Gifts for a woman

What to give a friend?

What to give a friend?
  1. What should be considered when choosing?
  2. Funny gifts
  3. Inexpensive options
  4. Memorable gifts
  5. Unusual ideas
  6. Useful things
  7. What else can you give?

The procedure for choosing a gift is not easy, especially if the recipient of the presentation is a girl. With men, everything is much easier - just remember their interests and hobbies. And with the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity it is much more difficult: they develop comprehensively, they may have several dozen hobbies known to those around them and even more interests that they do not spread about. These secrets can be called the highlight of the female nature, which is perplexing when choosing the most unusual presentation.

What should be considered when choosing?

Finding a unique surprise for a friend is considered not only a pleasant process, but also a very responsible task. It is very important that the chosen present is not only beautiful, but also useful. Unfortunately, even knowing the tastes and interests of a friend, it is not always possible to get to the point with the purchased souvenir.

In order not to be in an awkward situation, it is best to ask directly from the hero of the occasion what she would like to receive. Only the fair sex will never tell directly about their cherished desires - they can only hint slightly. It is for this reason that you will have to show your imagination or use the skills of a scout.

When preparing a special gift, it is important to consider reason for its presentation. For birthday and New Years, it is supposed to give useful little things. Tulips, snowdrops and a sweet set are relevant on March 8. For a bachelorette party, surprises are chosen with a hint of the end of an independent life and entry into a marriage union.In fact, there are a lot of reasons, and each individual case requires a certain approach to choosing a worthy surprise.

The first thing to check is these are wish-lists on social networks, where the names of things and objects that the girl wants to receive as a gift are indicated.

Perhaps she lacks a jewelry stand, a stylish accessory, or the most ordinary flash drive with a maximum volume.

Before buying this or that present, you need to familiarize yourself with the tips and tricks for choosing a unique gift.

  • The item chosen for delivery must correspond to the interests of the hero of the occasion. If a girl is fond of art and loves to paint, a set consisting of high-quality brushes and coloring material will become relevant. For an artist who draws inspiration from nature, a mobile easel is a great gift.
  • Before you go shopping for a gift, you must definitely determine the lifestyle of the fair sex and her occupation. If a friend spends a lot of time at work, you can surprise her with a subscription to a fitness club or beauty salon. Things that are extremely necessary for the work process are appropriate to give only if the woman values ​​her workplace.
  • An important criterion when choosing an appropriate gift is the age and character of the friend. For example, for a girl between the ages of 14 and 18, giving a certificate for visiting spa procedures is irrelevant. But a subscription to the pool or a ticket to a concert of your favorite band will be the most suitable surprise.
  • It is necessary to start searching for the corresponding presentation in advance. In no case should you rush and leave the purchase of a gift until the last moment. Thanks to a sufficient amount of time before the solemn event, it will be possible to take into account all the subtleties and nuances that can affect the upcoming surprise. Of course, you will have to sacrifice your time, but this fee will be rewarded with a pleased smile of the best friend.
  • If suddenly the choice of a gift has led to a dead end, you should seek help from the hero of the occasion. Perhaps the surprise will be spoiled, but the friend will get what she wants to have in her arsenal, and, accordingly, will be satisfied. The donor does not have to worry and worry, wondering whether the girl will like the gift or not.
  • When looking for a unique gift, you should consider its value. You should not give an expensive present that the hero of the festive event can purchase on her own. But saving on a surprise is considered bad form. A rich girl should not be presented with a cheap brooch or housekeeper. And a woman with an average income should not be given gifts, the cost of which corresponds to her annual salary.

In both cases, the ladies will not show it, but an unpleasant aftertaste will arise in their souls, which can affect friendly relations.

    Wanting to give your best friend a gift, there is no need to wait for the holiday - You can please a girl without a reason. Such gifts can be called gratitude for her kindness and warmth, for friendship and devotion. It is only when preparing a unique surprise that age should be taken into account. For example, young beauties at the age of 15–20, filled with strength and energy, need to be presented with gifts corresponding to their character.

