Money Gift Ideas

Everyone knows that the most win-win gift for all occasions is money, because you can spend it on anything! However, just handing the bills in an envelope is trivial. Let's learn how to make original gifts from banknotes with our own hands.
Souvenir options
Here are several secrets of folding a beautiful flower out of money, namely a rose. In order to make it we will need bills, wire and scissors.
- To create a stem, you need to fix the bill in the center with a wire. The ends of the banknote must be tucked up.
- We begin to collect the flower. We put bills on top of each other (crosswise), twist the ends of the wire. From the petals that have turned out, we form a bud.
- At the end, we fix the stem. We fasten all the wire that remains to it. The stem does not look very nice, so you can decorate it with other banknotes (make "leaves"). To do this, you need to twist the money into a tube and secure it to the stem with double-sided tape. The rose is ready.

A bouquet of money and sweets will look good.
Such a gift will turn out to be original and appetizing. To do this, buy round-shaped candies in a beautiful wrapper. Make some money roses, as described above, but it is advisable to roll the buds not very much so that the sweetness fits there.
We put the candy in the center of the bud as far as possible so that it does not fall out. If the sweetness still falls out, then carefully attach it with double-sided tape. Do the same with the other buds. Then form a bouquet by joining all the pieces together.

A creative cash gift in the form of a dress will look good. Step-by-step manufacturing instructions are presented below.
- Fold the bill in half. After that, we fold the bottom edge of the banknote up so that the fold line is 1/4 from the edge from the top.
- Then you need to put the bill on the other side, close it in half in length and unfold it so that the fold line is visible.
- Fold the corners of the bill diagonally downward. Unfold the fold that has been folded in half lengthwise. To create a pocket, fold it along the line. Do the same with the left fold. It turned out the lower part of the dress.
- The top edge should be folded down 1/4 from bottom to top. Rotate the bill. Roll the edge down by 4 mm from the top.
- It is necessary to turn the banknote over to the other edge again. Collect the side on the right at a small angle. This corner creates the shape of the dress. You should also bend the side to the left.
- To create sleeves, the dress on the left side should be folded back into the corner. Do the same on the right edge.
- In order to make the sleeves of the dress shorter, the bill must be slightly folded. Make a similar fold on the right side.
- To create a cutout on the dress, you need to turn the bill over and bend the edge slightly at the top. The money dress is ready.

Money in a frame will become an original and worthy souvenir. To do this, you need to buy a small photo frame. Place a dark colored paper on the base for photographs. On the frame, you need to glue an inscription with a wish, recommendation or comic instruction about spending the amount handed over for the person to whom you will give it. A banknote is placed on top of the text.
The frame can be closed. The souvenir is ready.

A cute and funny present will turn out in the form of a shirt with a tie made from a banknote. Only one bill is required for production. The manufacturing technique is as follows.
- It is necessary to fold the banknote in half and open it back. Then fold it so that both edges meet in the center of the fold.
- Next, open the bill and turn one corner into a triangle. We fold the other corner in the same way. It is required to fold everything into an acute angle.
- To assemble a tie, it is worth expanding those folds that were previously folded. Make two folds at the tip of the triangle. They should go back along the line and touch the fold made earlier.
- You need to turn the bill over to the other side to see the folds made.
- Next, you need to fold the sides of the triangle. They should lie under the tie in a layer. Then form along the fold made earlier. The tie is ready.
- Then you need to wrap both edges to the center and tuck them under the tie. To create a collar, make a long fold at the bottom of the bill.
- Next, you need to turn the bill over to the other side and bend the corners to the central part. You should have the same diagonal folds.
- Roll up the bill. The collar should be under the tie.
- To assemble the sleeves, you need to make the folds obtained earlier, unfold them back and push them out. Then you need to repeat the fold. The collar should be under the tie again.
- To create identical sleeves on a shirt, fold the bottom of the bill over the top.
- To create a collar, it is necessary to fold the part of the banknote from which the collar was made from the back side.
- From the front, move the edges on the sides of the shirt. The tie should be centered. To prevent the folds from unfolding, you must carefully press them.
- A tie with a shirt made of a banknote is ready.

