A gift for a fisherman: interesting and original ideas

It is believed that the time spent on fishing does not count towards life. Indeed, a person who is keen on fishing is able to devote almost all his free time to his hobby. And when a gift is chosen for a fisherman, it is not for nothing that they immediately intuitively try to associate it with the hobby of the hero of the occasion.

What should be considered?
It is good if the gift is chosen by a person who is aware of the intricacies of the fishing business, because there are so many nuances in it that it will be very difficult for an ignorant person to figure it out. A gift for an avid fisherman, first of all, should be practical, that is, useful to a fisherman for his hobby. If you donate a thing that is formally related to fishing, but is completely unnecessary for a specific person, it will simply gather dust in the closet or on the balcony.
Of course, the hero of the occasion will thank you for your attention, but he will think to himself that it would be better if you did not undertake the purchase of specific gifts.

Therefore, the first thing that needs to be soberly assessed is your ability to understand what is at stake. Otherwise, even contacting special shop, where everything for fishing and hunting is sold, will not save the situation: the seller is unlikely to be able to understand what exactly you want to present to your boyfriend, dad, husband, brother - who are fishing lovers.
The second thing to do when choosing a gift for a fisherman is enlist the support of one of his comrades, the same anglers... They already know exactly what their fellow hobbyist needs for an anniversary, birthday, New Year's holidays and February 23rd. In this case, the present will hit “right on target”.

It will also be useful to find out in advance - the hero of the occasion is a fan of winter or summer fishing, this will help you roughly navigate the equipment and accessories segment. It is also advisable to find out what kind of fish he prefers to catch, this will help to more accurately choose the tackle, bait and bait.

You should also take into account how often a man goes fishing, how much time he spends there, how long he gathers, what kind of fishing tackle he has, how and where they are stored. And, finally, it is advisable to know, and what, in fact, is the method of catching the hero of the occasion uses most often (whether he fishes with a spinning rod or prefers a float rod, or maybe he is a fan of the bottom tackle).

It should be borne in mind that every man, regardless of the trophies caught, is proud of himself and dreams that his merits were noted by relatives and friends. Therefore, it makes no difference whether he catches a large predator or is content with a small catch for a cat's supper - in any case, it is worth adding "premium" gifts to the present:
- Fishing Champion Cup;
- certificate of honor "For the best catch";
- medal "For Merit to Fishing";
- a figurine of a fisherman with a personalized dedication engraved inscription "Ivan - the best fisherman on the planet."
Do not be shy, do not be afraid to over praise the fisherman - this is impossible in principle. And after such a "premium" souvenir, feel free to move on to choosing the main gift.

Original options
Any fisherman will say that he does not mind being presented with a gift certificate to a fishing store for his birthday or for any other reason. Within the allotted amount, he will be able to buy himself what he needs, but it will be you who will be grateful for the purchase. But what if you want to give something right now, while the guests are at the table, while emotions are overflowing - how to please the fisherman? Give an unusual gift. These include numerous «smart» gadgets for fishing.
Sounder - the device will help to determine where it bites and whether it is worth catching where it is already located. The device sends ultrasound to the depths of the water, and the structure of the bottom, depth, the presence of fish, as well as where it is moving at the moment, is determined on the screen. Please note that fishing from a boat requires a more powerful echo sounder than fishing near a hole, and winter fishing enthusiasts need to take a gadget, the manufacturers of which have provided for work in low temperatures.

Underwater camera - a video camera that completely deprives fishing of secrets, but does not deprive the excitement. It allows you to see everything that happens underwater. A fan of serious fishing with the help of such a device will not only study the fishing conditions, but will also be able to learn more about the habits of different species of fish: what bait they prefer, how they behave with different feeding.
In addition, rather quickly, the fisherman will collect a real video from his own victories - the bite is recorded in the camera's memory. Then you can endlessly watch the video with friends and once again exclaim: "No, well, look how I am her!"

Protective case for smartphone - phones or smartphones while fishing, where water, snow, frost, sand and other natural delights often suffer, break, get wet, freeze, and the battery runs out quickly. That is why the wife, who can never get through to the spouse who went fishing, is simply obliged to present him with a “smart” case for the gadget. Such an accessory will help protect the device from freezing and moisture, sand penetration, and will also keep the battery charge much longer. There are models that allow a smartphone that has fallen into a hole, for example, to emerge without loss.

Fire Charge Batteries - a device in the shape of a PowerPot pot will help to solve two problems at once: it will boil the tea, and the phone or the echo sounder will charge it. It is simple to use: they pour water and put it on fire, after which they connect any gadget that needs recharging to the pot via a special fire-resistant USB cable. Thermal energy becomes electrical thanks to the mechanism in the bottom of the pot.

Wobbler of the future - an amazing invention that very accurately mimics a wounded fish. This is not just a fixed wobbler. This one squirms, twitches and even emits quiet, audible sounds of a dying individual to some fish. This is especially true for predatory fish, which will go anywhere for such a wobbler. The "wounded fish" is charged via USB and does not require the purchase of additional replacement batteries.

Self-Tipping Rod - in general, an ordinary fishing rod, but only equipped with a hooking mechanism. You won't be able to miss a bite with this one. The hook itself is accurate, fast, the fish does not have time to "jump" off the hook. A very useful gift if a fisherman catches in a big way, for example, with several rods at once. Imagine how tense he is, trying to visually control several floats at once!
Not to mention the situation when such an angler is impatient to step aside, and he is so afraid to miss a bite! This is where the self-landing "smart" fishing rod comes to the rescue.