    The most relevant will be certificates to a beauty salon or invitations to active games, quests... Lovers of modern technology will appreciate various accessories for a personal computer or laptop. The same goes for telephone peripherals. In turn, girls under the age of 18 are distinguished by their love for personalized things. A suitable gift for them would be a cushion with embroidered initials or a mug with a name.

    It is important to note that girls of all ages will be happy with small pleasures.Therefore, as a gift to a friend, you can present a teddy bear or a bunny.

    Ladies who love to collect puzzles will appreciate puzzles or books with intellectual tasks. Romantic natures with special trepidation will accept things created by their own hands. But even in this case, the donor must first familiarize himself with the tastes of his friend in order to choose the right decor for the product. Practical and economic girls are suitable sets of towels, kitchen service or organizer for cutlery.

    Lovers of outdoor recreation with great pleasure will take as a gift certificate for horseback riding or hiking equipment.

    Girls over 20 years old begin to show seriousness of character. Despite such a young age, they are already distinguished by their independence. And yet, the notes of adolescence make themselves felt. For this reason, it will be appropriate to present to a friend a homemade frame with joint photographs, a vase with an unusual design for flowers, a jewelry and jewelry box.

    Girls who are fond of sports can be presented training equipment for home use.

    It's important to remember that any surprise to your best friend must reflect a warm and kind attitude.

    The value of the gift does not have to consist of many zeros. It is enough for the present to be unique and unusual in appearance. To accurately recognize the tastes of your friend, you will need to use little feminine tricks. For example, on the eve of a holiday, go shopping with her. At the same time, pay attention to things and objects in which she is interested. Perhaps one of them will come across an accessory that can be presented.

    The comprehensive development of young beauties directs them to study different types of arts. In such cases, you can donate certificate for the master class of interest.

    Especially popular are useful gifts... This could be a designer table clock, a creative document cover, or a painting.

    Funny gifts

    Choosing a gift for your best friend doesn't have to be practical. If you connect your imagination, you will be able to pick up an original gift with a hint of humor. A cool souvenir should be bright and interesting. And in order to purchase a present that is appropriate for the occasion, you must be guided by some rules.

    • A playful gift should not hit below the belt, especially if at the time of delivery there are relatives and close friends nearby.
    • You should not give girls money hidden in cheap accessories or socks. This can not only offend the fair sex, but also ruin friendly relations.
    • Despite its playful nature, the gift should be used in the domestic sphere, and not stand on a shelf in a sideboard.
    • Even when presenting playful gifts, you cannot waste time on trifles on a greeting card. Small notes with wishes in a large container have lost their relevance. The girl will not even waste her precious time opening each piece of paper.

      Having familiarized yourself with the basic rules for the selection of a humorous presentation, you can go in search of him in a boutique of funny jokes.

      Table lamp

      At first glance, it may seem that such a gift is very commonplace and uninteresting. But first of all, you need to consider its design. It can be beautiful female legs, peeping out from under a skirt that serves as a shade. An umbrella on a transparent stand will look very original and unusual.

      Beach mat

      In this case, it is not an ordinary plaid with a checkered design that is considered, but a bedspread with a specially selected pattern. For example, an interesting option will be the one that imitates the cover of Playboy or Cosmopolitan magazine.Having settled down to sunbathe on such a flooring, the girl instantly turns into a living model of the world famous magazine.

      Wall Clock

      Their design should be humorous. For example, the number 12 in the round version of the watch is in its proper place, and the rest of the numbers are scattered in a chaotic manner at the bottom of the hour plate. In the center of such a watch, the inscription is appropriate "Why keep track of the time - you will be late anyway."

      Chocolate in special packaging

      Any inscription, a small list of compliments or congratulations can be placed on the wrapper of the sweet base of the presentation. The size of the chocolate should be minimal, and the packaging itself is very bulky. It will be quite interesting to watch the unpacking process, where each box is followed by the same, but smaller.

