How to present a certificate in an original way?

Increasingly, people are choosing various certificates and gift cards as a gift. It can be a certificate for a star from the sky, for participation in a master class or for a visit to a spa salon. How to present a certificate in an original way and decorate a gift beautifully? We have interesting ideas for you.

Options for women
A certificate or gift card is the best gift option if you don't know what to give. For girls and women, they most often choose certificates for visiting a beauty salon or spa. You can just give a gift card for a certain amount, or you can for a certain procedure. The most popular option is massage or body wrap. Also, any woman will be happy to receive a certificate for attending an exciting master class or a gift card for the perfumery, cosmetic department or women's clothing store.
In a very original way, you can present a certificate for visiting the SPA-salon as a presentation. To do this, you will need a small transparent container, water, the certificate itself and some shells and stones. Put the certificate on the bottom of the container, beautifully lay shells or colored stones, fill it with water and freeze it. Such an original presentation will pleasantly surprise any girl.
In this case, the certificate must be laminated. It can also be pre-placed in a waterproof bag.

Also, the certificate can be placed in a beautiful box, and on top you can put bright handmade soap, bottles with sea salt and other pleasant trifles. The girl will be pleased to receive such a gift, inside which there will also be an additional surprise. This option is suitable for a certificate in a spa or beauty salon.

If you plan to give her a subscription to attend a one-time master class in pottery, then buy a small ceramic pot or vase in advance. We should place the certificate inside the container. You can put flowers in a vase, and fill the pot with chocolates so that the certificate is not immediately visible.
The gift card can be easily hidden in a basket of flowers. In addition, you can choose flowers in a box and put a certificate or card there along with the bouquet. Such an unusual presentation of a gift will appeal to every woman. In addition, you can fill the box with rose petals, chocolates and other sweets in individual packages, and hide the main gift at the very bottom.

Very often, girls are presented with certificate for participation in the photo session. Such a present can be given in a stylish photo frame. It will be a nice gift from the "two in one" category. Then she will be able to place one of her photographs in this frame.

Ideas for men
Men are most often given gym or pool memberships. Also, certificates for visiting a paintball club, quest or various extreme activities are very popular. In addition, a man will be delighted to receive a store gift card with accessories or clothing for men. Or it can be a certificate for visiting a barbershop.
In the event that you plan to present the guy with a certificate for a parachute jump, then you need to take care of the balloons in advance. The certificate can be rolled up and put into any ball. After that, the balloons need to be inflated with special gas so that they all rise to the ceiling.
When the hero of the occasion returns home, a pleasant surprise and a small task await him. He will need to find his present in one of the balls. The guy will gladly go through a small home quest in order to eventually find the gift intended for him.
You can draw a map for him yourself and come up with simple tasks.

If you are planning to present him with a certificate for attending a trial football lesson, a subscription to a sports club or tickets for football, then you can do it in a very original way. Pay attention to sports-themed soft toys. It can be a soccer ball or a stuffed toy in the shape of a football player.

You can easily find souvenir options that are equipped with a lock, you can put anything in such a toy.
You can ask the administrator of a particular institution to officially call a man to them, saying that he became the winner of the action. When he comes to a sports club or any other institution, then you can meet him with a man's bouquet in your hands and a certificate. He will surely like such a surprise.
A travel certificate can be a surprise for parents or other half. It can be a certificate for a certain trip or for a certain amount, and the recipient will already choose the route himself. Take any pretty bottle, like champagne. Fill it with sand, decorative stones, shells, beads and attach a certificate there. It must first be rolled into a tube and tied with tape. Such a surprise will not leave anyone indifferent.

Take a large gift box and many colorful envelopes. In each enclose a note with congratulations and warm wishes. But in one envelope there will be a certificate or a gift card. The recipient will definitely like such an unexpected and pleasant surprise. You can make 5 boxes of different sizes. They should be such that they fit easily into each other. Each box can be filled with nice little things, and a gift card can be placed in the very last one.

Give your loved one a photo album for the holiday. It should already contain various photographs. For example, it can be family photos from vacations or any celebrations.Instead of one photo, enclose your subscription or certificate towards the end of the album. This will be quite unexpected.

You can put the subscription in the most ordinary envelope, stick the stamps and indicate the recipient's address. Place the envelope in his mailbox. The hero of the occasion will be pleasantly surprised to receive a letter, inside which a pleasant surprise will await him.

If you plan to give a certificate or gift card of the entertainment center to a child, then it can be placed in a jar with various sweets. Find a suitable jar with a tight lid, fill it with colorful candies or dragees, put a card in the middle.

Be sure to write an interesting inscription on the bank, for example, "For a good mood" or "Cure for boredom." Your child will love your surprise.
The next video introduces another interesting idea. This is a master class on making a beautiful surprise box for a gift certificate.