A decent money cake will be a birthday present. To do this, you will need: cardboard, paper clips, money, glue, ribbon decorations. Here is the cake making technique.
- 3 circles with a diameter of 30, 25 and 20 cm need to be cut out of cardboard. The cake will be in three tiers. For this you need a Whatman paper. By the size of the large, medium and small circle, it is necessary to cut strips as wide as the width of the bills.
- Connect the circles with the strips with glue.You should wait until everything is thoroughly dry.
- You need to take the money, roll it into tubes and fasten it with tape. It is necessary to decorate all the tiers of the cake.
- Then all the tiers of the cake are glued together.
- There is only one small thing left: cake decorating. "Cakes" can be fastened with a tape for strength and beauty. To create an elegant cake, it is advisable to pack it in mica and tie it with a bright bow. The money cake is ready.

The craft "boat" will look unusual and impressive.
A wicker basket will become the basis of the boat. For manufacturing you will need: bills, wood skewers, cardboard, basket, tape, chocolate, paper for packing the ship.
- To assemble the ship stand, you need to cut a rectangle out of cardboard of any size. Then you need to cut out the upper side of the stern and glue it with small chocolates.
- You will need bills to create a sail. Each should be folded in half. Attach the top and bottom part to a wooden skewer. There are three sails to be made.
- To create the rear part of the sail, you need to wrap the banknote laid along, around the skewer and attach it with tape.
- To complete the front part of the sail of the ship, it is necessary to wrap the coin in the form of a triangle and secure it with tape.
- Now it remains to collect all the parts of the ship. To do this, attach the food from above to the basket. Pierce the stern from above with sails with skewers. Then you should attach the sail in front of the skewers with tape.
- Glue the chocolate coins to the stand and put the made ship on the surface. Ready!

How to add money beautifully?
You can arrange money in an unusual way. To do this, check out the origami technique. With its help, you can easily create a beautiful and voluminous figure from paper bills with your own hands.
The figure is required to be chosen depending on the upcoming event and on who you will be giving the present to. For example, it can be:
- wardrobe accessories such as slippers, tie, dress;
- a car;
- gun;
- herringbone;
- pyramid;
- ornament;
- bird;
- butterfly;
- heart;
- human figure.

For the original design of an unusual gift for young people, the main thing is to show creativity.
Make a passbook. To create a cover, you need to take an A5 folder and wrap it in bright fabric. To decorate the pages of the passbook, it is worth sticking on each of them different cool pictures corresponding to the topic.
In the folder you need to make a pocket for investing money. The most important thing in a gift is personal congratulations and wishes. You can decorate such beauty with lace, pearls, rhinestones.
Such a present will undoubtedly stand out among other monetary gifts.

How to present in an original way?
Give money in an unusual way, for example, in a bag. Cut the bag out of thick fabric and draw (embroider) a dollar sign on it. The bills need to be wrapped in a tube, each of them is tied with a beautiful ribbon and folded into a bag.
It is only a joy to give such an unusual money bag. Present banknotes in the bank in the same way.
Make a funny shovel for money, as in the saying "Rake money with a shovel." You just need to glue a pocket on the shovel, into which you can put the corresponding banknotes so that they are visible from the pocket.

Give original gifts to mothers, grandmothers and all women, for example, cash candy. To do this, you need to buy a box of chocolates and put bills in them, twisting a tube. Wrap each candy in the box with a banknote and close it carefully.

Beautiful examples
You can give money in an interesting way, for example, by investing it in balloons. To do this, inflate the balloons and hide the bills there by rolling them up with a tube and securing them with tape.

Another common way to give money is to create a real tree out of it.To do this, you need to buy a plant in a flower shop and carefully attach notes folded in a tube and tied with ribbons to each branch. It is best to buy a fat woman, popularly called the "money tree", or zamiokulkas (dollar tree).

In an unusual way, hand over money with an umbrella. To do this, you need to take the strings, attach to each bill and tie them to the knitting needles of the umbrella. When the umbrella is opened, the money will hang down nicely.
For a person, this will be a complete surprise, since at first glance it is impossible to guess that bills are hidden in the umbrella.

The original packaging for money will be a pizza box. In it, you need to carefully fold the money in the form of the sun and close the box.

Present an interesting carpet made of money with which you can surprise the birthday boy. This will require oilcloth and the money itself. On the oilcloth, you should sew pockets the size of a banknote, and put a banknote in each of them.

Make a hut out of money. They must first be ironed, and then rolled into tubes and fastened with paper clips. Then the tubes must be fastened together to make a house (you can also use paper clips). Connect the walls with skewers. Insert the skewers with the house into the foam. The house is ready.

Watch a video about gifts made of money below.