      The hero of the occasion will suffer a lot during the opening of the surprise, and in the end will receive a small, but very memorable present.

      Motivating cookware

      In this case, we are talking about plates, bowls and cups, reminiscent of a beautiful figure. So, on a snow-white saucer it is appropriate to engrave the inscription "after 18: 00 do not eat".

      Original apron

      A special version of kitchen clothing is assumed, for example, in camouflage colors. On the edges of the apron there are delicate embroidered flowers, on the chest you can see the inscription “disguised as a housewife”. Quite often, such a gift is presented to a girl from a friend. And if you can't find a design with a suitable inscription, you will have to go to a specialized center and make custom-made embroidery.

      This is just a small part of what can be presented to a girl as a gift. It is enough to connect your imagination, and you will be able to pick up a very original gift for your best friend.

      Inexpensive options

      In the life of every person there are times when there is no way to spend a large amount of money to purchase an interesting gift. And all exceptional things are offered at a high price. Perhaps someone can fall into despair, try to borrow a certain amount of money from friends, and then get out of debt. But this is not worth doing, because on the shelves of any stores there are many budget, but pleasant little things. The main thing is to remember that it is not the cost of the present that is important, but the warmth and kindness that comes from him, care and attention.

      Sweets in a beautiful package

      Today in any supermarket there is a huge amount of sweets in factory festive packaging. Cookies in tin cans decorated with a satin ribbon have become quite common. On the eve of the festive event, this is the most suitable gift for the fair sex.

      Although it is best to gift wrapped a sweet treat that you have made with your own hands.

      Business card holder

      By its nature, the gift is very simple and at the same time very useful. Every woman has dozens of business cards and discount cards in her purse. Some of them are located in the wallet, which is why the fair sex has a feeling of discomfort that the women's purse is being used for other purposes.

      The card holder in this case will help unload both the handbag and the wallet. True, it will take a separate place in the women's reticule.


      Modern girls use this accessory quite often. They are usually included with the purchased phone or player. In appearance, they are ordinary bushings on wires. To make your girlfriend happy, it is suggested to give her high-quality earplugs with original design and different functions. Firstly, such accessories are able to block extraneous noise, and secondly, they transmit perfect sound.

      Today, a huge variety of designs of this accessory is offered: they can be in the form of a flower, a fruit, or even an animal.

      Cocoa and marshmallow

      The most suitable set for adorable sweet tooth. No matter what they say, but not a single representative of the fair sex can refuse a sweet treat. In order for the friend to get maximum pleasure, it is supposed to share this gift with her. And during a fascinating conversation, do not forget to put pieces of marshmallows in her mug with hot cocoa.


      For the fair sex, this is the most necessary accessory, and not in a single copy - several pieces will be needed. Men use one or two notebooks for work, and girls prefer to have at least four notebooks for personal notes. And this is far from the limit.

      In order for the notebook to be original, it is proposed to arrange its cover separately by contacting professionals or by doing it yourself.


      Many girls are engaged in the cultivation and breeding of indoor plants. Knowing about this little hobby, each friend will be able to present a special flower in a pot to the fair sex. In addition, the girl will be very happy to receive a quality set for the care of indoor flowers as a gift, in which the necessary tools will be present.

      Scrapbook kit

      Today this activity is very popular among creative people. If the hero of the occasion is engaged in this kind of art, as a gift it is proposed to present her with the most expanded set of accessories for creating voluminous compositions.


      It is associated with frosty weather, when, wrapped in a warm blanket, you look out the window and watch the snow circling in the light of street lamps, listening to the howl of a blizzard. It follows that it is best to give such a gift on the eve of the winter holidays, for example, on New Years or on a birthday, if it falls closer to cold weather.


