Gifts for a woman

What to give a girlfriend to mark the date of a relationship?

What to give a girlfriend to mark the date of a relationship?
  1. Gift for the first date
  2. If the relationship is half a year
  3. Gifts for every date
  4. What to give for the anniversary?
  5. Should I give something for a year and a half?
  6. Five years of relationship: what to give?
  7. How not to be mistaken with the choice?

A romantic relationship between a man and a woman, a girl and a young man, deserves the most reverent attention. When feelings are raging, and butterflies flutter in the stomach, you want to make surprises every day. So why not give a memorable gift to celebrate the first week of meeting or living together? It's just that deciding what to give a girl to mark the date of a relationship can be quite difficult.

How not to offend a loved one with a presented present? What is useful to give a girl at the beginning of a relationship, for six months and for a year? First of all, when buying a surprise, you need to focus on the tastes and interests of the chosen one, take into account her preferences. A practical young lady is unlikely to be delighted with romantic nonsense, and a tender and vulnerable girl will not appreciate the purchase of an ironing board or a saucepan as a present.

It is also necessary to correctly assess the degree of closeness of the relationship. If the romance is just picking up steam, buying diamonds or taking them on a trip may seem like an overly hasty decision. Tact and mutual respect can help avoid misunderstandings. If the beloved are young, free and full of plans, it is quite possible to afford the most dizzying ideas.

Gift for the first date

If the meetings last only a week, and you are already tired of sweets and bouquets, you should not waste time in vain. You can switch to more original gifts by giving your beloved:

  • a bunch of balloons;
  • a box with bright butterflies (you should first make sure that there is no insectophobia - fear of insects);
  • a soft toy or flower figurine;
  • sweet present in the form of an exclusive cake.

    The first weeks pass, and a new problem arises: what to give a girl for a month of relationship? It's easy to find an interesting present: you can mark the first month as a pair by printing original T-shirts or T-shirts. In addition, in winter, you can take care and give your beloved a warm scarf or a set of funny hats and mittens.

    Handmade jewelry is also suitable - it can be in the ethnic or Gothic style, keeping tenderness and romantic mood. Don't hand over the ring. A more appropriate solution would be a bracelet, brooch or pendant. If the budget is tight, you can present a romantic mug with an original image.

    For thrill-seekers, a hot air balloon flight or a date on the roof with warm blankets and a telescope is suitable.

    If the relationship is half a year

    It is believed that six months of a relationship is already an indicator that the feelings in a couple are strong enough. The first romantic ardor passes, trust appears, young people know more about each other's tastes and habits. During this period, making a gift, even with a small budget, will not be difficult. Moreover, 6 months is still not a year, and you can do without very grandiose accomplishments.

    For a six-month anniversary, you can present:

    • a set of personalized handmade sweets;
    • a certificate in the spa for a day with girlfriends;
    • a short trip - a weekend trip will help make your date unforgettable;
    • a photo session - the first official shooting as a couple requires a certain degree of trust;
    • a gift card to a cosmetics store;
    • an original gadget for home, study, entertainment;
    • joint visit to a master class on one of the types of crafts - the created masterpieces can be taken with you;
    • a huge soft toy - not the most practical, but memorable gift;
    • payment for the courses that your beloved dreams of;
    • a pillow with photo prints in the form of your most vivid memories together.

    In general, the gift can be quite traditional - the main thing is not to forget about the upcoming date at all.

    Gifts for every date

      True romantics don't forget about dates that others can easily ignore. For those who are counting the days to each meeting, it will be helpful to know that each date requires a different approach:

      • 2 months - you can hand over a cute trinket like a phone pendant or fashionable headphones;
      • 3 months - it is worth having a romantic picnic in nature or a weekend trip to a water park, planetarium, to a concert;
      • 4 months - in many cases, a couple has moved in by this time and lives together, you can give a useful present for the house or just keys, a bathrobe, pajamas and personalized slippers for your beloved;
      • 5 months - not a round date, but you can present an original flash drive to it or hand over a certificate for a manicure;
      • 7 months - the relationship is moving into a permanent phase, a joint visit to the spa or the purchase of original games in an intimate store will help to bring romance into them;
      • 10 months - an anniversary is coming soon, a large bouquet of flowers, a soft warm blanket or an invitation to a date in an expensive restaurant will help to show that feelings are still hot (in this case, you should be ready to buy the appropriate dress and shoes to match).

