Gifts for school and kindergarten

How to choose a gift for a teacher for graduation?

How to choose a gift for a teacher for graduation?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Memorable Gift Ideas from Primary School Students
  3. What to give for 9th grade graduation?
  4. Options for Grade 11 Graduates

The prom is an important milestone in school life, because this date will be solemn, unforgettable and a little sad for many people.


In the fourth grade, graduation is the transition from primary school to secondary education. And if the first teacher is a “second mother” who devotes a lot of time to the child, now he will have to communicate with several teachers. In the ninth grade, some of the matured students already leave school, parting with both the student body and the teachers. And the most important and solemn graduation party comes in the eleventh grade, because it personifies the exit into adulthood.

For this reason, the desire of students and parents to express gratitude to teachers, to leave a memory of themselves is understandable and justified. In addition to warm words and flowers, it has long been a tradition to present memorable gifts. But choosing an interesting and necessary gift is far from easy, because it must meet several criteria.

To prevent the gift from gathering dust on the shelf, taking up space, you need to think about the following points:

    • interests, hobbies, hobbies of the teacher;
    • how timely the gift will be, necessary and useful;
    • whether it will last a long time;
    • relative neutrality and universality of the gift, if there is no way to find out the preferences of the teacher.

    The situation is a little complicated by the fact that in accordance with the new edition of Article 575 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which entered into force on December 30, 2018, it is not allowed to give gifts within the walls of an educational institution, the cost of which exceeds three thousand rubles.

    For this reason, at the ceremonial part, usually held at school, in addition to flowers, only stationery can be handed over. More expensive gifts can only be handed out outside the school.

    If earlier teachers themselves often suggested what to give them, now this cannot be done, therefore representatives of the parent committee will have to decide this issue themselves.

    Memorable Gift Ideas from Primary School Students

    It is not customary for elementary school teachers to give expensive gifts for graduation in grade 4, but with imagination, you can "invent" an original gift, the creation of which should also involve children. One idea in which children's participation is essential is touching album "Ladoshki"... Here is the simplest way to make it: on thick white cardboard, the child either leaves prints of his palms, painted with paint, or simply traces them along the contour.

    It can be either one palm or both. Then the print is carefully cut out, a photograph of the child is pasted on one side, and on the other, you can either write a poem about the school, or kind words addressed to the teacher. Then all the "palms" are collected in one memorable album.

    Interesting individual gifts can also be ordered at the workshop. It can be a clock where the dial is replaced by photographs of students, a beautiful box for storing jewelry and trinkets with a photo of the class on the lid. Another interesting idea is a designer cake with elements of a school theme or a sweet "bouquet".

    Many parents and students themselves are happy to do needlework. Crocheted napkins, tablecloths, a patchwork quilt, a patchwork bedspread, embroidery - any creative ideas are welcome.

    A beautiful wooden carved pointer with an engraving "Beloved teacher" will also come in handy for the teacher.

    What to give for 9th grade graduation?

    In the ninth grade, subject teachers on the occasion of the end of the school year can be presented with just a beautiful bouquet and all sorts of stationery. It is not necessary for a homeroom teacher to give an expensive gift - jewelry, household appliances, vouchers or gadgets will not be entirely appropriate.

    Usually, students and parents are well aware of the tastes and interests of the teacher, therefore, first of all, you need to focus on them. An avid theater-goer can be presented with tickets to a play, a book lover - an e-book or a certificate to a bookstore.

    Practical and always needed items will be appropriate. A list of them is shown below.

    • Nice handle. Commemorative engraving with kind words will be a wonderful decoration. You can attach a leather-bound notebook or diary, an original stand to the handle.
    • If the teacher is a collector, then you can purchase items, complementing his collection.
    • Many teachers are passionate flower growers. Rare plant, set of original flower pots - a great choice for a gift.
    • Interior items: floor or wall clocks, designer table lamp, original floor lamp, decorative pillows and bedspreads, beautiful dishes. Modern technologies make it possible to turn these, at first glance, ordinary things into a unique decoration of the room.
    • If the teacher himself is a creative person, is fond of painting, music, handicrafts, then sets of quality professional tools to carry out this activity will always be appropriate.
    • A good gift that allows the teacher to choose a present for himself is a certificate for the purchase of cosmetics, perfumery or clothing.

    It must be remembered that making an original gift often takes a lot of time, so you need to take care of everything in advance.

    Options for Grade 11 Graduates

    The last bell and the eleventh grade prom are special and exciting events.This is parting with school, parting with teachers and classmates and going into adulthood. The solemnity of this moment presupposes the presentation of special, more spectacular presentations. But handing an expensive gift at the last bell party should not be. This is a school holiday and, in accordance with the law, a gift, the cost of which exceeds 3 thousand rubles, may serve as a pretext for accusations of corruption and the subsequent application of disciplinary sanctions against the teacher.

    On this day, it is appropriate to present to the class teacher as a keepsake an original photo collage, an unusual photo album, an electronic photo frame, a film about the life of a class, a thank you book with kind words. The students themselves will perfectly cope with this task. Such gifts are kept very reverently - the memory of such a release will remain for a long time.

    But at the graduation party, in an informal setting, a more informal personal gift can be presented. When choosing it, you should also be guided by several rules.

    • Appliances presented in the event that it is known for sure that the teacher needs it at a particular moment. The choice of brand should be approached very responsibly so that the device does not break down during the first use.
    • The same goes for gadgets. A modern teacher absolutely needs a laptop, a tablet, and a phone, but they need to be purchased after becoming familiar with their functionality and being well versed in the proposed models. Checks and documents for any equipment must be attached.
    • Jewelry may not be entirely appropriate. It is certainly a beautiful, valuable and solid gift. But you need to know how the teacher relates to this kind of products.

    There are subtleties that you need to know when choosing: jewelry or gifts made in silver are given only if they are branded or collectible items.

    • You should not choose rings or bracelets, as knowledge of the exact size and, preferably, fitting is required. Earrings, pendants, pendants, brooches are more suitable. If the teacher's taste preferences are unknown, then it is better to present a gift certificate.
    • Vacation vouchers, spa treatment, tourist trips can be awarded only after preliminary "exploration", as it may turn out that the state of health or the presence of other plans will not allow the trip.

    It is customary to give gifts at the graduation party not only to the class teacher, but also to subject teachers. When choosing them, you can go in two ways:

    • choose something neutral, suitable for a teacher of any profile - this will avoid unnecessary comparisons and offenses;
    • focus on professional activity (for example, a teacher of the Russian language and literature will be grateful to receive an e-book or a collector's edition of dictionaries, a mathematician will appreciate a laser pointer, and a biologist will appreciate an exotic plant or an electron microscope).

    A male teacher can be presented with an expensive tie, a clip for him, a wrist watch. If he cares about his health, is fond of cars, then a gift certificate to the appropriate store will be quite useful. The ability to choose a gift and present it beautifully is a very valuable quality. It is important to approach the choice informally, with a soul. Any teacher appreciates not only a material gift, but also words of respect and gratitude, a warm memory of his students.

    Teachers and practical jokes, comic gifts, funny letters, medals and orders, poems and songs will be appreciated. As a rule, grade 11 is a close-knit and friendly team, where there are born comedians, screenwriters, and creative personalities.

    A fun and memorable concert program is one of the best gifts for all teachers.

    For information on how to choose a gift for a teacher for graduation, see the next video.

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