      Everyone knows that girls are big lovers of relaxing in a warm bed. The feeling of maximum comfort experienced should be accompanied by pleasant memories that can just be placed against the main background of the pillow.

      External hard drive

      For a friend who loves to be photographed and take pictures of the world around her, such a gift will be very useful. The main thing is that the volume of the hard disk is maximum, so that it will be possible to save a lot of important information on one medium.

      Original jars for storing small items

      All women (such is nature) collect all sorts of little things, which, as they believe, will definitely come in handy in the future. But where to put them - you just can't figure it out. Just for such purposes, special design containers are suitable, sold in sets of five or six pieces.

      Board games

      A versatile gift that is perfect for a friend with any interests. Thanks to this present, any evening can turn into warm family gatherings.

      Memorable gifts

      A real friend is a unique person: she knows how to keep secrets, always support in difficult times and happily share happy moments. For all her qualities, she deserves special attention, which can be expressed not only in words.

      Any girl will treat with trepidation a gift that will remind her of warm friendships.


      As a decorative decoration, it is necessary to make a symbolic engraving on the front side "for faithful friendship" or "for the best friend". In addition, the presentation of such an important award should not be carried out in a normal setting. In such a case, you will have to choose a special place, prepare a speech for the award ceremony, gather all relatives and friends for a friend.

      Presentation newspaper

      Posters of this kind are developed on large format sheets. Photos, things and objects are pasted on them, reminiscent of pleasant and interesting moments in the girl's life.Warm words and wishes are sure to fit into the free fields. After several decades, having unfurled the poster, the girl will be able to plunge into a pool of warm memories and re-experience feelings of joy.

      Memory book

      When you move to another country, it is very difficult to part with your best friend. But you won't be able to take her with you. In such a case, it is proposed to make a special gift that can preserve the memory of friendship. On a piece of paper, you need to draw a cute drawing with your own hands that speaks of love and joy. On the reverse side, write warm words, wishes, remember interesting moments of common pastime.

      You can even compose a soulful monologue. It is imperative to express gratitude that she was there all this time. Put the finished note in your friend's favorite book and hand it to her before leaving.

      Unusual ideas

      A traditional gift for any lady is a bouquet of flowers. According to the classical scenario, they are made up of roses, lilies, gerberas, or seasonal inflorescences are used. It just becomes offensive and unpleasant that a few days after receiving the bouquet will wither and crumble.

      Today, as an unusual surprise, it is proposed to present to your girlfriend a bouquet made from sweets. Its main advantages are its attractive shape and cost. To compose a bouquet, you can contact a confectioner-florist or fold the decoration from the girl's favorite sweets into a single composition with your own hands.

      Along with sweet bouquets, they enjoy wide popularity baskets of soft toys... Of course, such a gift is given mainly to young girls, but if you want to congratulate your girlfriend on the first day of spring, you can make such an exclusive surprise.

      To fill the toy bouquet, only those animals are selected that suit the recipient of the presentation.

      Compositions of coffee and tea ingredients enjoy a good reputation. These bouquets are sold in any supermarket. Sweet treats and butter biscuits are added as additional elements. When compiling such a composition at home, only those products are used that the recipient of the presentation likes.

      Another option for an unusual gift for a friend is certificate allowing you to go on an extreme adventure... It is important to note that such a cool present should be presented only to those girls who love to experience the feeling of adrenaline and are ready to go all out, for example, to jump with a parachute with their eyes closed without an instructor, or to fly in the air on a paraglider.

      Useful things

      Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to choose a useful gift for the fair sex. Their tastes and interests may not match. A variety of hobbies will make the closest person get confused. That is why, when choosing a practical gift, it is necessary to build on three main things that a girl loves most: the first is shopping, the second is shopping, and the third is shopping. At the same time, it makes no difference what kind of character a girl has, whether she is romantic by the state of her soul, or, in general, a tough nature - every woman loves to update herself and her wardrobe.