      What to give for the anniversary?

        The first anniversary is a major milestone in the life of every couple. From romantic lovers they turn into "almost married". In order not to lose your feelings, you should pay special attention to the choice of a gift. If funds permit, it can be a car or a fur coat. Among the more budgetary solutions are jewelry sets or trips abroad.

        For two years of relationship, you can also come up with an original present. If you want to do something with your own hands, you can transform the interior or arrange an unusual flash mob with friends, balloons and banners.For couples with a sense of humor, a comic wedding ceremony with symbolic rings and quite real guests is suitable.

        Such rehearsal often helps to overcome the fear of a real marriage proposal.

        If the couple are students, studies often take place in different cities or even countries. Modern means of communication will help to overcome time and distance on the eve of an important date. You can order a large plush toy, flowers and candies online. And start the morning with a touching video greeting posted on your beloved's page on the social network.

        Should I give something for a year and a half?

        For a relationship between a man and a woman, a year and a half is a pretty solid period. If the couple does not live together, you can mark the date by booking a country hotel or recreation center. A two-day or a week-long vacation will help you re-immerse yourself in the romantic atmosphere of a joint stay 24 hours a day.

        For those who have already tasted the joys of living together, you can offer role-playing games or intimate gifts like beautiful lingerie, a negligee, an unusual photo session in new looks.

        If you don't want to arrange a romantic extravaganza, you can get by with minimal funds. Offer your beloved a romantic dinner for two, order food from a restaurant or go to the cinema, theater, or ballet performance.

        The publication will give the celebration a special meaning. And the girl will have another reason to appreciate the gentleman's concern for her leisure time.

        Five years of relationship: what to give?

        If a couple has been dating for 5 years, talking about matrimonial plans is definitely not a novelty for her. Such a serious date is a reason to reconsider your views on life. If feelings are still burning, and thoughts about marriage do not cause too negative emotions, you can safely present a ring. But be careful: if the other half has other plans in this regard, you can easily be left without a pair.

        Handing out jewelry is considered a win-win option. These can be expensive designer items or practical solutions for every day. A fancy gadget, a new car, or apartment keys are all great ways to express feelings when paired with an upper middle income.

        If your beloved has not had a vacation for a long time, you should plan a trip to the sultry islands, give her a certificate for diving training in the Seychelles, or go to Paris for the weekend.

        Having children in a couple is somewhat hands-tied with regards to plans for the anniversary. But you can always please a woman with a visit to the spa for the whole day, fashionable shopping without financial restrictions, a fun party with friends.

        How not to be mistaken with the choice?

        Choosing a gift for a girl is always a slightly provocative moment, a mistake in which can become a reason for a quarrel. Any hints of imperfections are traditionally in the lead in the rating of antipresentatives: remedies for wrinkles and acne, cookbooks for those who cannot cook, a gym membership. It is better to leave such gifts for the girlfriends of the beloved.

        It's great if a girl has hobbies or hobbies - here you can safely study her interests and make presentations based on the personal preferences of your beloved... Sometimes a certificate to a bookstore or a motorcycle helmet can make the fair sex much happier than a ring or a new smartphone.

        You should also avoid giving live gifts, be it a flower in a pot, a kitten or a puppy. Firstly, it is not customary to make such presentations without the knowledge of the potential owner. Secondly, the risk of allergies is not excluded. Then you can immediately forget about the positive emotions associated with the date.

        For information on what to give a girl, see the next video.

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