Gifts for school and kindergarten

What to give a teacher on Teacher's Day?

What to give a teacher on Teacher's Day?
  1. Top universal gifts
  2. What is customary to give to the homeroom teacher?
  3. What can be given to a school principal?
  4. How to congratulate subject teachers?

Teachers' Day in Russia is celebrated on October 5. Russians congratulate educators together with the whole world - on this day, World Teachers' Day, established by UNESCO, is celebrated. And according to the good old tradition, it is customary to give gifts to teachers, class teachers. And here parents have a lot of questions, the main one of which is how to choose a good present.

Top universal gifts

Not so long ago, for some reason, it was believed that a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers were enough for a teacher to have a good mood on his professional holiday. Today there are trends towards a more personalized selection of gifts, and this is good news. Parents and children try to present original gifts so that they will be remembered by their beloved teacher for many years.

When choosing a gift, it should be borne in mind that we are still talking about a professional holiday, and the present should fully correspond to the spirit of this day, as well as reflect the area of ​​interests and hobbies of a particular teacher. You should also take into account the gender and age of the teacher. It will be good if the gift matches the teacher's specialization.

Based on this, you should immediately understand that such presents will not be too appropriate for a professional teacher's holiday.

  • Gifts that are too expensive - even if they are presented from the heart, both people and teachers, gold and expensive gadgets can be regarded as an attempt at bribery. An expensive gift puts the teacher in an uncomfortable position.
  • Cash - no matter how many of them are in the envelope (even if not enough), cash is a bribe.The teacher is breaking the law by accepting such a gift.
  • Cosmetics, perfumery - regardless of gender and age, the presented cream or lipstick, perfume or powder can be regarded as a hint that the hero of the occasion does not look his best.
  • Jewelry and clothing - these are so individual things that a person tries to select for himself personally, trying on, wondering if this thing is suitable for others already in the wardrobe. Clothes and jewelry are an inappropriate gift for a teacher, who is considered good, but still not a native person for you.
  • Food and alcohol. Cheap groceries and a bottle of alcohol are an inappropriate and indecent gift, while expensive delicacies and elite alcohol are another option for a bribe.

So what to give a teacher on his professional holiday? Try to find the answer to this question in the profession of the hero of the occasion. To facilitate the task, we present the TOP of universal gifts that will be both appropriate and inexpensive.

  • Books - it’s good if these are publications that are somehow related to the subject taught by the teacher, but it’s not worth buying textbooks. The teacher already has them. A great option is to become a class and buy a good detailed encyclopedia with beautiful illustrations. If you know for sure the literary preferences of the teacher, you can also choose fiction, but here it is easy not to guess, it is possible that the person has already read the book.

The best option is to purchase a gift certificate for a large book network. Within the limits of the cost of this certificate, the teacher himself will be able to go and choose those publications that he needs and is interested in.

  • Nice notebook or planner - the main thing is that it should be roomy, large, but compact in format, so that it can easily fit into a bag. Teachers write a lot, plan, take notes and memos, and therefore such a gift will come in handy.

Please note that the cover should be dense, ideally leather, because for people who often use a notebook, covers and binding fail first.

  • Folder for papers and documents - it is better to choose a high-quality leather that will serve the teacher for many years. The design can be anything, but it is better to stick to a strict and formal tone.

  • Convenient table lamp - useful both at work and at home, because teachers read a lot, write, check notebooks, fill out a class magazine, and often take part of the work home so that in a calm atmosphere in the evening they can finish what was difficult in the bustle of the school. A lamp with a focused, unsharp light will come in handy.

  • Compact stationery set - it is better to choose the desktop version, which includes pencils, pens, paper clips, a stapler, a stand for all this.

  • Gift Certificate - this option is a personalized gift. If you see that your teacher pays great attention to his appearance, jewelry, then give him a gift certificate to a good cosmetics store, where the teacher will be able to choose what he really needs. If the teacher is fond of sports, then it is worth presenting a certificate to a sports store, and a lover of plants and animals can be presented with a certificate to a flower shop or pet store.
  • Named dishes - a tea or coffee mug will always come in handy for the teacher, and if it is personalized, it will be doubly pleasant. On a cup or glass, you can order an inscription-a wish with an address by name, a photo of the entire class, as well as any other designs.

It is important that this will be a cup for a specific person, and this fact itself will bring a lot of pleasure.

  • Flowers - we are not talking about a bouquet that will wither in a few days and end up in a trash heap, but about flowers in a pot. Even if the teacher is not a great connoisseur of the intricacies of growing indoor plants, he can place a beautiful plant in the classroom on the windowsill. The main thing is that the chosen plant blooms often and beautifully.

