Gifts for a woman

What to give a girl on a date?

What to give a girl on a date?
  1. Selection Tips
  2. What flowers to present?
  3. Present
  4. Original solution
  5. What to give in winter?

When meeting a girl, you want to impress her. To do this, young people go to different tricks: they give her surprises, take her to interesting places and do their best to please when they meet. However, there are certain rules of behavior and gift-giving that are best observed to make a woman want to see you again. In this article, we will tell you what to give a girl on the first date, which bouquet to choose, and give some recommendations.

Selection Tips

Girls like to repeat that flowers and gifts are not the main thing, they care about the care and attention of a partner. However, you can be sure that even a small souvenir and one rose will be accepted with great joy, especially for no reason. That is why it is recommended to give presents, regardless of whether you meet for the first time, or this is already a second date.

The basic rule for choosing a gift for the first meeting is that you can't buy anything expensive. After all, such a present can put a girl in an awkward position. In addition, you can run into a mercantile person who will wait for something like this every time and value only your money, and not your personal qualities.

It is also important to be guided by the way of spending your time.

In the case of going to the cinema, cafe or park, present a compact item that is easy to carry in your hands or put in a handbag. Bulky gifts are inappropriate at the first meeting, but they can be given on 3 dates and only if you have the opportunity to give her a ride home in your own carotherwise she will have to travel by public transport with a heavy and uncomfortable present.

On the first few dates, people are just starting to get to know each other, it's too early to talk about relationships, respectively, it is recommended to give up personal belongings. You should not give various symbols of love in the form of plush hearts, expensive perfume or cosmetics, as well as wardrobe items and underwear. Such gifts are appropriate only in a serious relationship, when people meet with the aim of starting a family. And you can seriously make a mistake with the brand, color or size - at best, your present will be donated.

Household items should not be gifted either. - such a gift may be misunderstood, or even offend a woman who has come to have a good time. In no case should you present jewelry, especially expensive ones, on your first dates. Such a gift obliges you to take serious action, the girl will certainly be surprised at your perseverance and will find herself in a very uncomfortable situation. The above gifts can be presented in the event of a long and lasting relationship, preferably when living together in order to create a family.

You should also focus on your behavior: it is very important not to be late for a meeting. You should wait for her, and not vice versa, especially in bad weather.

The fair sex appreciate not only material things, but also punctuality, care and feelings experienced next to you.

What flowers to present?

Of course, flowers are the most popular option for a first date. Many believe that this is no longer relevant, but not a single woman has yet shown disdain for a beautiful bouquet. Finally, giving flowers is prescribed by the rules of etiquette, because women immediately bloom as soon as these beautiful plants appear in their hands.

Flowers should be chosen in a special way, depending on the situation. For the first meeting, it is best to purchase something delicate and neat, for example, a bouquet of daisies, gerberas, orchids or small pastel-colored roses. Try to take compact options, since a huge bouquet is not for such occasions, save it for a later date if the meetings continue. If it happens in spring, you can take tulips, lilac twigs, peonies or bells.

Often in the warm season you can meet housewives selling beautiful flowers right on the street. An excellent choice would be chrysanthemums of different shades, which do not even need packaging, since they are completely self-sufficient in appearance. Lilies of the valley or forget-me-nots will do.

If you want to surprise a girl, buy her flowers spontaneously. Arrange the route of the walk so that along the way you come across a flower shop, believe me - the lady will be delighted.

Find out your favorite view in advance to get to the point. In principle, you can bring one packaged rose to your acquaintance. This is a small sign of attention, which does not oblige you to anything, but makes the companion understand that you are attentive to her.


In the modern world, most of the dating takes place on the Internet, young people recognize each other not only in personal correspondence, but also from the information on the page. If you carefully study it, you can come up with a gift according to the interests of the girl. She will be very pleased to know that you approached their first meeting responsibly, well prepared.

But it also happens that friends or relatives introduce people, providing not much information, except for words of praise and confidence that you will suit each other. In this case, picking up gifts for the first date is quite difficult, because you know little about your future companion. However, there are neutral ideas that are appropriate in any situation and can win the girl towards you.

  • Chocolate... You can bring a box of chocolates or opt for a sweet postcard. This small token is inexpensive. An excellent option would be a chocolate bouquet in which two gifts will be combined at once.
  • Soft toy. A small teddy bear or puppy will melt the heart of any lady. Get a compact version so that it is convenient to store and hold in your hands during a meeting.
  • Balloons. One or more - depending on the situation - will surely please a girl with a sense of humor. You can order flowers from balloons, an original gift will surely cheer up both of you and give you the owner of a sense of humor.

Many still believe that giving presents when meeting someone is not worth it, as this can embarrass a girl. The best surprise for her will be a pleasant time spent in an interesting place, where you can have a good conversation and get to know each other better, and you will still have time to present presents later.

Original solution

If you managed to find out about the girl's hobbies, you can spend time usefully and visit the places of interest to her. Believe me, she will be pleased to know that you have prepared especially for her.

  • Visit to a theater or exhibition. Romantic natures who are fond of art will be delighted with going to a play or to a museum. Try to get tickets for good seats and convenient times. So you can increase the time of the date, and after the event, sitting in a cafe, you will share your impressions of what you saw for a long time.
  • Quest. Now you can find a lot of interesting quests of interest, where everyone can express themselves. An active representative of the fair sex with great pleasure will pass all the tests and will be grateful for the positive emotions.
  • Romance in the boat. If it happens in the summer, you can go out into nature and go boating together. There are stations in many city parks and estates. Nature, fresh air and a small picnic on the grass will create the perfect dating mood, where you can get to know each other better and have a good conversation.

Of course, it is better to organize such entertainment on the 2nd or third date, when you already know about the desires of your companion and understand what exactly will impress her.

What to give in winter?

In the spring and summer, everything around is tuned into a romantic mood, in the cold winter cold it is more difficult to organize a date, but everything can be presented in a special way. It is not worth giving flowers in winter, as they will freeze and disheveled from the wind. If you really want to present a bouquet, buy from soft toys... Show care and attention to the person, present a warm knitted scarf and mittens, this sign will be pleasant to her.

It is much easier to organize a fun pastime in winter than in summer, because the weather itself has already done everything for you... Make a snowman in the park or play snowballs. Invite a girl to go for a ride on the ice or slide down the slide on a large cheesecake. A perky laugh and a joyful sparkle in your eyes will make it clear that you have made the right decision with entertainment.

Be sure to have a thermos with hot coffee or tea and something sweet with you. After the "cold" games, a little tea will bring you closer together.

Of the standard winter options, the best, of course, is cinema. Find out about your favorite actors and genres of your companion and go to a good movie, then you can sit in a cafe. A great option would be to visit the water park, where both will have fun from the heart. The option is not for the first or even for the second meeting, since not every lady will agree to appear in a bathing suit immediately after meeting.

There are many interesting options, each of which is purely individual. Consider the character and hobbies of the girl, be cheerful and active. She will definitely respond in kind.

For information on what to give a girl on a first date, see below.

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