What to give a teacher?

Many people devote most of their lives to learning. Someone wants to get several educations, but for someone it is a desperate situation. But several times a year, all students are faced with such a difficult test, which is called passing an exam or defending a diploma. For such an event, it is advisable to present the teacher with a gift in gratitude for all the years that he spent with the students.
It doesn't matter if it is just flowers or a small present - a person who gives his knowledge to others every day will be pleased.
What flowers to choose?
The first thing that every student will always think of as a gift for his teacher is a bouquet of flowers. Many people always ask themselves what kind of bouquet to present, whether a person is allergic to any flower, whether they will like them.
Currently, florists are gradually moving away from the concept of "a bouquet, like a few monotonous flowers in a heap." In any flower shop you can find a wide assortment of various baskets, plant compositions. Even if it is difficult to make a choice, you need to ask the seller for advice on what to buy. Among living plants, the rose always remains in the first place, especially since at present there is a huge selection of them. There are tons of exotic flowers for everyone, including the teacher.

Choosing flowers, you can stop at the purchase of an unusual indoor plant.
This gift will definitely not fade in a few days and will remind the person for a long time about who gave it.
Houseplants that can be donated:
- Money Tree;
- orchid;
- bonsai;
- bamboo;
- decorative rose.

In the modern world, original compositions, made by hand, for example, fruit, chocolate and even sausage and cheese ensembles, come to replace ordinary bouquets. As for the prices for such bouquets, they will not be too expensive. And with a strong desire, you can make such a composition yourself, especially on the Internet you can find a lot of ideas and tips.

Very often students, in addition to a collective gift, want to present a gift of gratitude from themselves personally, for example, in cases where this teacher was a curator, conducted coursework, and helped throughout the entire study time.
Many students sometimes just do something nice to a good person who has supported them for many years. You can give sweets if you know for sure that your favorite teacher is a sweet tooth. These gifts include a simple box of chocolates and unusual pastries.
A good gift for a teacher is a calendar with an original design.
A planner with a pen, where you can make a certain engraving, would be an ideal gift. A desk lamp and organizer will help to decorate your desk a little and put everything in place. A thermo glass or just a beautiful cup can brighten up the gray and difficult everyday life of a teacher in the cold season.

An original gift for the exam will be a table or wall clock if it is made in the style of the subject taught by the teacher. For example, a geography teacher might be given a clock in the shape of a globe. The most creative gift for the defense of the diploma will be the "Diploma for the best teacher". In this way, you can express your love and respect for that person.

Collective gift
Since a student at all times was considered a poor person, it is better to give a gift from the whole team.
If you need to present a gift to a curator, then it can be original photo collages or albums with photographs. This is especially true if a lot of time was spent together, and there were, in addition to the educational process, for example, some kind of outings, excursions with the whole group or hikes to significant places. Photo canvases are popular.
Also, a portrait of the teacher himself, written in pencil or paints, is considered an excellent gift.

In the modern innovative world for a teacher on the day of defending a diploma or passing an exam, you can donate a flash drive with an engraving or a power bank. Engraving will help protect the gift from loss, especially when it comes to a USB flash drive, which tends to get lost in some "secluded" place. An expensive kind of coffee or tea with sweets can be a valuable gift - this will create a good mood not only for the teacher, but for the entire department.

It should be remembered that when preparing for classes, the teacher does not always sit at the department at the university until nightfall, but continues to prepare for classes at home.
In this case, the teacher will appreciate such a gift as a comfortable office chair. It is often the cherished dream of a person who sits at the table most of the time.
For a female teacher
Women have always loved flowers. This is a universal gift at the university for all occasions. A nice surprise for a female teacher can be a goldfish in an aquarium. However, when presenting it, do not forget about the supply of food for the fish.

You can give a variety of original diaries and planners, especially since every year their assortment is growing. Literature is always considered a good gift - a book by a favorite author or even a meeting with him (for example, if he will be in the city in the near future). Based on the tastes of a female teacher, it will be difficult not to guess with a gift.
For example, if there is confidence that she loves needlework, then the super gift will be:
- embroidery kit;
- knitting kit;
- a picture embroidered with a cross or beads;
- decoration in the handmade style.

Several more options for gifts for organizing the teacher's leisure time can be tickets for two to a theater or cinema, participation in an interesting seminar, a trip to an excursion, a trip to a pool or SPA, a certificate to a beauty salon.
Gift for a male teacher
In cases where students know what the male teacher is hobbying for, various certificates can be gifted. For example, if a person likes to fish, then it is better to present a certificate for the purchase of a fishing rod or tackle in a specialized store.

Extreme recreation and tourism always contribute to a distraction from the daily routine.
You can present a male teacher on such a topic, for example, a paid parachute jump, a certificate for a paintball game, or even a small sightseeing trip.

If the students know for sure that the teacher loves sports, then a subscription to a gym or a certificate for the purchase of sports equipment will be an excellent gift. An original gift is also an engraved cigarette case if the teacher smokes. As a presentation, you can also consider a leather bag or briefcase.
Books or non-fiction by a favorite author are considered a universal gift.
And if it is difficult to understand which literature the teacher prefers, then you can consider a certificate for purchase on the Internet or in a regular book store.

What shouldn't be gifted?
There are some things that it is better not to give to teachers at the university, so as not to spoil their good opinion of the giver.
Below is a list of such gifts.
- Flower vases and tea sets. Since this gift option is the first that comes to mind, teachers are considered collectors of such gifts. For this reason, you should not replenish their collection with another unnecessary piece of the interior.
- Jewelry... Gifts made from expensive jewelry materials or precious stones are unacceptable. But in the event that it is an inexpensive thing, then such a gift can still be presented to a female teacher.
- Cosmetics and perfumery... It is better to leave cosmetics or perfumery as a gift option for friends and peers.
- Expensive home appliances. You should refrain from this kind of gifts, since such equipment will be rather big, and it can be regarded as a bribe in the workplace.
- Alcohol... A teacher is a person of an intellectual profession, and such gifts can offend him.
- Items of clothing. When buying any wardrobe items, you can simply not guess with the size, style or color, especially when you take into account the age difference between teachers and students.
- Gadgets or computers. Such gifts are considered expensive, and at the present time they will be regarded as a bribe, which is punishable by law.
- Money... This present can embarrass a person who has been passing on his knowledge to students for more than one year.

To give or not to give is the preference of every student. What kind of gift to present in a given situation, you need to choose for yourself. The main thing is that the ideas are the most creative and memorable.
If you do not know which gift is better to choose, but really want to please your favorite teacher, then see a selection of ideas below.