How to choose a book as a gift?

Many consider books to be the best gift. At the same time, most of the donors are convinced that such gifts are suitable only for book lovers. However, modern publications create not only the usual printed products, but also whole works of art. They are pleasantly pleasing in appearance (bright covers, design works, handwritten editions). The content may also differ from the classical perception. Therefore, in modern society, such a gift can become pleasant and memorable even for those people who do not like to read.
What to consider when choosing?
When deciding to take on the role of an educator, you need to take a responsible attitude to the selection of the book. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the tastes and interests of the person being gifted. There is a list of characteristics, a certain set of rules that should be followed when choosing. There is a likelihood of great luck if the person to whom the book will be presented once, in a conversation with you, expressed his preference for the printed edition.
Thanks to this, a clear picture of what you have to look for can form in your head. However, if there is not even the slightest idea of what a person prefers, you should pay attention to collector's editions or useful mini-collections. They were created to delight the eyes not with letters, but with pictures.

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the topic:
- detective stories or fiction;

- novels or dramas;

- biographies, travel;

- various tutorials;

- professional literature;

- photography, fashion;

- business publications.

There are a lot of trends, genres and divisions.Due to the wide range of offered literature, any person can easily choose the right option.
In addition, it is worth considering the existing norms when choosing a publication, where the emphasis is on the internal content. When choosing a gift for those who like to read, you should pay attention to several important factors.
- You need to take a closer look at the cover. The binding can be soft or hard, the dimensions are also different. Books on sale range from very small and comfortable (to carry) to large and heavy. First, you need to understand whether the presented gift will decorate the home library and be intended for reading at home "by the fireplace." Or a person has a habit of taking books that interest him with him (read on public transport, in parks).
- Further it is worth reading the annotation to the book., which is indicated on the very first page or at the end of the edition before the content. Reading this short brief description of the inner content, one can assume whether the book will be useful, whether it is part of the circle of interests of the person to whom it will be presented.
- Information about the author is also important. Often people prefer to read books by authors who are pleasant to them both for their biography and thinking. After examining the information, you can understand whether the author is recognized and how successful his book is.
- Font. This item is important in the case of an older person. If you plan to give a book to a child or an elderly person with vision problems, you should choose books with a larger and more understandable font.
Do not rush to choose books. You should try to understand the content. To do this, while in a bookstore, it is important to go over the pages, evaluate the illustrations, pay attention to the author's syllable, how easily the read is perceived.

List of gift options for hostesses
If there are housewives or young mothers around who are passionate about household chores, then the choice can focus on several different topics. For example, it could be cooking. This theme is suitable not only for young housewives who want to learn how to create culinary masterpieces, but also for experienced women. It is suitable for the keepers of the hearth who want to surprise their family with culinary delights and novelties, improving their cooking skills and bringing it to perfection. There are several books that are popular with housewives.
- Vicky Baker Edition - an author who was able to tell in his books about healthy and delicious recipes for pastries, cheesecakes, cakes, pastries. The design of the publications of this author is attractive both outside and inside. It will delight housewives with its bright and “tasty” pictures, as well as a detailed step-by-step explanation of recipes.

- "Gastronomic Encyclopedia" Prosper Montagne. This encyclopedia includes 12 volumes. This is a very ancient edition that has been on the market since 1938. The encyclopedia is expensive, its cost starts at 3,500 rubles per volume. True connoisseurs of European cuisine, who want to reveal the secrets of many traditional and exclusive recipes, will be delighted with it.

- "The best day of the year" by Nika Ganich, this is a great gift for the new year. The book included not only holiday recipes, but also ways to arrange a memorable and warm New Year's holiday. It describes the technologies for preparing various dishes, methods of table setting and even games that will occupy the guests' leisure.

- "Dishes of Russian cuisine that are easy to prepare" from the writer and chef Oksana Putan... This edition includes many delicious and simple recipes that the hostess can take "into service". With such a book, you don't have to rack your brains and think about which culinary masterpiece to please your family or friends.

