Gifts for school and kindergarten

How to choose a gift for a teacher?

How to choose a gift for a teacher?
  1. List of presentations for the homeroom teacher
  2. What can you give to subject teachers?
  3. Original gifts
  4. Inexpensive options
  5. What can you do with your own hands?
  6. What should not be gifted?

Holidays are always gifts. But it's one thing when they are selected for relatives, loved ones, friends. And it is completely different if the attention is required by the teacher. The status of a person requires a special approach to choosing a present.

List of presentations for the homeroom teacher

A gift for a homeroom teacher must meet a number of requirements. There are several criteria that will serve as a guideline when choosing. The teacher will like the gift:

  • useful;
  • original;
  • inexpensive;
  • emphasizing the respectful attitude of students.

Be sure to focus on the age of the class teacher, his hobbies and hobbies, character traits.


The first holiday, from which the school year begins, is September 1st. Traditionally, children give bouquets to their mentors. This is a universal gift that can be successfully applied to March 8th. You can diversify the bouquet, making it unforgettable. A beautiful gift box is suitable for packaging. Place a small bouquet in it, complementing it with sweets.

Many confectioners especially for the Day of Knowledge create sweet sets consisting of painted gingerbread. The shape of the delicacies is the most diverse, but kept in the same style: autumn leaves, writing instruments, etc.

Gingerbread does not need to be presented in a box. Alternatively, create a sweet bouquet in the basket. Use a beautiful satin ribbon as decoration.

The only thing that will be required from the parents is to find a company that creates such a kind of baked goods.

You can make a sweet bouquet yourself. This will require sweets (the optimal shape is a truffle) in a shiny wrapper, beautiful corrugated paper, skewers. We make the petals of the future flower out of paper, which the sweet center is wrapped in. The finished flower is attached to a skewer. Do not forget to wrap it in green paper or tape. It turns out unusual and beautiful.

If the homeroom teacher is male, do for him sweet pineapple. The base of the craft is a plastic bottle, which is pasted over with sweets. Complete the souvenir with a bunch of paper leaves, securing it at the base.

Potted plant

It will remind you of those who gave it every day. But such a gift is suitable only for lovers of indoor flowers. It is important to consider this point, because any plant needs care.

If the class teacher does not have time for this, then such a present will become an unpleasant burden.


Now many workshops offer thermal printing. There are no restrictions on the topic, which allows you to choose the optimal solution. You can even decorate the cup with a photo of the class. Men are less sentimental, so a stainless steel thermo mug would be a great gift for them. This is a real miracle of scientific and technological progress, allowing you to quickly brew a tea bag in a cup. To work, such a mug needs a cigarette lighter or a USB port.

Album with photos

High school students can make such a memorable gift. For several years, a real archive has been accumulating: joint trips, excursions, school events. Collect everything in one beautiful album, arranged in chronological order.

Stuffed Toys

A wonderful option for a class teacher is a toy with a heart in its paws: symbolic, emotionally. Such a gift exudes warmth and kindness.

Gift certificates

They contain the amount within which the purchase is made. The class teacher will choose what he needs according to personal preferences. The certificate excludes the situation when the donated item does not like the addressee.

Theater tickets

An exquisite present that requires careful selection of a play, opera, ballet and study of the theater repertoire.

Flash drive

Information technologies are widely used by teachers in the classroom. Presentations, videos and audio materials all constitute a personal archive used when explaining a new topic. Only removable media is required.

Have you decided to present such a useful item? Pay attention to the volume of the device. Better if it is equal to 16 or 32 GB.

Beautiful photo frames

You can purchase a finished product with inscriptions or insert photos of the class. In the second case, it is better to use a smaller photo than the frame, and decorate the background as you see fit, focusing on the subject being taught.

What can you give to subject teachers?

Students study a variety of subjects. Each teacher can be given a gift that emphasizes the peculiarity of his professional activity. Usually the teachers of technology (for boys), physical education, life safety are men. Do not give alcohol, it is inappropriate.

