Expensive gifts: souvenirs and jewelry for important people

The present should be not burdensome for the giver's wallet and pleasant for the person receiving it. In certain circles, this rule is still valid. But there are situations in which expensive gifts are part of a cultural code or an unspoken set of social rules. In this case, it is worth thinking about how to amaze, surprise, delight a person who already has everything he needs. If traditional solutions are not suitable, it is worth presenting something that is not customary to buy on your own: handmade souvenirs, elite varieties of tea and coffee, exclusive silver gifts.
However, the list of interesting and original gifts is actually much wider, and you can always find something that will make you stand out from other people. Exclusive status is often acquired by things that have a collectible value. Objects of art and folk crafts are always of interest to a foreigner. Representatives of the spheres of power or people in the world of big business prefer original accessories that can emphasize the high status of their owner. Modern and active users of fashionable gadgets will be happy with a bright accessory or stylish device in an unusual case.

Exclusive souvenirs
Souvenir products can also be expensive, fashionable and exclusive. Traditional sets for partners, clients, suppliers with VIP status are made from the most expensive and luxurious materials. Diaries in leather covers, a wine set with backgammon or chess in a case made of fine wood, writing utensils with exclusive corporate symbols, lighters with smoking utensils.

It is customary to present all these presentations during negotiations, events and informal conversations.
Expensive souvenirs are also relevant when meeting official foreign delegations. It all depends on the regional characteristics. For example, the most Russian gift in the Urals is gems and stone products. Many folk crafts have been preserved in the Moscow region and the surrounding regions. You can present sets, mugs painted in the Gzhel technique, or Dulevo porcelain. In Tula, samovars are presented, and in the southern regions of the country - edged weapons and strong drinks.

Souvenir products in exclusive design are usually produced and made by hand. Exclusive lacquer boxes from Palekh can be ordered for employees for the holiday. Exquisite jewelry (brooches, tie clips) made of gems or key rings for staff in corporate colors will emphasize the status of the company. A necessary attribute of a VIP event - an exhibition, fashion show, presentation, boutique opening - will be a set of souvenirs related to the theme of the event.

Premium Edible Gifts
Edible VIP-level gifts are given most often, since they are quite affordable and varied, you can find really interesting options and offers. Let's mark the most popular solutions.
- Tea... There is nothing better here than Japanese exclusive varieties of white and green drinks, as well as black tea with a variety of fillings. You can buy a ready-made gift set of elite tea at a very impressive price, not only of the giver, but also of the recipient.

- Handmade chocolates. You can choose the classic solution with milk, white and dark chocolate, or give preference to the options with spices. Fillings can also be almost any, and the external design - from cute or funny to related to the gothic theme, and even the direction of the company.

- Chocolate. Always loved by millions, the delicacy can be sweet and bitter, pungent and spicy. As an expensive gift, it is better to purchase Swiss products or unusual versions from Japanese connoisseurs of bright taste.

- Elite sets of alcoholic beverages... You can choose an option with small volumes of containers, but a variety of tastes. Or buy a bottle of wine or strong alcohol of a certain year at an auction, striking him with the rarity of the most sophisticated connoisseur.

- Coffee - it is not necessary to give an exclusive Kopi Luwak. It will be enough just a good set of blends from one continent or from the whole planet.

- Sweet cupcakes, macaroons and other original treats. Today they are offered by many pastry shops. The presentation looks pretty impressive - silk-wrapped boxes with bows and crisp tissue paper inside.

- Black caviar. A gift that will be appreciated not only by gourmets. Caviar, traditionally considered a symbol of the holiday, will allow you to feel the spirit of luxury.

- Meat delicacies in a special “grocery basket”. A luxurious present for everyone who loves to eat. Can be given to partners, colleagues or employees for the holiday.

- Cheese sets. For discerning connoisseurs of gourmet gastronomy, authentic Swiss, French or Russian cheeses may well be the best solution for choosing a suitable edible present.