There are some gender nuances, i.e. when choosing a gift, you should also take into account the gender of the teacher... Women teachers can be presented with a lovingly made bouquet, but not from flowers, but from sweets. Also, many pastry shops today offer a service such as baking themed cookies.

Isn't your geography teacher educated by receiving a gift box of cookies shaped like continents, countries, continents? And the biology teacher will definitely appreciate the cookies in the form of animals, plants. In the same way, you can order a small cake with a periodic table for a chemistry teacher.

Male teachers do not need cookies and sweets, because most of the stronger sex are indifferent to sweets. You should also choose practical gifts, because all men, regardless of profession, are rational. Therefore, for a male teacher, it is better to choose what that he can use on a daily basis. These are the folders and notebooks listed above (if we are not talking about a physical education teacher), as well as more original gifts, for example, a heated cup powered by USB. A man will be pleased if he is presented with a large supply of coffee beans or tea (depending on which drink he prefers).

A male teacher will be delighted with a large memory flash card, the main thing is that it has a strict neutral design. Although for a physical education teacher, for example, a flash drive in the shape of a soccer ball is just right, and a flash drive made in the form of a hammer or chisel for a labor teacher.

What is customary to give to the homeroom teacher?

Of all the teachers, it is the class teacher who is usually the closest to the students and their parents. It is with him that the most important issues are resolved, it is he who helps to sort out conflict situations and is happy for the successes of each of his students. Therefore, a gift to the homeroom teacher is a special topic of conversation.

Usually, both children and parents know the preferences and hobbies of the class teacher better than the hobbies and hobbies of other teachers teaching certain subjects for the children, and therefore the choice of a gift in this case can really be personalized as much as possible. Here are some classroom gift ideas for Teacher's Day.

  • Portrait of a teacher based on his photograph... Such a gift will be a true recognition, a sign of respect and gratitude. Portraits in any technique are acceptable - graphics, watercolors, painting. Today, such a service as the transformation of a person in a portrait, depending on his profile of activity, is also in great demand. For example, you can order a portrait in which the class teacher teaching history will appear as a Roman general or queen of Egypt, and the class teacher teaching literature will appear as a poet of the Middle Ages. You can simply make a king, princess, fairy or wizard out of the class teacher. The possibilities are endless.

  • Personalized cake. The decoration of the confectionery can be as arbitrary as the decoration of the portrait described above. It all depends on the imagination of the donors and the capabilities of the pastry chef who will take the order.

  • Wall Clock. It can be either a finished product on a school theme, or made to order, with a portrait of a teacher, for example, or the whole class. Such a clock will perfectly fit into the interior of the classroom and will remind the teacher of the class for a long time even after the children grow up and leave the walls of the school.

  • Elegant metal bookmarks for books and textbooks - such a small but pleasant gift will always come in handy, because teachers deal with a large number of paper media.

  • Portrait of a teacher from photographs of students - a very unusual gift, which is now very popular. A relatively new service of photographic workshops - making a portrait of a person from a photograph from a mass of small pictures of his students. It looks very unusual and touching.

  • Video clip or mini-movie. Parents and children can make such a gift together.There are a lot of ideas on how to congratulate the class teacher, besides, most of the children themselves are already doing an excellent job of making a video and editing it into a single video. Such a congratulation for the teacher is of particular value, because it is clear that the video requires solid preparation - you need a script, you need to remove everything, and then add music and edit. You can insert photos and videos into the clip, starting from the year when the class teacher took the class, and make modern shots.

And it is better to prepare in advance by filming the teacher in different situations with a mobile camera, for example, so that later these frames can enter your video. The clip can be recorded on a flash drive and presented with it after it is shown in the classroom on Teacher's Day.

  • Photo album. This is not an ordinary album for photographs, but a personalized beautiful album in which parents will diligently collect pictures of children from the very first year of their education with this class teacher.

Be sure to leave a decent number of pages blank, the teacher will be able to replenish the album himself with pictures from events, events in the life of the class, graduation shots, so that later he will have a wonderful album with a detailed biography of his favorite class for a long memory.

Like all other teachers, the homeroom teacher is suitable a gift certificate to a particular store or beauty salon, to visit a water park, cinema, theater. But at the same time, one should take into account the open date and the number of those who can keep the teacher company. For example, if you know for sure that the class teacher has a husband and two children, present a certificate to the water park for four so that your teacher can spend an unforgettable weekend with your family.

What can be given to a school principal?