      • Boutique certificate for the purchase of shoes or clothing... A branded item will be an ideal gift for any girl. But to independently choose the perfect and stylish accessory, suitable in size, design and color, without her presence is quite difficult. In order not to get into a mess, it is proposed to buy a certificate for a certain amount of money, which will allow the recipient of the presentation to purchase the thing they like.
      • Cosmetics store certificate... Undoubtedly, every representative of the fair sex tries to look attractive and unusual, using a minimum of cosmetics for this.And yet, to maintain the natural beauty of the skin, they use certain masks, creams and balms. It is often not possible to find out from a friend which brands and brands most help her to be attractive. The certificate, in this case, will help the girl to acquire exactly those products that she likes best.
      • Certificate for visiting a beauty salon... In this case, it is proposed to issue a discount that allows the recipient of the gift to choose the necessary procedures from the entire range of services provided by the beauty salon. The amount for the certificate must be of the appropriate value. That is why this kind of presents cannot be called budgetary.

      If there is no desire and opportunity to bother with the search for this kind of gifts, you can consider several other practical options that are distinguished by their usefulness that you can put together. For example, handing headphones to a friend in a separate box, and after she realizes that nothing else is foreshadowed, surprise her with another surprise - a player.

      What else can you give?

      It happens that the traditional options for presentations do not correspond in any way to the theme of the solemn event. In this case, it is proposed to consider several other surprises that can please a friend.

      First you should consider gifts for a bachelorette party. The holiday itself is characterized as parting with a free life and entering into a marriage union. For such a serious event, bridesmaids can prepare special gifts for her.

        Beautiful underwear

        It can be a lace set with a silk robe or an elongated negligee. A young spouse should not sleep in cartoon pajamas.

        Commemorative collection

        It's quite a good idea to create a special scrapbooking album, which will reflect the most fun and pleasant moments from your pre-married life. You can paste photos and attach items that remind you of interesting events. It will be appropriate to add a postscript or a comic commentary to each individual memory. In the age of nanotechnology, you can approach this issue from a different angle and, using computer knowledge, create a video clip or slide show.

        Professional photography

        Every girl wants her wedding day to be captured from all angles by true masters of their craft, so that after decades she will be happy to look at the wedding album and show children photos of happy parents.

        Traditional gifts

        Often, the groom and the bride are engaged in preparing for the wedding ceremony on their own, but they are not always able to follow all the subtleties and nuances of the holiday, sometimes they even forget the most important elements, for example, figurines of the bride and groom for a wedding cake. In this regard, girlfriends should worry in advance and present the most necessary elements of wedding decor to the bride for a bachelorette party: garter, ring cushion, wedding glasses for the heroes of the occasion.

        Practical gifts

        In addition to some surprises for the bride, gifts for the future family will also be appropriate. As a general presentation, you can present a picnic set, cutlery or kitchen utensils.

        Another reason for meeting friends is the news of the imminent addition to the family. And this is where the fun begins. According to signs, it is impossible to present a future mother with baby clothes, diapers and undershirts, but in the modern world it is impossible to do without preliminary preparation. Therefore, superstitions fade into the background, and as a gift to a pregnant girlfriend, you can present any children's accessories: a bath and bathing products, diapers, scales, etc.

        • Books... You can donate publications for expectant mothers, where the procedures for caring for the newborn and the monthly development of the baby are described in detail.Alternatively, it is best to present the baby's planing, in which his story will be painted, starting from the date of birth.
        • Linens. Before purchasing bedding for crumbs, you should check with the expectant mother which model of the crib they have purchased. Thanks to this nuance, it will be possible to choose the perfect bedding set for a little baby.
        • Clothes and things. For the first time, a little kid will not need a lot of bright clothes, and sliders will be the most suitable present. We must not forget about the colors of clothes: for girls - pink, for boys - blue. If the gender of the baby is unknown, neutral shades of things should be chosen.

        For information on what to give your friend, see the next video.

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