What to give for housewarming?

It is not customary to give expensive gifts for housewarming. They often choose something for everyday life, interior design, inexpensive souvenirs or just amulets for protection and abundance. To please, you need to know the tastes of the owners, so you need to approach dishes, textiles and decorations wisely. Charms and souvenirs are a more versatile option, but they should also be chosen correctly.

What do you need to consider?
When choosing a gift, it is important to take into account the age and marital status of the owners, the degree of closeness or kinship, tastes, the level of completion of the renovation and interior design, a souvenir is bought for an apartment or house. A private house usually comes with a plot. Therefore, a housewarming gift can be chosen in the gardening direction, for example, decorative figures or fences for flower beds. Perhaps there is a bathhouse, then it would be appropriate to give a bath set.
It is better to present an expensive gift only to very close people, as it can embarrass others. At the same time, it is better to agree on the gift itself with the owners, whether it will be appropriate, perhaps they need something specific.
It can be home appliances or furniture.

When choosing a gift, you can turn to tradition. For example, in the old days, wool was presented, which was considered a symbol of wealth. Currently, these can be wool products or warm textiles such as blankets. Also, fire was necessarily brought into the house. It can be replaced with lighting fixtures. Table lamps and floor lamps are relatively inexpensive, while you can choose either an original, bright or cheerful design, or a more austere one, suitable for many interiors.
At the same time, there are gifts that can be negatively perceived.For example, alcohol, knives, forks, watches, or bathroom scales. It is believed that a housewarming gift has an impact on the energy of the house, so there should be nothing negative. For example, knives bring discord to a family, and alcohol takes away health. Giving a watch is considered a bad omen - to parting, and the scales can be regarded as a hint of excess weight.

It is highly undesirable to give animals for housewarming, even if the owners live in a private house. The expressed interest and affection does not always mean a desire to take care of the pet, keep it in the house, some of the tenants may have an allergy. It's another matter if this issue has been agreed in advance.
It is also undesirable to give gifts aimed only at one of the owners. At the very least, this is impolite.

List of useful gifts
It's great if a gift for your home turns out to be not only a tribute to traditions and respect, but also be useful. It is very important to take into account the tastes of the owners, their interests, the rhythm of life, and the interior of the premises.
Useful gifts include:
- household appliances;
- dishes;
- textile;
- decor items;
- furniture, including hanging shelves;
- set of tools.

At the same time, any useful gift can suddenly turn into a useless thing that takes up space in the closet. For example, a waffle iron is unlikely to come to the courtyard of a hostess who does not bake at all, or a beautiful linen tablecloth will turn into a useless rag if they are not used in principle. If the house is under renovation, then you can donate construction tools, for example, a screwdriver or a set of screwdrivers.
A set of tools will always be appropriate as a gift for a man.

Household appliances and furniture
It is better to give such housewarming gifts to close relatives, for example, from parents to a young family. At the same time, the cost of a gift varies greatly, it can be either an expensive stove or washing machine, or an inexpensive mixer.
Inexpensive and useful, within 1000-2000 rubles, include:
- blender;
- kitchen scales;
- electric kettle;
- tabletop humidifier;
- iron;
- hairdryer.

You should be very careful when choosing hair appliances. If everyone in the family can use a hairdryer, then only the female half can use curling irons and irons. Such a gift would be appropriate for a single girl or sister.
Also, be careful with a coffee grinder, juicer, crepe maker, waffle iron and toaster. For a particular family, this may turn out to be a useless gadget.

An electric broom can be attributed to the original and practical. He copes well with small debris, you can safely entrust the cleaning to a child. An automatic or electronic timer for the kitchen will be extremely useful for the hostess. This appliance can be found in an interesting design, for example, in the shape of a tomato. It is not available in every kitchen, so it is difficult to miscalculate with this gift. If there are small children in the house, it is worth giving a beautiful night light. The parents of the baby will definitely appreciate it. Furniture is also an expensive gift. It is more appropriate to give it to close relatives, more often to newlyweds who have not yet managed to acquire their own property.

Crockery and tableware
An elderly or established couple can be presented with a set. It is best to present it to relatives or the elderly. For newlyweds, such a gift can become a family heirloom. From more budget options - mugs. For grandparents, these can be cups with photos of grandchildren. For a brother, friends or girlfriend - with cool pictures and inscriptions, including with the image of idols, characters from computer games and films.
For spouses, a tea pair will be appropriate.