Fishing vest - any fisherman knows that everything should be at hand. This will help a warm vest that does not interfere with movement with a lot of pockets for everything that a fisherman needs: for a phone, heating modules, for glasses, documents, keys, drinking water, weights, spinners, baits, for boxes and a knife. There is even a USB port built into the vest.

- Float suit Is a professional suit that literally will help a man stay afloat. Seriously, it will save a life if the fisherman suddenly falls into the water. The fabric pushes the human body to the surface of the water and does not get wet. Also, the life suit will prevent colds and hypothermia - it is sealed and protects from the wind.

The fisherman is always happy with equipment, but it should be understood that fishing equipment is usually not inexpensive. All good things require quite significant financial costs. But a husband, father or brother for his birthday does not need separate gifts from each family member, he will be much more delighted if relatives and friends combine financial efforts and purchase some equipment. Useful acquisitions include:
- fishing rod included;
- complete spinning rod;
- complete feeder;
- fishing special clothing and footwear for fishing.

A fisherman is unlikely to refuse a backpack specially tailored for hunters and fishermen, you can present him with a fishing set (there are ready-made sets in specialized stores), various baits, accessories for rigging.

You can please the fisherman without having a large sum. Within 500 rubles, there is an opportunity to purchase jigs for fishing in winter, within 300 rubles there is a reliable thermo mug, which will keep the warmth of tea with the smell of a haze boiled over a fire for a long time.

When looking at a fishing rod, remember that for a beginner in this business, expensive spinning rods are not suitable, while for an experienced fish hunter, spinning is simply ideal. This is where accurate knowledge of the type of fishing used by the fisherman comes in handy. If he's a fan of bottom fishing, take feederif he prefers trolling, take a special set, which is called that - trolling kit.
If in winter a man is in a hurry to go fishing every weekend, take a fishing rod for ice fishing.

Sometimes, for some reason, there is no real opportunity or need to take the entire fishing rod, and then it is possible to present to the fisherman its individual parts (for replacement, for example).
Perhaps your hero of the occasion needs a new rod or a new reel.

If your fisherman has everything, and he doesn't need another fishing rod, to put it mildly, take a closer look, perhaps a man needs comfortable thermal underwear, in which it will not be cold to fish even in cold weather, or in a special jacket for a fisherman. He can also be pleased with additional accessories, such as a fish tank, a portable tackle box, a compact folding chair, a tent, a rubber boat or a set for cleaning and cutting fish in the ear and other dishes. A useful gift will be thermos (unless, of course, it is not). And the winter angler will love motorized auger, to make holes faster and effortlessly.

A real fisherman will be grateful to receive a special scale for weighing the caught fish, as well as a high-quality fishing knife - he always finds a worthy use in fishing. Be careful when choosing sets of lures - these sets are mostly in demand among amateur beginners who have not yet decided on their favorite type of bait.
An experienced avid fisherman may be disappointed with the set of standard jigs, because he always buys only certain baits, carefully choosing each one, and he needs standard jigs "like an umbrella fish".

Comic presents
Comic gifts should also be useful, otherwise the man will not be able to appreciate their value. Therefore, we recommend the following souvenirs and sets.
- Frame for license plate with the inscription "The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar."
- Thematic photo album "My Fishing", where a man can add pictures of the best trophies caught and himself while fishing.
- T-shirt "Rybometer" - clothes with a symbolic "meter" to hold the fish by the head or tail, for example, in the photo, its length was immediately displayed.
- Named mug with a heat-resistant layer.
- Canned socks - this is what the "Stern fisherman's socks" are called (you can open the jar "in difficult times", the socks in it are real, dry, new).
- Home slippers in the shape of fish.
- Toilet fishing set - sitting on the toilet, your hero of the occasion will be able to have fun with a magnetic fishing rod, catching toy fish from a small container of water on the floor.
- TOniga "The Secret of Successful Fishing". The main advantage of the publication is in the cache, which is cut out in the middle of the volume, if you open it. This volume is a way to legalize men's stash, which really makes any fishing more interesting.
- Piggy bank safe with a fish-shaped combination lock - another way to legalize and make your personal small savings inaccessible to others (for a new rod).
- A glass of "Drunken fisherman" - the glass itself is skewed, crooked. It is made in such a way that even when empty, it gives the visual effect of being filled with water with a fish floating in it.

What can you do with your own hands?
The best gift is, of course, a handmade gift, but not in the case of anglers. For the New Year, fisherman's day, birthday and other holidays, male fishermen will be delighted with a set of chocolate, fish-shaped constructions made of sweets, a cake with mastic fishermen and fish, but only as an addition to the main gift. Yes, they do not admit this. But they will be upset that even a set of jigs was not presented.

However, from children and a beloved woman, a thematic cake and a pleasant verse about daddy-fisherman will be very useful.
The best gift for a fisherman is nicely and tasty cooked and served his own catch... There is no more reason to be proud than to inform the guests that this pike was caught by his hands. If a man prefers to cook fish himself (there are a lot of culinary specialists among fishermen), sew him a personalized kitchen apron with the embroidered inscription “Master Dima fish soup” or give him a hand-made ceramic plate with the inscription “For Dima's catch” and a symbolic drawing of a fish.

For gift ideas for a fisherman, see the next video.