It is better if the presentations are associated with professional activities (a set of tools or sports equipment), a hobby. Pay attention to the option like components for a computer or laptop: mouse, beautiful rug, keyboard, compact stereo system. They are inexpensive, but positive emotions are guaranteed to the teacher.

Memorable gift fizruk will become an album containing photographs from various competitions. Another option is a T-shirt with a slogan. Let the text not be too serious. Be sure to emphasize respect for the teacher. There are no limits for sublimation printing.

After you decide on a sketch, contact the services of companies that provide this type of service.

Good gifts for music teacher will become: a mug with an inscription, souvenir products with appropriate symbols (notes, treble clef, etc.). No less interesting are CDs with classical music, encyclopedias, books about famous musicians.

Mathematics you can give a good organizer for your office, a powerful calculator or a volumetric USB stick with a personalized engraving.

A classic gift for a chemistry teacher is a set of elite teas. The composition of tea contains a wide variety of chemical elements, so such a present is very appropriate. Another option is a set of books united by chemical topics, or an encyclopedia with beautiful illustrations and useful information. Order a stamp on a mug, a sketch of which will serve as the periodic table.

Clocks, souvenirs, various accessories should be decorated with elements that are directly related to the taught discipline.

If dancing is taught in your school, choreographer you can present a beautiful music box with a dancing figurine. Useful gifts - a bag for dancing accessories, a ballerina-shaped night light, an audio collection of dance music.

Surprise physics teacher original souvenirs based on basic physical laws. Pendulums, magnetic balls, mobiles, thermometers, chameleon mugs will do.

Drawing teacher will appreciate a set of good brushes and paints, an album of reproductions of paintings by famous artists. A symbolic gift is a portrait on canvas, made to order by a professional artist.

Dishes decorated with a historical theme (Colosseum, Great Wall of China), a figurine or figurine of a famous person or structure - all this is always relevant for a history teacher. If you are aware of his passion for any event or person, donate a book of appropriate content, an encyclopedia.

Nice gifts for a geography teacher - a souvenir globe, a subscription to a thematic magazine (necessary in professional activities), office equipment (world map, laser pointer), interior items (a lamp in the shape of a globe).

Russian language and literature is taught by a philologist. Delight him with a set of beautiful bookmarks. Choose a high-quality and effective option from wood, plastic or polymer. A certificate for the purchase of a book store, a desk writing set, a set of audiobooks are appropriate.

The field of activity is related to reading, so you can also donate a lamp.

Among the useful gifts addressed to the primary school teacher, the following are distinguished:

  • folders and cases for storing papers (the present is relevant, since you have to work with a huge amount of visual and didactic material);
  • organizer;
  • high-quality diary;
  • a flash drive with a lot of memory.

Biologist you can present a beautiful houseplant in a pot, a globe of the animal world.

The academic year ends with an exam. Not only students are worried, but also teachers. A gift for the exam will add a touch of positive. The ideal solution is a wicker basket filled with sweets and fruits. You can also collect a never-fading bouquet from such tasty ingredients. The design should be beautiful.

Many shops offer this service. The florist will do everything in the right way.

Original gifts

Teacher's Day is a professional holiday for teachers. Any class can make an unusual surprise, memorable and pleasant. For example, take a ready-made minus phonogram and put words addressed to a specific teacher on a familiar melody, and then perform the finished number for the whole class.

A bright wall newspaper, a collage with photographs - all this looks original and is highly appreciated by teachers, since it was done by their pupils with their own hands. Even elementary school pupils can make them.To do this, each student needs to be photographed with one of the words of wishes, and then put together one large photo, adding the words to congratulations.

It is desirable to print it on thick glossy paper.

Another option is a custom-made cake. It should be decorated with wishes and attributes related to the subject being taught. Creative presents will delight the young teacher - medals, cups, mugs with funny inscriptions ("This is how the best teacher in the world looks like", etc.), imitation of the Hollywood Walk of Fame star with the teacher's name.