Moreover, the dishes can be handmade. Such a thing will be not only useful, but also unique, and therefore memorable. In addition to mugs, these can be plates, salad bowls, sets of pots or glasses.
It is very important to take into account the interior of the premises, as well as the health status of the residents, since some materials cause allergies, for example, wool. Textiles include all items made from fabric:
- blankets, rugs, bedspreads;
- sofa cushions;
- linens;
- curtains;
- tablecloths, towels, napkins;
- apron, potholders;
- bathrobes;
- rugs.

Housewarming curtains should be donated only after agreement with the owners. The lack of fabric on the windows does not at all mean that they must be purchased. Residents may prefer blinds or roller blinds. It should also be clarified whether tablecloths and napkins are used, perhaps they are only obtained on holidays. Then it will be appropriate to present a beautiful tablecloth.
Otherwise, everyone uses textiles. It is given to both bachelors and married couples. The fabric wears out over time and needs to be replaced, so blankets, towels and bed linen will always be appropriate.

Decor items
A universal option. Manufacturers offer a lot of interesting things of the most unusual designs, including author's work. The latter are an order of magnitude higher, but they are exclusive. Moreover, such interior decoration can be made by yourself. Such a housewarming gift will be especially pleasant and memorable.
It is important to know in advance what colors and styles the rooms are decorated in. With interior decor, you can get into a mess when the owners have nowhere to define it.

On the one hand, such a gift can give the interior a finished look, have a practical application, but at the same time, it can not please. Be careful with minimalists. People do not accept various dust collectors indoors. Therefore, it is better not to buy figurines, souvenirs and other trinkets.
For the site and the bath
If this is a private house with a plot or a bathhouse, then you can pick up a gift for them. For example, for a bath, felt hats, fragrances, brooms, special towels with Velcro or sets of these things will be appropriate.

Suitable for the site:
- hammock;
- brazier or a set of skewers;
- inflatable pool;
- a set of garden tools;
- benches;
- wicker furniture;
- folding chairs;
- solar-powered lamps;
- seedlings of flowers and fruit trees.
If new settlers are fond of landscape design, then it is appropriate to donate elements of garden decor.

Presentations with humor
A gift with humor is always a win-win. Such gifts should be given with caution to older people, you may encounter misunderstanding. Therefore, the age censor should be considered. What is relevant and fashionable among the younger generation will not be of interest to people 30-40 years old, and vice versa.
Among the creative gifts are:
- fancy sofa cushions - in the form of cartoon animals, unusual shapes, with double-sided sequins;
- mugs and plates with demotivators, anecdotes and funny pictures;
- toilet golf - now there you can not only read and play on the phone;
- posters - will fit perfectly into the interior of a young man or girl;
- housekeepers unusual shapes - for example, in the form of rosettes;
- creative kitchen utensils;
- set of aprons with a funny print;
- medal or award "Survivors of the move" with comic congratulations.

An unusual gift will be a chocolate or cheese fondue. Newly made hosts will have something to please and surprise guests in the future. The tray-table is also unusual and at the same time practical - for those who like to have breakfast in bed or in front of the TV. If there are children in the house, then the salt lamp can also be considered an unusual and useful gift. Lovers of rolls can be presented with a special machine for making them.
Money crafts always look unusual. At the same time, it is not necessary to collect origami from real banknotes.... Copies can be made or printed on a color printer. Flowers from money always look beautiful. If you decorate a gift vase with them, then such a presentation will make the present original.Crafts from small denomination coins look good. Collages and mosaics can be created from them.

How to congratulate on a budget?
Expensive gifts are not always appropriate for a housewarming party, especially when just acquaintances or colleagues are invited. There are many budget options where the main emphasis is on symbolism. For example, amulets souvenirs. These are all kinds of small houses, beregini, horseshoes, lucky coins, Chinese toads and other amulets symbolizing prosperity and protection. It will also be appropriate to give a flower in a pot, especially if the hostess breeds them. In this case, the flower can be grown independently by purchasing only a beautiful pot.
If a person often travels on business trips, then such a gift, on the contrary, will become burdensome, since it requires regular care and watering.

