gift should not have exceeded five minimum wages. In the new edition, which came into force on 12/30/2018, a stricter restriction was adopted.

Now, within the walls of an educational institution, it is forbidden to accept any gifts, the cost of which exceeds 3 thousand rubles.

It is forbidden to take such a gift not only for teachers, but also for educators and doctors.This will be regarded as receiving a bribe. But this prohibition does not apply to compensation received from management.

In addition, you can legally give something to your beloved teacher only in honor of a birthday, professional or public holiday. The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation has submitted for discussion another draft law, which is supposed to be adopted by mid-2019. You can only thank a teacher or doctor with a bouquet of flowers or stationery. It must be exactly printed products: a calendar, a notebook, a notebook.

What gifts can you give?

The accepted restrictions, of course, make it difficult to choose a presentation.

In order not to let the teacher or doctor down, you need to be guided by the following principles:

  • the presentation of a gift should be timed to coincide with a significant date;
  • this is a free action that does not imply any response, that is, on the eve of an exam, test, test work, nothing can be given;
  • the teacher's attitude towards students and parents should not depend on the value of the gift;
  • traditional gifts such as coffee, tea, candy, alcohol are prohibited.

The cost of the gift is limited to three thousand rubles.

If this amount is exceeded, the teacher is obliged:

  • donate to the municipality, where the present will be put on the balance sheet, and then either put up for sale or used for its intended purpose;
  • refund the amount spent on the purchase of a gift;
  • leave a gift to the donor.

There should be no prior agreement between the giver and the gifted regarding the gift. If it’s a pleasant surprise on the eve of the holiday, it’s a gift, otherwise it’s a bribe.

It should be noted that a bribe is not only about money.

Equated to it:

  • vacation vouchers, sanatorium treatment, paid hotel accommodation;
  • payment for training, treatment;
  • jewelry, transport, household appliances, furniture;
  • tickets for visiting a concert, exhibition, theater;
  • subscriptions to fitness centers, beauty salons;
  • provision of various kinds of benefits;
  • paid visit to a restaurant, club, cafe;
  • recognition of the right to inherit by will.

The question of whether it is possible to give the teacher a memorable album with photographs or, as a more modern version, a video film, which captures significant moments in the life of the class and gratitude statements or wishes on behalf of students and parents, raises controversy. These touching gifts do not belong to stationery, but, on the other hand, are valuable only as a souvenir.

In addition, the law does not stipulate several very important points.

  • What to do if parents of their own free will collect 3 thousand rubles each and will present the entire amount in an envelope. It would seem that there is no actual violation of the law, but if there are 20-30 people in the class, then the total amount will already be quite significant.
  • The cost limitation applies only to gifts, awarded directly at school, kindergarten or in a medical institution. Thus, if this happens at a festive event outside the walls of the institution, then such offerings can be taken.
  • The penalty for accepting a bribe is imposed by the management of the institution. How to determine the degree of guilt of a teacher is a very subjective question. Most often this is a fine, but there may be dismissal.
  • Voluntarily surrendering an expensive gift left to the discretion of the teacher himself, but he may not even suspect of its true value, and parents, who are unlikely to report it to the management.

Thus, such cases can be interpreted in any way, and it is quite possible to find a "loophole" for corrupt intentions.

Of course, a teacher or doctor who values ​​his reputation will not do this, but the law does not provide complete protection from the greed of some representatives of these professions.

Reaction of teachers and parents

Educators and parents were divided on the issue of gifts. On the forums where this topic was discussed, serious battles flared up. On the one hand, many teachers were offended by the fact that this topic, in general, was proposed for discussion. Cases of outright extortion on the part of teachers are not such a frequent occurrence as to be stipulated at the legislative level, it was enough to introduce these rules at the level of the charter of an educational institution or a code of ethics.

A teacher is indeed a difficult and responsible profession. In addition to knowledge of the subject, the ability to convey information to students, the teacher must have a considerable supply of mental strength to organize the educational process. And it is quite understandable that the sincere desire of parents and students to thank the teacher for their attention and care is quite understandable.

Many teachers offer in these cases to contribute to the acquisition of visual aids, didactic materials, technical equipment of the study, categorically refusing personal donations.

And, indeed, parents confirm that class teachers, even at preliminary parent meetings before the school year, warn that they will not accept any gifts, suggesting that they limit themselves to a general bouquet from the class on significant dates. Financial resources, if desired, can be used for the benefit of the school and their own children.

Teachers, in turn, complain that sometimes they have to literally "fight off" persistent parents who manage to hide expensive gifts in books, flowers, souvenirs made by children. In this case, a decent teacher finds himself in a very ambiguous situation.

For such a category of teachers, both the current law and the draft law under discussion are not only not burdensome and non-limiting acts, but also a real salvation from active parents.

But there is another category of teachers who believe that their wages should be significantly higher than the existing wages.

And parents are "obliged" to compensate for the difference from their own pockets. Therefore, a gift to a teacher is a gift to him personally, and fees for school needs and classroom equipment are a separate item of expenditure. And it is not uncommon for such "teachers" to make real scandals about an insufficiently generous offering.

Such exorbitant appetites, forcing parents to shell out significant sums, are intended to moderate the legislative measures being taken. Pupils will be protected from the fact that the attitude of the teacher towards them, the assessment of knowledge is measured by the amount collected for a “gift”, which is, in fact, a bribe.

Of course, the disputes will continue, but still it will be possible to resolve the conflicts that arise at the legislative level, protecting students and their parents from moral and financial losses.

You can see what people think about giving gifts to teachers in the following video.

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