The headmaster of the school is undoubtedly the most important person in it. But, alas, he is much less familiar to most students and parents than the class teacher, unless, of course, the class leadership is carried out by the headmaster. Pupils and mothers and fathers do not really know anything about the peculiarities of character, hobbies, hobbies and life views of the director. At best, they can be rumored, which is dangerous to trust. And here the question of choosing a gift becomes, perhaps, the most difficult.

The first thing that usually comes to mind is that the gift must be expensive and solid. This is a common misconception. It is clear that you cannot give a cute trifle to the director, but in order to congratulate the head of the entire school, very expensive gifts are also not suitable.

First you need to clearly understand that personal items, for example, a tie, cufflinks, items of clothing, money, alcohol, are not given to the director under any circumstances and for any holiday. You should not look at the director as an official, a manager who has no special relationship to Teacher's Day. Before getting such a position, your director, most likely, has come a long way from a simple teacher, or maybe continues to teach now, and therefore this professional holiday is no less important for him than for other teachers.

Any gift from this list will help to emphasize the importance of the profession, to express your recognition to the director.

  • Magnetic whiteboard - it will help him to conduct meetings more efficiently, receive reports from ordinary teachers, will always allow him to keep before his eyes important things that cannot be forgotten.

Before buying such a gift, you need to ask if there is one in the director's office. The second, of course, is of no use to him.

  • Large office organizer - the director's work is regulated, planned every day, so the organizer will come in handy.

  • Signature engraved pen - it all depends on the budget. You can take inexpensive options, or more solid ones. Engraving must be ordered separately.On it you can engrave the initials of the person to whom the gift is intended, as well as a dedication, for example, "To Ivan Semenovich from 7" B "class".

If the director himself is a subject teacher, you can build the theme of the gift based on his specialization. Here custom-made confectionery will come to your aid: a cake with physical formulas for the physicist director, fortune cookies for the historian director, chocolate chess for the mathematician director, etc. You can present a gift set of good fresh honey.

It is important to provide any sweet gift with an inscription on the packaging corresponding to its status, for example, "To Ivan Sergeevich, the best director."

The director, like the class teacher, can be given as a gift a portrait to order from a photograph, but here you should be careful with imagination. Not every headmaster wants to hang his portrait in his office, in which he is represented as Ivan the Terrible or as the headmaster of Hogwarts Dumbledore. Will be better, if it will be an ordinary but high-quality portrait made in any technique. You can order it from artists in any city, as well as in art salons.

The headmaster may like a good gift game set (checkers, chess). He sometimes has free time, and with some visitors it is much more diplomatic to conduct difficult negotiations over a game of chess.

Important! The director is the only teacher at the school with his own study, and he sometimes spends quite a lot of time in it. That is why the gift can be interior.

You can donate a picture on a cap, a desktop stationary case for glasses with a soft bottom, a desktop cube business card holder. You can present a beautiful wooden or stone box - there will definitely be a place for it on the numerous shelves of the director's office.

Considering that the director often receives guests, you can present a coffee or tea service. It is important that he be moderately strict, perfectly fitting into the atmosphere of the director's office.

His work is nervous, and it does not depend on his age, gender, and therefore a director who has a certain sense of humor and easily makes contact with people, you can give something that will help him to relax. There is a large selection of anti-stress souvenirs, a foot massager that can be discreetly placed under the table and combine work with a pleasant relaxing foot massage procedure.

Nice gift hourglass, which can be set on the table, "Newton's cradle", as well as the contemplation of swimming fish, relieve stress well. In order not to burden the director with the need to take care of the aquarium, donate a closed ecosystem - an aqua farm. In it, the fish floating in a small tabletop aquarium provide food for the green plants growing from above, and the plants provide oxygen and nutrition to the fish. And beautiful, and does not require special care and cleaning.

If the director loves indoor flowers (this is perfectly noticeable in the degree of landscaping in his office), feel free to give a plant in a pot. Choose an elegant and beautiful crop that will often bloom and delight its owner. You can buy a small tangerine tree or lemon in a pot, or give a Japanese bonsai.

Please note that handicrafts made and presented from a pure heart are of particular value to the school principal. Let the most talented and handcrafted guys in the class do it. This could be:

  • panels from natural materials;
  • a beautiful painting in the quilling technique;
  • a glass vase, decorated by the hands of students using the stained glass technique;
  • homemade photo frame made of natural materials.

Among the unusual gift ideas for the director, you can offer the following options:

  • small goldfish aquarium powered by USB - in addition to contemplating the movements of a graceful goldfish soothing a person, the director will be able to use other possibilities of such a presentation - it has a clock, a stand for stationery;

  • heated foot hammock - the thing is very interesting, it is attached to the sides of the table from the inside and makes the process of work more pleasant;

  • back massager - there are a lot of options - from ball massagers to vibration;

  • small desktop fan - excellent help in hot weather;

  • perpetual calendar - it is best to give preference to a wooden model, it looks great, and for many years will save the hero of the occasion from the need to buy paper counterparts.