If you don't want to puzzle over a gift at all, you can purchase a beautiful postcard with poems and attach a symbolic bill to buy dishes or other little things for your home. Alternatively, instead of money, you can attach a gift certificate to the hardware store.
What can you do with your own hands?
A handmade gift is doubly valuable, because it is an original thing, and even a memory of the event. You can make a craft out of money, a piggy bank, a photo frame, where you can insert a picture with an event from a move or renovation, sew or knit a sofa cushion or patchwork bedspread.

Money box
A piggy bank for money will become an original gift. It is perfect for both single and family newcomers. Elderly people should be careful when giving gifts. They often collect funeral money, even secretly from relatives, and such a present can be misunderstood. To make a piggy bank you will need:
- a jar with a lid with a volume of about 1 liter;
- glue;
- indelible marker or acrylic paints;
- elements for decoration.
The jar can be either glass or plastic, but transparent and preferably with a screw cap. Glue the jar itself with various decorative elements, be sure to decorate the lid. In the latter, make a hole sufficient for the free passage of money.
Then you need to apply the inscription. It can be something memorable or humorous, for example, "Family bank of the family ...", "We are saving for an extension", "Sberbank", etc. The inscription can be made on paper with ordinary felt-tip pens, and then glued to the bank.

Money tree made of coins
You can make a picture of coins, symbolizing the money tree.
For work you will need:
- a simple wooden frame for a photo in A4 size, as much as possible;
- gold paint in a balloon;
- small coins;
- leg-split;
- glue.
On the back wall of the frame, you need to make a dark background for the tree, on which gold coins will look most advantageous. It can be painted with dark paint, textured fabric can be glued. You also need to outline the outline of the future tree. Paint the twine itself with gold paint from a balloon. These will be the branches and the trunk. The twine has an excellent texture, making the tree more believable. Then you need to cut the rope and glue it to the background along the contour. Once the workpiece is dry, you can start gluing the coins.
Then place the finished painting in a frame, you do not need to use glass.

Refrigerator magnets
There are many options for making magnets. It can be felt, gypsum, polymer clay. The easiest option is from coffee beans. For crafts you will need:
- thin cardboard;
- magnet
- whole coffee beans;
- glue;
- thin ribbon for a bow;
- decorations for decoration at will (beads, letters, coins, etc.).
First, a shape is cut out of cardboard, for example, a heart. Then coffee beans are glued tightly to each other on cardboard. The direction of the grains determines the future drawing, so it is better to think in advance how best to attach it. After the glue dries, tie a bow from the tape and glue to the craft. To prevent the edges of the tape from blooming, treat with fire. Additionally, you can decorate with various beads and other elements. The last step is to glue the magnet to the back. It must support the weight of the craft. You can search for the magnet itself in hardware stores or use old ones from the refrigerator.

Photo frame
For manufacturing, you will need an ordinary wooden frame with glass, glue, photography and decorative ornaments. You can decorate the frame with anything: beads, buttons, beads, shells, pebbles, coins, etc.
It is better to give a frame with a photo, which you can take from new settlers from social networks in advance, or ask relatives or mutual acquaintances to help.

You can make a more interesting version of colored cardboard. Make a house or palace with a large window, and insert a photo of the new settlers into it from the back side... This craft is original. It is not necessary to use the contours of the house, it can be flowers, animals and other ideas. You can also decorate with ribbons, beads and other elements.
Towel cake
If you want to make a gift with your own hands, but there is absolutely no desire to fiddle with glue and scissors, then you can make a cake from kitchen towels or napkins. In fact, you don't have to sew anything. It is necessary to purchase different towels in suitable colors, tapes, packaging cellophane.
Towels are rolled into rolls and tied with thin ribbons or threads in color so that they do not unravel. Then make a circle from the vertical rolls and tie it with a ribbon with a bow. This will make the lower tier ready. Similarly, make 2 more tiers.
Then wrap the cake in cellophane and tie a fluffy bow on top.

Instead of kitchen towels, you can use bath towels or colored toilet paper rolls. The principle of building a cake is similar. You can think of other gift options. The main thing is that they are for the house or for improving the life of new settlers.
About what you can't give for housewarming, see below.
Surprised friends with a reproduction of a painting on canvas.