What to give a married couple?

Choosing gifts is one of the most enjoyable, but at the same time difficult and responsible tasks. In the selection process, you should take into account a huge number of various factors: reason, budget, personal wishes of the hero of the occasion, and much more. The task becomes more complicated if you decide to give a gift not to one, but to several people at once: for example, a married couple. How to choose the right gift? What needs to be considered? What gift options are there? What can you do with your own hands? Can I give money? Look for answers to these and other questions in our material.

Homemade presents
Traditionally, in our society, it has developed so that those gifts that are made by hand are most appreciated. It is believed that such homemade things are filled with love and warmth, and also contain a piece of the soul and heart of the one who made this present. Therefore, if you have creativity and creative thinking, then you should definitely think about making an original presentation with your own hands.
First of all, you need to decide on the general concept of the gift - it can be suggested to you by the reason in connection with which you are going to present the present. For example, for the New Year, you can knit a hat or scarf, and on the occasion of a wedding anniversary, make a family tree.
Such gifts can be made alone or in a company (for example, with your little child).

If you know how to sew or knit, then an excellent option can be any wardrobe items, from simple accessories (hat, mittens, socks or scarf) to complete garments (like sweater).You can create several completely identical things (for example, identical socks) or change the color: for the wife - pink, for the husband - blue. Any couple will appreciate such handmade gifts. In addition, you can make various toys (this option will be relevant for those couples who have already had their own children).
Another option for a homemade gift is photobook. It is worth taking a regular photo album as a basis, with the help of which the story of the creation and development of the couple's relationship should be told. Try to find the earliest photos of lovers - from their first date to their wedding day, from the first kiss to the birth of a child. Such a memento will prove to be very valuable and will be passed on from generation to generation.

Tree of life - another creative option for a handmade gift. If you can draw beautifully and are familiar with the couple (perhaps a relative of one of the spouses), then you can recreate the history of the family.
However, remember, to create such a present, you will have to work hard: call and visit the oldest relatives, look through family albums, and, possibly, find archival documents.
Works of authorship, be it a poem or a song, are also suitable as a gift... Such presents will be especially appropriate on the day of the anniversary. Feel free to perform your piece at the festive table. However, remember that you should leave a copy of it with the hosts of the celebration: for example, write a verse on a postcard or present a disc with a song.

A family portrait is a homemade gift that can be created by a person related to the visual arts. If you consider yourself to be such, then you can easily transfer the image of a married couple from an ordinary photo to canvas. Place the portrait in a nice frame. Later, when visiting your loved ones, you will notice how your present took pride of place on one of the walls of the lovers' house.
It doesn't matter which of the options you choose. Remember that a homemade gift is valuable in itself, no matter how big or small.

Souvenir ideas
If you want to present a souvenir gift to a married couple (usually it is customary to give such gifts in the absence of a serious reason or if you are not too familiar with the spouses), then you should pay attention to our rating of symbolic gifts.
A postcard is an inexpensive but memorable gift. Make sure to write warm and sincere congratulations with your own hand and not purchase the factory standard version. Depending on the holiday, choose the appropriate cover for the picture: snowflakes will work for New Year, and hearts will work for Valentine's Day.

Scented candle (as well as incense sticks) are souvenir gifts that will create coziness and warm atmosphere in any home. It is important to choose a scent that will suit the taste of the married couple. If you don't know what specific scents the steam prefers, then buy a neutral scent.
Also, before giving such a gift, make sure that none of the spouses suffers from any allergies or individual intolerances.

A mug (and in the case of a married couple, 2 mugs or a set) is one of the most versatile gifts. Such an item of kitchen everyday life will never be superfluous and will take its rightful place. Thus, you will present not only a simple and pleasant, but also an insanely practical souvenir.
With enough time and money, photo prints can be applied to the mugs. A family photo will do.

If you are an avid traveler and have visited many countries, then present to a married couple a fridge magnet that you brought from some exotic place.In addition, if you are sure that a married couple dreams of visiting a country, then you can donate an image of a popular attraction of this state (for example, the Eiffel Tower in Paris). For the New Year, you can give a symbol of the next year.

A pen
If you want to please a business couple, you can present them with quality pens, for example from Parker. You can supplement such a gift with new diaries.

Chronicle book
The chronicle book is a kind of family diary, which reflects the entire history of the couple's relationship. The annals book will be a pleasant and memorable gift. These simple but cute gifts will let the couple know that you remember them.
Keep in mind that the main thing is not the gift itself, but the attention shown.

Impression gifts
If you want to move away from the trend of material gifts, then the couple should be presented with the so-called impression gift. Let's take a closer look at several popular options.
Photo session certificate
Such a gift will suit the taste of a couple who is on the verge of an important event: a wedding or the birth of a child. In addition, it is appropriate to present such a present for an anniversary or Valentine's Day. Such gifts will be appreciated by almost all marital unions.

SPA certificate for two
On the anniversary of the relationship or wedding, a married couple can be presented with a certificate in the spa. Along with the certificate, present the young people with a free night in the hotel. Thus, you will arrange for them a real rest and relaxation. Make sure that the list of free spa services includes massages, masks, peels and the like. If possible, provide the couple with a few days of rest, ideal for a spa weekend.
If the couple is already having children, make sure they have someone to stay with.

Active entertainment
If a married couple close to you prefers to spend their leisure time actively, then they will like the certificate for a parachute jump, horse ride or pair diving.

Inexpensive options
Sometimes the holidays come at the most inopportune time - when the budget is completely depleted and there is absolutely no material opportunity to present an expensive and valuable gift. In such situations, you have to show all your creativity and come up with inexpensive, but at the same time interesting gifts.
If your budget allows, then present each spouse with a pair of watches. Otherwise, give the lovers a wall clock. This option will be especially relevant if the young have just come together and are still equipping their life.
A more interesting and youthful option is the original alarm clock. It will become a kind of symbol of "adult" life and the need to go to work.

As we wrote above, a self-made photo book or photo album will be an ideal gift for a couple. However, if you do not have creative skills or do not have enough time, then a regular general album for photos, which can be purchased at almost any photo studio, may be a more suitable present.
Such a present will remind the family that sometimes it is necessary to print out the photos and give them a physical look, rather than store all the memorable moments in digital form.

The new calendar will be appropriate as a present on New Year's Eve. This will remind the couple that it's time to let go of the outgoing year and start living with a clean slate.

Useful gifts
For friends who have recently become a married couple, it would be appropriate to present a variety of gifts for home and everyday life. Such gifts will be useful for the whole family. There are several popular options:
- household appliances (TV, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator);
- kitchen utensils (mixer, food processor, microwave oven);
- dishes;
- textile;
- linens.

If you want to present a gift to an older or older couple, then a great option can be various accessories for giving: these can be both necessary tools (for example, a shovel), and more symbolic gifts (for example, seedlings for flowers).
In the event that you are in a fairly close or kinship relationship with a married couple and you know about all their difficulties, then just money can be a useful gift. So, if a couple is saving up money to pay off a loan or collecting for a vacation in an exotic country, try to make it easier for them and make your contribution.
In this case, you can also talk with other relatives and friends of the lovers in order to jointly give the couple an impressive amount.

For information on what to give a married couple, see the next video.