How to make a plywood organizer?

The organizer is a practical and most convenient system for storing small items. Currently, there are a large number of such products intended for cosmetics, construction tools, office supplies. Today we will talk about how you can make an organizer with your own hands from plywood.
Different types of organizers can be used to store different items. For spacious workshops, wall-mounted storage systems for hand tools such as pliers, screwdrivers, and pliers are often purchased. These boxes can be made from scraps of plywood.

There are also organizers-magazines that can be suitable for storing cosmetics and perfumes. In addition to small open compartments, they also have small drawers that can be easily pulled out when necessary. A similar option can be suitable for office supplies.

You can make an organizer for magazines with your own hands. It looks like a tall vertical box with several partitions along the side walls. The system for storing jewelry or small wardrobe items is a large box, the inside of which is divided by vertical and horizontal partitions of the same size. Thus, the drawer will have many small square-shaped compartments. On the Internet, you can find a large number of ready-made drawings, according to which anyone can make an organizer.

What is required?
To make a wooden organizer with your own hands, you will need the following things.
- Plywood. It is worth choosing thinner sheets of wood so that it is as easy to work with them as possible.
- A circular saw. It is better to take a compact tool that will be convenient for cutting the material.
- Ruler. It will be needed to accurately make all the necessary markings.
- Glue. Here you need to select a composition that sticks together instantly.
- Pencil. They will need to make notes on the plywood sheets.
- Sandpaper. With this material, it is easy to grind products.

How to do it yourself?
If you want to make an organizer for storing construction tools, then first you need to cut two pieces of plywood of the same size. They can be given any shape. In each of the pieces, two small holes must be drilled in order to further insert the tubes on which the structure will hold.

After that, the intermediate partitions should be sawed. Their number depends on the size of the future organizer and on the length of the tubes. One hole is drilled in these blanks. Then two thin metal tubes are prepared. At the same time, all made wooden blanks are carefully sanded with sandpaper.

The final stage is the assembly of the individual parts of the organizer. Both side walls, which were made at the beginning, are connected to each other using metal pipes. But you first need to place partitions on them. They should be at the same distance from each other. At the end, you should firmly set a piece of wood inside and two pieces on the back and front of the product.

The resulting wooden organizer is wall-mounted. The system can be attached to the wall in several ways. In this case, you should use a special bracket. This option is used for spacious workshops. Sometimes such storage systems are simply glued to the wall, but this method is inconvenient, since you cannot easily move the product if necessary.

If you want to make a magazine organizer for office supplies or cosmetics, you should start by cutting small pieces of plywood. They can be sanded down immediately. In total, you need to cut 6 pieces: 2 side legs 4.75x7.5 inches, 2 pieces with dimensions 6x12 inches (they will become side dividers), 1 piece 5.5x4 inches (will be the inner divider), 1 piece 4x12 inches (bottom piece).
When all the blanks are ready, two long sides are glued to the bottom piece. They should cover the sides of the lower section. The adhesive is applied from below and on both sides that will contact the rest of the inner divider (i.e. 5.5 "x 4"). The entire structure is covered with a special protective compound. Use the two clamps to secure the organizer securely while drying.
After drying with paper towels, excess glue and protective varnish are removed from the surface of the finished structure. The product is then left again with the clamps for final drying. It will take about a day.
A day later, the clamps are removed from the structure. Check that the adhesive mass adheres well.
At the final stage, you should move to the protruding sides. Glue is applied to both remaining sides, two blanks with dimensions of 4.75x7.5 are attached to them. These parts will be the legs for the new storage system.
Beautiful examples
It will be interesting to look at a wooden organizer for construction tools in the form of a drawer with pull-out compartments. The finished structure can be painted with a composition of brown, black or gray.

Each box should be done separately. If in the end you want to create a product of a small size, then the compartments will be of small height, it will be possible to store only certain tools in them. It is recommended to use a metal base as drawer handles.
To store cosmetics, you can make an organizer, which will consist of two sections. One of them should accommodate several small pull-out compartments for small items.The second section will be one high compartment that can be used to store cosmetic brushes.