How to beautifully pack nuts and dried fruits as a gift?

In order to make an interesting and useful gift even to an unfamiliar person, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money. An edible present can be a great option for any occasion. In order for it to bring not only joy, but also benefit to the body, it is better to use dried fruits and nuts when creating it. Such a set in a beautiful package is suitable for congratulating relatives and friends, as well as small children.
Fruit fruits are rich in vitamins and fiber, which is so necessary for a growing body. A similar gift can be purchased in the store, but the most unusual and unique packaging options are created by hand.

Main types
The edible kind of present is often used in congratulations, since delicious food always evokes positive emotions. And a delicacy made from dried fruits will not only help satisfy hunger, but also keep the figure. Such food does not contain sugar and thus helps to reduce excess weight. Nuts and dried fruits can be presented separately or in combination with various edible additions. Namely:
- honey;
- berries;
- tea;
- coffee.

The main "highlight" of such a gift is its beautiful design. All components can be neatly packed not only in a beautiful gift bag, but also in a decorative basket. It is usually wrapped in transparent or multi-colored cellophane and decorated with a bow or ribbon. But there are a few other creative gift ideas with dried fruits and nuts as well. These include:
- sets in gift wrapping;
- a treat in a wooden box;
- bouquet;
- a gift with a specific theme.

It's easy enough to create a gift-wrapped set. To do this, you need to choose a cardboard box of a suitable size, glue it over with colorful wrapping paper and place it inside the treats. At the same time, dried fruits can be laid both in separate portions by type, and in beautiful patterns. A gift in a wooden box is perfect for environmentalists and will look original.
You can fill such a container with dried apples and apricots, various types of raisins and nuts. The box can also be wrapped with transparent foil and decorated with ribbons.
Various natural materials such as cones, acorns and chestnuts are also used for decoration. For example, with scales from cones, you can glue over part of the container, laying them out in a beautiful pattern. To create a festive look, it is permissible to paint part of the box or decor with colored varnish with glitters.

A bouquet is one of the most interesting options for such a gift. It can be collected from absolutely any dried fruit. In such a composition, both candied fruits and nuts will look equally good. With this gift, you can emphasize both the individuality of the donor and the special preferences of the hero of the occasion.

Sets for tea, coffee or mulled wine can be excellent options for a themed gift. The first two options are suitable for nuts, honey, dried fruits and, of course, a beautiful package of good tea or coffee.

Mulled wine sets include not only wine, but also a range of spices. Most often, in the preparation of this drink they use:
- ginger;
- cardamom;
- black pepper;
- cloves;
- cinnamon;
- orange peel.
Spices can be purchased not only in bags, but also in beautiful bottles with a dispenser. They will look spectacular in a small basket, on a white napkin with lace edges.

When decorating an edible gift, nuts are often not only one of the components, but also an independent version of it. This popularity can be attributed to both their beneficial properties and a wide variety of species. The main varieties of nuts that are used to create an edible present are:
- hazelnut;
- walnuts;
- peanut;
- pistachios;
- almond;
- cashew;
- pine nuts.
All of them are great for satisfying hunger and also help in boosting immunity. In addition, nuts contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and various trace elements. This product can help recuperate after the illness ends.

But he has contraindications. Due to their high calorie content, nuts are not recommended to be consumed in large quantities. This can cause headaches, a heaviness in the stomach, or constipation. Problems can also appear due to a banal food allergy to this product.
In the presence of certain diseases, specific types of nuts may also be contraindicated. For example, in case of liver disease or diabetes, it is not recommended to eat hazelnuts. Eating walnuts for eczema or psoriasis, there is a risk of exacerbation of the disease.
Pistachios are also unsafe, which can increase puffiness. Therefore, it is better not to eat them for hypertensive patients, mothers during lactation, as well as people with kidney disease.
However, for most people, nuts are nutritious and delicious. Therefore, their use when creating edible gifts is encouraged. One of the best options for such a presentation is a bouquet in which you can embody the most unusual creative ideas.

How to make a bouquet of nuts?
In order to create a nutty bouquet, you will need not only the fruits themselves, but also additional materials. The work can be used:
- dry flowers;
- branches of bushes and trees;
- natural cotton;
- wooden skewers;
- colored wrapping paper or cellophane.
For the formation and fastening of the composition, paper glue and scissors are suitable. A simple and beautiful bouquet can be obtained from walnuts.Before starting work, you need to prepare them, select whole fruits without damage on the shell. First, you need to secure each nut on a separate skewer so that it looks like a flower on a stem. To do this, they make a hole in the base of the nut with the tip of the scissors and, having slightly greased it with glue, insert the skewer inside.
Then these flowers are folded around a cotton boll. For secure fixation, every 3 skewers must be wrapped with tape. After the completion of this work, the basis of the bouquet can be considered complete.

Then comes the turn of dried flowers, which fill the gaps between the nuts. And at the end, this product is wrapped with colored wrapping paper or cellophane decorative film. At the same time, curls of multi-colored paper or fabric ribbons can be added to the bouquet. It is also worth noting that several types of nuts can be used for a gift.

Dried fruits on a platter
There is another interesting option for a sweet gift, which involves the presence of beautiful dishes. Currently, there are many unusual and uniquely shaped plates on the market that you can buy as a presentation. In order to be interesting to imagine such a thing, it can be filled with exotic dried fruits. At the same time, sweets are laid out with beautiful patterns and compositions.
The simplest option is to lay out different types of treats with triangles converging in the middle of the dish. You can separate different types of delicacies with dried apple slices or prunes that are more saturated in color.

Another option is a flower arrangement. To form it, different dried fruits are placed in a circle from the edges of the dish, forming rings. As the diameter narrows towards the center of the lobule, it is necessary to put a little more on the edge to create a voluminous flower. In the very middle of such a pattern, you can place several bright details.
This calculation is not new, but it looks interesting, especially when using a large number of types of sweets. Whichever gift option is chosen, the sweet present will not only be tasty, but also useful.

You will learn how to make a bouquet of dried fruits from the video below.