Other books that the hostesses will like are editions with a love theme. It is believed that women are proof of the existence of love, which is why the female sex is called beautiful.They love tenderness, romance and, of course, love stories. It is better to start the search for interesting novels that will occupy the leisure of a friend or acquaintance, taking into account the person's preferences. For example, the search can be based on books that a friend has already read, or previously watched romantic films.
If a woman loves poetry, then you can choose an original or rare collection of poems by her favorite contemporary or classic author.
- One of the books that women often advise is the book Happiness by Hugge by Pia Edberg. It can completely change the perception of life, teach you to value loved ones and remain full of joy, even in the most difficult life situations. The work develops self-perception, a sense of gratitude and fills life with magic and meaning.

- Another popular topic for young housewives is proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. For girls and women who focus their attention on this, Bobby Brown's proven book is suitable. The author describes in his publication the ways to achieve perfection. This is a book about nutrition, about sports, about how to achieve the ideal and surpass yourself.

Don't forget about children's literature. Young mothers are often presented with publications related to the care and upbringing of children. The choice of children's literature is very diverse, so it will not be difficult to get a really good book.
Collector's editions
Expensive designer publications are a gift for dignitaries who want to impress. They imply original expensive and hand-made binding.
- Genuine leather bindings. For connoisseurs of antiquity. Such a book can decorate a large home library.

- Wooden. It is widely used both for the design of wooden bindings and for the creation of boxes.

- Exclusive design. You can choose a beautiful design for the book yourself, making it in the old styles, or order something ultra-modern.

The content of these books can be varied, ranging from rare classical foreign or domestic collections, ending with a description of weapons, historical events. And also it can be reference books. In addition, it is popular to order a person's pedigree in beautiful historical bindings. Such a gift will surprise with the idea, amaze with the high cost and will be very solid. You can select themed book sets from one select author.

What book can you donate to a book lover?
It is believed that finding a good book for book lovers is more difficult. After all, this layer of people has great divisions and preferences. First, you need to decide which book lover you got, what topics a person likes to read. This can be memoirs, detective novels, science fiction, and more. For example, for intellectuals, publications on physics or biology are suitable, which originally explain natural processes from a scientific point of view.

If you have difficulties with the choice of printed materials, you can opt for other alternative gifts, for example:
- stand for books in the bathroom - a great gift for those who like to take a bath;

- bookmark - there is a huge variety of original and interesting products on the market (a small gift can make a person very happy with its intricate shape);

- lamp-lamp in the form of a book, under which you can read;

- candles, that smell like the pages of old books;

- flash drive in the form of a bookcontaining 3000 electronic works;

- cufflinks in the form of books with the names of authors and works.

Business options
Business has become one of the most popular topics for publication. Books about how to get rich or how to make a million in a year have flooded both the Internet and store shelves.When choosing such a genre, you need to take into account the author's reputation in order to make sure that the publication is useful and to understand whether the chosen gift can help a careerist achieve his goals. Some books have already passed the checks of many publishers and occupy leading positions in the topics of self-development and self-realization.
- “It's okay to be a boss.” The content in this publication can help a person to better understand and cope with a leadership position. It will teach you how to properly build relationships with subordinates.

- "Be the best version of yourself"... The publication is about how to cope with an internal crisis, help to find internal strength and achieve more.

- "How to become the best at what you do"... A kind of guide to improving yourself. It describes the ways of the correct organization of the work process, as well as the ways leading to the realization of cherished desires.

- The last piece worth paying attention to is called "I refuse to choose." A very interesting publication aimed at a certain layer of people who are called "scanners". These are people who are interested in a lot - they want to dance, sing, program, play drums, paint, do accounting and much more.
But it seems to all people that it is impossible to succeed in several different directions at the same time (if you chase two birds with one stone, you will not catch one). However, this book proves the opposite, it teaches you to combine different areas and develop equally well in them.

How to present?
Before donating a book, you need to remember a few simple things:
- remove the price tag - be careful, because this is considered bad form for any gift;
- beautifully arrange - most often, books are presented in a box or decorated with wrapping paper;
- write wishes and sign (if your gift is not a collectible and rare edition, then you can write your wishes and sign on the first blank page - this will make the gift more memorable).
- postcard or money inside a book.
Everything else depends only on your imagination.

See the following video for general advice on how to choose a book as a gift.