Choosing stone souvenirs

Sometimes it is difficult to choose an original and unusual gift for a loved one. If you do not know which present to choose for the holiday, then pay attention to the original souvenirs made of natural stones. Such a gift is perfect for any occasion and will pleasantly surprise the recipient.

Energy and characteristics of minerals
Natural stone souvenirs are very popular. Unlike other souvenir products, products made from natural stones look very original and unusual. A gift of this kind perfect as a presentation for a second half on a wedding anniversary or birthday, for a boss, colleague or just a good friend.
Before choosing one or another souvenir, it is worth knowing in advance what features and what kind of energy a stone has.
After all, a souvenir made, for example, of marble or amber, is not just a gift, but also a kind of talisman that will help attract good luck and protect you from negativity. For this reason, such gifts are very popular among lovers of everything unusual.

Very often you can find products from coil... This natural stone is able to reflect negative energy and protect its owner from the evil eye. That is why products made from this mineral are often presented to managers.
Various products from malachite always look original and rich.
Any souvenir product made of malachite will become a worthy decoration of a home or office interior.
This stone is able to positively influence the energy of a person. It helps to feel more confident, relieves depression and attracts well-being and good luck.It should be noted that malachite attracts good luck not only in work, but also in personal life.
Jewelry and souvenirs from sun amber will appeal to both women and men. This stone has healing properties, and therefore many women choose amber beads or bracelets. Amber souvenirs have amazing energy. They are able to charge a person with positive energy, give him confidence in his own strengths and abilities. In addition, this stone helps to focus, avoid various conflicts and quarrels.

Agate It is considered to be a special stone, as it has a strong energy. An agate souvenir can become a real talisman and talisman for any person. The stone perfectly protects against negativity. Previously, this stone was considered a stone of peace and tranquility.
The power of agate is increased when the item is made using silver.
This metal works best with agate.
Souvenirs coral perfect for those who dream of arranging their personal life and meeting a soul mate. And also this stone helps married couples to preserve happiness, peace and tranquility in the house. And for travelers or those people who often travel, it is important to take a souvenir made of this stone with them in order to protect themselves from adversity and return home safely.
Very often you can find original souvenirs onyx... This mineral gives strength and relieves self-doubt.
In addition, onyx gives inspiration, which is why people of creative professions love souvenirs made from this stone.

Products have similar properties from opal, symbircite and selenite.
Products jade help fight fear, envy and doubt. The energy of this stone is capable of awakening determination, courage and self-confidence in a person. Moreover, this stone helps to get rid of negative thoughts and irritability.

Options for a woman
Perhaps the most popular souvenir that every woman will be delighted with is this is a box... Today, you can easily find products made entirely of natural stone, or caskets with inlaid stones.
Most often, such products are made from a coil, jasper, malachite, lapis lazuli, or simply from stone chips. Such a souvenir will be an excellent gift for a spouse in honor of a wedding anniversary. And also a box made of natural stone can be presented to mom for an anniversary.
For the anniversary, an elderly mother can be presented not just with a box, but with a pill box made of malachite. A very original and unusual piece. In addition, a souvenir will be useful for an older person.
Many women like to decorate the interior of the house with various souvenirs. Therefore, you should pay attention to ornamental feng shui trees, which are made using various stones. For example, it can be a "tree of happiness" made of carnelian, jade or rose quartz.
Also, pay attention to a tree that is made using a variety of stones... Such a souvenir can attract happiness, health and financial well-being to your home. In addition, a tree made of gems will contribute to the speedy fulfillment of desires.

In the event that a woman loves real Chinese tea, then you can present to her utensils made of stone... As a rule, this set is made from onyx. This stone has healing properties, so that any tea drinking becomes not only pleasant, but also useful. Such a gift can be given not only to the spouse, but also to the woman-leader.
Separately, it is worth mentioning that all kinds of souvenir products are made from onyx, which every woman will definitely like. For example, this is a vase, lamp or various decorative souvenirs. In addition, you can choose onyx panels as a gift. Such a souvenir will be appreciated by a mother, mother-in-law or mother-in-law.
In souvenir shops you can find original figurines made of selenite. Such souvenirs are perfect as a New Year's present, as they are made in the form of various animals. You can easily find the symbol of the coming year. But there are also simply cute decorative figures made of this stone that will adorn any interior. In addition, candlesticks of amazing beauty are made from selenite.
For the anniversary of your beloved woman, you can present an unusual picture of amber. Such an unusual picture looks simply luxurious, it will allow you to create a unique atmosphere of comfort in the house.

Gifts for men
To attract financial well-being and good luck, you can give a man an unusual souvenir. We are talking about feng shui figurines. As a rule, they are completely made of stones. It could be figurine of an elephant, owl, dragon or toad.
Typically, these feng shui figurines are made from jade, citrine, rose quartz or aventurine.
According to the teachings of feng shui, it is best to choose jade figurines. Such a present is perfect for a boss, best friend, brother, spouse or close relative.
As an original gift for a man, you can give unusual chess or backgammon. The peculiarity is that all the figures are made of natural stone.
Such a luxurious gift would be perfect for a person in a leadership position. Plus, it can be the perfect birthday present for a father or grandfather.
Almost all men are partial to certain alcoholic beverages. That's why a set of glasses made from such a natural stone as onyx, will be a great gift for any occasion. Such a present can be given to a boss or a friend. In addition, you can choose and original decanter made from this stone.

Table clock made using natural stone, - a great gift for any man. Such a clock will become a worthy decoration of any desktop. Similar products can be made of onyx, agate or marble.
And also as a gift, various writing sets, which are made from a coil or marble chips, are perfect.
A business man will be pleased to receive a special set for the holiday, which includes card holder, flash drive and pen. The peculiarity of the set is that all items are made using natural stone, namely, from a coil.
Look very unusual selenite writing sets... It is very easy to find a table lamp in a set for such a set, which is also made of this stone.
Natural stone ashtray also may well become a gift for any holiday. For example, it can be an onyx product. And as a supplement, you can present to a man a lighter of a famous world brand with a stone insert or inlaid with various stones.

About what types of stones are and how they look, see below.