How do roses sound in the language of flowers?

The language of flowers is a special term that demonstrates the impression or mood that a person should experience at the moment when he receives a flower or a whole bouquet. Today the language of flowers includes many explanations regarding different cultures, but more attention is paid to roses. It is worth making out what the "queen of flowers" is capable of telling.

What do flowers mean with regard to color?
The rose is undoubtedly the most attractive decoration in the garden and has been cultivated for over 5,000 years. For the first time, the flower appeared in ancient Rome, and at that time the culture consisted of no more than 10 varieties. Today, over 30 thousand varieties are known, and each has its own distinctive features, standing out:
the number of petals.
And this is just a small part of the differences listed. When choosing a rose, it is not enough to take into account only the characteristics. It is also worth thinking about the basic meaning that the flower carries with it. Interestingly, in ancient Rome, roses were given only one meaning. Flowers acted as the main symbol of morality. Many warriors, before going on a long campaign, took off their head gear and instead of helmets, they wore wreaths with roses on their heads. It was believed that in this way they let courage into their hearts.

And also in Rome, the rose was considered a symbol of silence. And often the flower could be found over the dining table, at which it was not customary to talk. And if there was a conversation at some table during the feast, and a rose hung over the interlocutors, the visitors' task was to keep the conversation a secret.
The rose acquired romantic meaning only closer to the 19th century. Today, for example, dense buds evoke associations with innocence and youth... If you give a girl or a woman a bouquet in which there will be at least one young rose, he will directly inform about warm and sincere feelings, but at the same time he will emphasize that the chosen one is too young for a man.

Roses act as an excellent mirror of feelings, no worse than eyes. Attractive colors can communicate:
And also roses can help you apologize. The main thing is to choose the right color and quantity.
As for the language of flowers, it began to emerge in the East, where the inhabitants of various tribes and harems attributed different messages to certain shades, and thus communicated with each other. And already in the 18th century, the language of flowers came to Europe, where Charles II even published a special dictionary with the main meanings of the buds.

To begin with, it is worth dwelling on the basic shades. Possible options.
Red... These bouquets are considered the most common. Red roses are given if a woman is admired or respected. And also flowers of this shade are a direct declaration of love or strong sympathy. The peculiarity of red roses in their rich and bright aroma, which can literally turn your head. Therefore, with their help, a man tells a woman that he is ready to belong only to her, offers strong love or true friendship. Tea roses of this shade are usually a bright gift for the holidays.

- White... Delicate white roses are a symbol of chastity. Therefore, it is not hard to guess what a bouquet of white flowers presented to a young girl means. Such associations are associated with the history of the flower, which goes back to religion. With the help of a white rose, a man in love can also communicate his feelings, therefore, quite often white roses are presented at weddings.

- Pink... It is the color of young people who are in love. Basically, such bouquets are given in their youth. With the help of pink flowers, it is possible to convey the idea of noble intentions and tender feelings that are hidden in the chest. In this case, it is important to choose the right shade. Delicate pink roses will help tell you about love, and deep pink flowers will be a way to express gratitude.

- Yellow... One famous song says that yellow symbolizes separation. But with a rose, everything is completely different. Yellow flowers become messengers of respect and admiration that a beloved wants to share. Often yellow roses are given after quarrels in order to make peace with your beloved.

- Orange... Such flowers can become a real decoration of the holiday. With their help, it will be possible to tell about pride in the owner of flowers, as well as about respect for her. In addition, orange indicates that the person is happy to meet.

- Blue... An unusual shade that evokes associations with something mysterious and inaccessible. If we consider richer tones, then they convey a message of strong feelings and admiration on the part of the one who gives flowers.

- Green... Another non-standard color that has always meant fertility and abundance. You can give such roses if you want to attract the attention of successful people. In the case of lovers, green roses mean jealousy.

Finally, it is worth highlighting black Colour. These buds are associated with both death and protest. However, for some peoples, black roses are a symbol of rebirth and a new beginning.

Many people express their feelings by intuitively matching the color of the buds of bush or tea plants. However, knowledge of the symbolism of colors will help you more accurately choose the right flower.
Quantity symbolism
It is interesting, but you can tell about your feelings not only with the help of the right shade of the rose, but also with the help of a certain number of flowers in the bouquet. You can start simple: an even number evokes associations with misfortune, death, and other disasters. Odd, on the contrary, is customary to give on various holidays.This explanation came from Ancient Russia and is still relevant.

As for the narrower options, then among the common:
1 rose - a symbol of an empty heart in need of love;
2 flowers - despite superstition, they are a symbol of serious intentions and a desire on the part of a man to form a union;
3 flowers - talk about friendly feelings, express a little sympathy;
5 roses - are a symbol of good luck;
7 buds talk about the desire to know the unknown and the mysterious;
9 roses - so much is given to a woman who is admired;
15 flowers - perfect for first dates and anniversaries;
19 buds - a great opportunity to communicate your desire to get married;
27 buds - they talk about strong love and affection, it is customary to give a bouquet to his wife;
29 pieces - a symbol of eternal love;
36 buds - a good opportunity to wish you a great day;
51 roses help express a strong interest in another person;
101 bud - for those who want to make their beloved understand that she is the only one.
Knowing the symbolism will help you choose the right number of flowers to convey an accurate message.

Combining color and quantity
So, separately with the meaning of shades and the number of roses, we managed to figure it out. Now it's worth talking about what flowers can convey in a combination of tone and quantity. Popular options.
Red or white rose in the amount of 1 piece. If one red is added to a bouquet of white roses, the partner wants to communicate his sincere desire and interest. This means that a man can no longer hide what sparks inside. If a white bud is found in a bouquet of red roses, then this means that the partner recognized the woman as the one and only.

- Three or more red buds in a bouquet. Evokes associations with warm and tender feelings, speaks of sincere love.

- Three white roses and more... These bouquets deliver a message of appreciation and gratitude. And also three white roses indicate that the man is interested in the purity of the girl.

- Five white buds - a characteristic sign of admiration of the opposite sex.

- Seven colors of white - recognition of sincere feelings.

- Nine white roses report that a man considers a girl or a woman to be unique.

- Five red roses talk about the beauty of a woman with whom a man meets.

- Seven red buds - recognition that a man can no longer imagine life without a chosen one.

- Nine red roses - association with a deep and lasting feeling.

Separately, you should pay attention to bouquets of roses of different shades. For example, if it has red, orange or yellow buds, it should be borne in mind that the partner thus acknowledges his gratitude, and also communicates his love and attraction to the woman. Such bouquets are mainly received by wives.

Flowers can tell a lot, and with the help of roses you can do this as transparently as possible. However, it is better to give flowers as a complement to sincere words.