Gifts for a woman

What to give your ex-wife?

What to give your ex-wife?
  1. Are flowers appropriate?
  2. Standard solutions
  3. How to give?
  4. Examples of congratulatory speeches

If the family has broken up, this does not mean that the relationship is exhausted comprehensively. For children, and for oneself, the best outcome of a relationship is to remain, if not friends, then close people. Therefore, it is not surprising if the ex-husband decides to give his ex-wife a birthday present or other holiday. Moreover, if the ex-wife is the mother of his child, this is a civilized, intelligent approach.

Are flowers appropriate?

Flowers are a classic and simple solution. A rare woman will not like the fact that on a special day for her, relatives, friends, colleagues give her flowers. And if the relationship with the ex-husband is not so warm and kindred as to count on a more significant gift, then flowers will be the best compromise solution.

The moment is delicate, because the new chosen one of the ex-wife (and the current girlfriend of the ex-husband) can become jealous, seeing how flowers are bought for a woman “from the past”. But a reasonable approach and trusting relationship will not leave room for jealousy and misunderstanding.

Moreover, very often ex-husbands give flowers to the ex-wife for the child's birthday with the words “Thank you for your daughter (son)”.

Therefore, such links are appropriate, they also say that after parting, people do not burn bridges, but retain gratitude for a good common past and continuation in the form of children.

Therefore, not a bad decision would be to deliver flowers to your ex-wife with a card “Happy Birthday! You are the wonderful mother of our daughter (son)! Be happy!" There is no ugly background to this that hurts the current halves of the ex-spouses. What kind of flowers to give, etiquette does not strictly indicate. Classic options in favor are roses, tulips, chrysanthemums, asters. A fashionable and very beautiful combination - yellow tulips and irises.

Standard solutions

The gift to your ex-wife does not have to be expensive: if you give candy, tea / coffee, balm and flowers - this is quite convincing for people who are no longer in a relationship. Nevertheless, this is a sign of attention, a sign of complicity. What else can you give?

  • Not a very high value certificate. This can be a certificate in a spa salon, a clothing or cosmetics store. But giving a certificate to a lingerie store is not worth it - the message is unambiguous, possible only in rare situations (often leading to the renewal of relationships).
  • Jewelry. In some cases, they are possible. If such gifts are perceived as appropriate for the ex-spouses, if you do not want to put the ex-wife in an uncomfortable position with the help of earrings or a pendant, then this gift is not reprehensible. But if it is unexpected, too expensive and presented with a challenge, the relevance is ruled out.
  • Gift box. Nice, modern, and some intelligent neutrality remains. Such a box can contain cosmetics, chocolate, sweets, other sweets, elite alcohol, beautiful dishes, etc.
  • Voucher... And this is one of the best options if the voucher implies a vacation with a joint child. Even if it is a voucher for 3 days to a holiday home outside the city, and not to the sea, this is a very convincing, unambiguous, pleasant birthday present.

It is very important what kind of relationship remained between the former spouses. If they are warm, even, then there is no need to look for universal gifts - you know the tastes, preferences of each other, it is unlikely that after the dissolution of the marriage they managed to change dramatically.

How to give?

The answer to this question also depends on the circumstances of your marriage, divorce, current relationship. In many families, the ex-husband is a guest at the birthday party, whose arrival everyone treats with understanding, without reservations. If this is the situation, then the gift is presented traditionally. If the arrival of the ex-husband to the festival is not entirely appropriate, there are two options: order delivery or donate after the holiday, in a neutral place.

Many spouses give gifts to their ex-wives through their children - and there is nothing "criminal" in this.

Perhaps more than the gift itself, the ex-spouses expect kind words and wishes from the once beloved man. You can always choose words that smooth corners, help to forget grievances, and build bridges of understanding.

If you feel a little awkward, take the child "as accomplices." Together buy a bunch of colorful balloons, cake, flowers, and congratulate your ex-spouse at a convenient moment.

The child helps to balance, removes moments of embarrassment. There are situations when you know that your ex-wife is not going to celebrate her birthday (not up to it, there is no one with whom, a lot of worries), and if you order a modest table for her and your child in a restaurant, most likely, the gesture will not go unnoticed ... The main thing is to find out exactly about her intentions - common children can guide you.

Examples of congratulatory speeches

  • "Happy Birthday! Although we parted, this does not negate the fact that you are a part of my life, and a lot of good things in it are connected with you. I wish you to be happy, surrounded by good people, wonderful events. Accept a small gift from me, it's nice to please you. "
  • "Happy Birthday! On your day, I want to say again - you are a wonderful woman, a wonderful mother, a good and kind person. I am grateful to you for the time spent together. I wish you health, love, warmth and prosperity. Thank you for our child, he will bind us all our lives, which means that we will forever remain close people. You can always count on me, congratulations. "

If you do not disregard your ex-wife's birthdays, this is only for the benefit of your children. They learn that a person cannot be erased from life: you can forget about offenses and quarrels, retaining in memory the good that was necessarily in life together. Therefore, such a positive example of human relations, support, is always better than silence, ignoring holidays and joyful events in the life of a once loved one. Of course, not all relationships that ended are conducive to this, but in most cases it is possible.

Other gift options for girls can be found in the video below.

1 comment

Would it be appropriate to congratulate your wife on your wedding anniversary, with whom you have not yet divorced, but she meets and lives with another man? We have good relations. Your opinion?


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