A laser pointer is a great present that every teacher needs. There are a wide variety of products on the market. Finding a beautiful and inexpensive accessory is quite simple. If the teacher lives in a private house, is fond of gardening, buy him a beautiful weather vane or a figurine for the garden.

Inexpensive options

Expensive gifts can confuse teachers, so affordable options are relevant. These include a diary. There is always a good notebook in stores. Pay attention to the density of the cover, the quality of the sheets, the volume and the content. Many of these accessories are pantries of useful information. You can always find souvenirs in specialized shops. The assortment is so diverse that you can easily pick up an unusual, interesting and memorable gift:

  • a stand for glasses in the form of a funny figure of a teacher;
  • cups and mugs with inscriptions;
  • holder for jewelry and accessories;
  • money box;
  • sets (stationery, office, gift);
  • time capsule with students' wishes.

The book of wishes is a very beautiful and warm present. It is better if you entrust its production to professionals involved in scrapbooking. They will make the album in the same style, decorate accordingly, choosing the required material. The class will only be required to provide the necessary information (photos, significant dates, poems, etc.) and fill in the pages with good wishes.

Pay attention to the state of the teacher. If he suddenly gets sick, attach an inscription like "Sweet ambulance" to the box of chocolates.

What can you do with your own hands?

You can make a good gift yourself by implementing interesting ideas and ideas. The simplest is a three-dimensional postcard. To make it, you will need thick cardboard, colored paper, a matchbox, scissors, glue. The stages of work are as follows.

  1. We fold a sheet of cardboard to the size of the future postcard. Better if it is rectangular. Cut off the excess part.
  2. Cover the front part with colored paper or yellow cardboard. Please note that the sides of this colored part should be 1 cm less than the main blank. The result is a neat white frame.
  3. We take the notebook into a cage, the sheets of which are fastened not with metal clips, but with a spiral. We need one sheet. We tear it out so that the wavy edge is preserved. Crop the sheet so that its size is smaller than the colored part.
  4. We glue the matchbox with white paper, wrapping it so that the inside can be freely removed. We glue parts of a light lilac color of a slightly smaller size to make it look like a portfolio. Don't forget about the side parts. With a black marker, draw a dotted line along the edge in the form of a stitch. Decorate with yellow cardboard straps.
  5. Cut leaves of different shapes from colored paper: green, brown, yellow. Draw streaks with pencils.
  6. Putting the postcard together. First, we glue the yellow part onto the white blank, then the notebook sheet at an angle. We process the edges with glue stick. We glue leaves, a portfolio. On a notebook sheet, we write several mathematical examples with a red marker. The "briefcase" is attached last. You can put a folded sheet with wishes inside it.

Give the postcard along with a beautiful bouquet.

For information on how to make a voluminous postcard for Teacher's Day, see the next video.

What should not be gifted?

    Some presents cannot be presented. They can offend the teacher, put him in an awkward position. In this case, there can be no question of any positive emotions. These gifts include the following.

    • Money. It is especially unacceptable if the child does not shine with academic performance in the study of the subject. There is a feeling that this is a bribe.
    • Perfumery. Everyone has their own taste, if you are not aware of the preferences of the teacher, then you may simply not please him. Even when you think the scent is very pleasant, it is not a guarantee that the other person will like it.
    • Cosmetics. It is given in sets, but may not suit the skin type, cause allergies.
    • Hygiene products. Too intimate gift.
    • Clothes and bedding. Knowledge of tastes and preferences is required. Such a gift is ideal only for family members.
    • Dishes. Exceptions can be any exquisite tea service, a cup with a personalized inscription.
    • Alcoholic products. Completely inappropriate for a general education institution.
    • Jewelry and bijouterie.

    Before handing over a gift, examine it carefully. If you see a price tag, tear it off. Refuse too expensive gifts. Never put off a purchase until the last moment. Acquired in a hurry, an ill-conceived present is unlikely to bring positive emotions to the addressee. The banality will immediately be felt by the teacher.

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