Status presents
The most high-profile gifts are often chosen among things of historical or cultural value. Antiques are always in fashion, including rare books. Depending on your budget and time, you can look for them at auctions or collectors. In addition, a business partner can always be presented with a thematic present that can bring real benefits in his activities. A unique office furniture or a comfortable armchair, a custom-made fashionable device or a handcrafted status carpet will say more about the company's well-being than any advertisement.
What to give important people? There are certain rules to avoid annoying mistakes. A diary with a leather cover, with a personal pen, from a well-known luxury brand will allow you not to enter a person's personal territory, and at the same time demonstrate respect for the status of the recipient.
People related to serving in power structures can be presented with presents with thematic state symbols. They invariably cause delight among representatives of foreign powers, for whom everything connected with another country seems exotic.

If you want to find unusual ideas for a young, active person well versed in current trends, you should pay attention to gadgets and accessories for them. Among them you can find truly VIP-presentations.
- Exclusive laptop sleeve. For example, the most expensive of them - from the famous Dutch brand costs 11 million dollars. In the decoration - sable fur, genuine leather, rare diamonds. But you can find simpler options, for several hundred thousand rubles.
- iPad with a unique body design. The most expensive option is the premium design of the device developed by a popular British jeweler. He smelted the case from 2 kg of 24-carat gold, supplementing it with an ancient fossil of ammolite and fragments of a dinosaur bone. Besides, the logo and the sides of the case were decorated with placers of diamonds. But there are much more ideas for implementation, and in Russia there are also bureaus that are ready to work on an individual order with the assembly of gadgets.
- Exclusive game console. Gold plating still turns completely utilitarian things into exclusive ones. The most striking example is the $ 481,250 version of the Nintendo Wii. In total, three users have such set-top boxes in the world.
- Magic Mushrooms Series USB Drives... These "mushrooms" are mass-produced and cost 16,500-36,900 dollars, have a jewelry frame and a case made of pure gold.

Of course, diamond computer "mice" or inlaid flash drives may not impress the computer genius. For the most subtle connoisseurs of the virtual world, glasses or augmented reality helmets or invitations to thematic conventions, where it is difficult to get a ticket, will be relevant.
The tradition of giving jewelry has existed for a long time. For example, masterpieces of jewelry art by Carl Faberge were presented to people especially close to the court, representatives of the royal family. Today, such exclusive works of art also exist and are created thematically. You can order an original wood, vase, lamp or a whole set of amber interior items; cabinet sets for men and jewelry boxes for women are produced.
Silver jewelry is also an excellent gift giving solution. A real exclusive - silver sets for drinks, as well as scarlet ashtrays, a mantel clock in a noble metal case and other original accessories... In addition, are still relevant a variety of bracelets, with a complex design, in ethnic style. Such an exclusive will definitely be appreciated by both women and men.

Original jewelry is a gift for loved ones and dear people... But what if you have to congratulate a boss or a person in power? The solution has long been invented: beautiful and stylish pens, generously inlaid with diamonds and other precious stones. Such a present is presented to business partners, managers and just important persons. The choice of brands and price range in this market is quite large.
For ladies who do not belong to a close circle, there are also neutral gifts: brooches made of precious metals. Such a gift does not look overly personal, but at the same time it allows you to show imagination and satisfy the most discerning taste of the recipient of the gift.

Expensive does not mean striking with brilliance of diamonds.Modern jewelers generously use semi-precious and ornamental stones in their work, combine precious and ferrous metals, and forging elements. Such a custom-made product or a whole set of gift items can cost a lot of money. And most importantly, it will definitely be developed and executed in a single copy.
Taking into account the preferences of the recipient when choosing gifts, you can guarantee yourself an impeccable solution to the most difficult situation, and be a welcome guest even at pretentious VIP events.
Options for the 7 most expensive gifts are presented in the following video.