Among the unusual gifts of which there are a great many, I would like to separately mention table fountains and a globe-levitron (a small earth globe that hovers in a magnetic field) - these things will not only serve the good purpose of relaxing the tired director, but will also be an excellent interior decoration of the office.

How to congratulate subject teachers?

Subject teachers are diverse people, and therefore buying the same notebooks for everyone is not the best option. You need to understand that each of them primarily teaches a certain subject, therefore it is best to choose themed and practical gifts that will delight the teacher and will be useful for the teacher or teacher in their daily work.

  • To the teacher of the Russian language and literature - an e-book, a good set of pens, a beautiful notebook-planner, a certificate to a bookstore or a gift edition of Dahl's dictionary, a dictionary of loan words, accents, and so on.

Usually the teachers who teach these subjects are very well-read and reading contingent, and therefore the gift edition of the collection of poems by the Silver Age poets will come in handy, and a good edition of Chekhov.

  • Teacher of algebra, geometry - a laser pointer, a compact desk lamp powered by USB, a set of gift stickers on which you can write down formulas and always keep them in front of your eyes, a personalized ballpoint or fountain pen with engraving.

  • Biology teacher - roses or other flowers in a flask, a projector with a screen, plants and flowers in pots, seeds of exotic plants, an electron microscope, an aqua farm or a desktop mini-aquarium with a goldfish, a colorful gift encyclopedia of the animal, underwater or plant world.

  • Chemistry teacher - a good solid dressing gown in which it will be convenient to carry out laboratory practical work with reagents, a set of flasks and glass rods for mixing reagents, a chocolate periodic table (each element is represented by a candy with the name of the element), a diary for a chemist with formulas and reference data.

  • Foreign language teacher - a large dictionary, a portrait from a photograph against the background of the symbol of the country, the language of which the teacher conveys to the children. For example, a French teacher - against the background of the Eiffel Tower, an English teacher - against the background of Big Ben, a German teacher - against the background of a monument to Germany, the female symbol of the country. You can also present a box with the flag or coat of arms of the country, a notebook with the same symbols.

Particular attention should be paid to the traditions of the countries: an English teacher can be presented with good English tea and a pair of British-style tea, a Chinese teacher - a set of good bamboo chopsticks or a teapot for the Chinese tea ceremony. You can also give an umbrella with views of the country, the language of which the teacher knows, loves and teaches.

  • Geography teacher - globe, sweet chocolate globe, cake globe. You can donate a desktop safe-piggy bank in the shape of a globe. In professional activities, a laser pointer, models of continents and continents, as well as collections of atlases, maps, and encyclopedias on the subject of this subject will be useful.

  • Trudovik - a recipe book with illustrations, if the teacher teaches girls, any kitchen utensils, dishes. A teacher teaching labor education for boys can be presented with a set of tools, an electronic roulette, a power tool and consumables for it.

  • Drawing teacher - a set of good wax crayons, paints, gouache, pencils, watercolors, a palette, a set of brushes. You can present a small pottery kit, as well as a gift certificate to an art salon or store that has a large selection of goods for those who are engaged in modeling and the visual arts.
  • Computer science teacher - a capacious flash card in terms of memory, a convenient leather case for CDs, a wireless mouse, an external memory for a computer, a heated cup powered by USB.
  • Music teacher - music books, a set of discs with a collection of classical music, a bright illustrated encyclopedia describing the biography and creative path of world composers.

  • Physical education teacher - a fitness bracelet, a smart watch with a pedometer, heart rate monitor and calorie counter, a good ball signed by a famous football or basketball player, a cup or medal for first place and the engraving “The best physical education teacher of all times and peoples”, tickets for a match of your favorite team (preliminary, though , you need to find out which team your gym instructor is a fan of so that the gift is appropriate), a gift certificate to a sporting goods store.

This is just a rough list of gift ideas for teachers. A lot depends on how well you know your teacher.... If you know for sure that your physics teacher spends his free time on hikes and fishing, feel free to give a tent, a camping set of dishes, a sleeping bag, a compass and a set of mosquito and tick repellent (very useful when hiking). And if your chemistry teacher knits soft toys in his spare time, give him a creative kit that will allow him to create new masterpieces.

Social networks can come to the aid of parents. Today, on the pages of teachers in them, it is quite easy to understand what exactly interests your teacher outside the school. And then the gift for the professional holiday will become a little personal, and therefore doubly pleasant.

See the following video for teacher's day gift ideas.

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