Gifts for a woman

What to give your girlfriend?

What to give your girlfriend?
  1. New Year
  2. Valentine's Day
  3. March 8
  4. Birthday
  5. What should not be gifted?

A gift for a girlfriend is always a difficult task for a young man. Especially if the budget for it is limited. And even if not, it is not always easy to please with a present. Some girls themselves voice what they would like to receive as a gift, and some want the man to guess for himself what she wants most.

Since it is impossible to guess, you need to know for sure, let's try to figure out what is possible (and necessary) and what cannot be given to your beloved girlfriend. After all, a lot depends on whether you choose the right gift! Consider what to give a girl for different reasons.

New Year

New Year's Eve is a time of surprises and secrets, so it is better if your present is what your beloved dreamed of. And to do this, you will have to listen carefully and look closely at what she is interested in spinning around in stores, perhaps starting a provocative conversation in the spirit of "which perfume is the coolest" or "bag that you like the most." It is best to start such a conversation early, in September or October, in order to lull the donee's vigilance and not "split up" himself.

In no case do not give in to the persuasion of sellers and do not buy a "novelty" or "popular among girls" fragrance.

Find out exactly what your particular girlfriend is dreaming of. She may be a lover of candles with home scents. After specifying what specific smells she prefers, go for a gift. Of course, it's not bad if you know at least a little about what you plan to buy. Otherwise, a girl who is a fan of citrus scents risks receiving sandalwood and amber as a gift.

If your girlfriend is an intellectual, give her the publication she dreamed of. If she loves fantasy, then a few novels she hasn't read yet will be greatly appreciated. You can donate an e-book with a library of romantic fiction, detective stories, or historical novels uploaded there. If she loves poetry (and understands them), present a volume with the works of her favorite author or a ticket to his creative evening (if the poet is our contemporary).

For a connoisseur of gadgets, a smart watch, a new phone, a personalized case for a smartphone or tablet, and "fancy" headphones are suitable.

Valentine's Day

On February 14, the most appropriate would be a romantic gift. It was at this time that the shops were simply flooded with all sorts of hearts - postcards, balloons, boxes of chocolates of the appropriate shape. There are plenty to choose from.

If a girl keeps fit or just doesn't eat sweets, there is no need to tease her by handing a bouquet of sweets or a heart-shaped cake.

Better to stay on a bear of roses or a bouquet of berries - this is more unusual... Banal teddy bears with hearts in their hands can be taken as a fact that you were just too lazy to attend to the gift. No need to buy the first soft toy you come across.

On this day, roses are more appropriate than ever - white, red, pink. They can be large Dutch or small bush, but any girl on this day is waiting for flowers as a declaration of love.

You can confess your love in different ways. For example, give a beloved a book about her, which are quite popular nowadays. The story of your beloved, accompanied by her photographs, will also contain your recognition for her. You can make such a book with your own hands by pasting and writing in everything that you deem necessary.

March 8

Beautiful tulips are not original, but no less pleasant gift for this day. As for traditional mimosas, you should be careful with them, finding out if your beloved is allergic to pollen. Bright gerberas, exquisite orchids or lush hydrangeas are great alternatives to roses.

In no case should you give items of kitchen utensils - rolling pins, baking pans, pans and pots on this day. But a French press or a coffee maker for a lover of this drink or a pair of tea made from bone china is a much more refined gift.

Since the theater season is in full swing in March, the inveterate theatergoer will love tickets for a premiere or a sensational performance. ROf course, you need to take into account the tastes of the donee: if she is crazy about musicals, it is not a fact that she will appreciate the theatrical performance in the spirit of arthouse.

Another gift idea can be a day of freedom from worries: waking up, your loved one receives coffee from you in bed. You will pour coffee into a beautiful new cup, put her favorite cake on a saucer, and there will be a rose, gerbera or tulip next to it. On this day, your beloved is freed from all household chores. Dinner - in a cafe, ordered at home or prepared by you yourself. Over a glass of champagne, present her with a cute present - earrings, perfume or a certificate to her favorite salon.

Even if you have lived together for a long time and share your household chores in half, don’t give anything utilitarian. This is a day of romance, a day of love, not new dishes. It is better to hand over a set of underwear (but before that, check the dimensions so as not to get into a mess). Since lingerie is also different in style, it's good if you choose a set in accordance with her, and not your style preferences. That is, thongs will not suit a lover of shorts, and girls with curvaceous forms will be uncomfortable in underwear with thin straps.


Birthday is a personal, personal holiday. Therefore, presentations on this day should be associated with the personality of the donee.

Taking the most successful photo of your beloved, order her portrait from a professional artist. Such a memorable present will be highly appreciated.Note: since the production of a portrait takes at least a month (this includes priming the canvas, varnishing the finished painting, and drying it), it should be ordered in advance.

If your loved one is sociable, she has many friends, Throw her a gorgeous surprise party where you invite everyone. Yes, the situation when everyone is hiding and then jumping out with a shout of "Surprise!"

Of course, when planning something for a beloved, it is necessary to clarify what plans she herself has. Perhaps every year she spends her birthday with her parents and loved ones, then a party is not the best option.

Tickets for a concert of your favorite band or artist will be very pleasing, especially if they do not often tour. The athlete will appreciate both the gym membership and the certificate to the sporting goods store and something from the inventory. Of course, you should take into account the tastes of the donee and not hand over the skates to the skier.

Jewelry will be received favorably if your girlfriend wears precious metals. If she prefers jewelry, present something she likes to her favorite brand.

Flowers as an independent birthday present are corny, as is the battered "one hundred and one rose" that is full of social networks. Think of something more interesting, because it's your girlfriend's birthday!

What should not be gifted?

Of course, there is a list of what should not be given to your girlfriend as a present. It:

  • sweets for those who do not eat them;
  • in general, any kind of food is inappropriate and completely unromantic;
  • alcohol;
  • hygiene products - deodorants, soap, shower gel;
  • scales, weight loss products, anti-cellulite creams;
  • remedies to combat skin problems - acne, comedones and others;
  • banal souvenirs like a fridge magnet or mugs with the words “my beloved” - you need to find something less hackneyed;
  • cool gifts like a fly in a glass or a caricature, your girlfriend will not appreciate it on any of the holidays;
  • a pet is a very troublesome gift, not the fact that it will be accepted with gratitude;
  • epilators, depilation creams;
  • money is an inappropriate gift for your girlfriend;
  • fake perfumes, bags, shoes - it's better to present an inexpensive bag from Zara or H&M than fake Dior or Chanel;
  • an unjustifiably expensive gift, do not make your girlfriend feel guilty about the cost of the present;
  • slippers or a bathrobe, tights, socks, towels and kitchen textiles, not so much because of the superstitions associated with these objects, but because of their utility.

Ideas and options for a gift for a girl are given below.

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