Making carnations from foamiran

Foamiran is a relatively new material in our country that quickly gained popularity among needlewomen. You can make many different crafts from it that look original and realistic. In today's article, we will analyze in detail how to make beautiful carnations out of this material.

Material features
Foamiran is a plastic and very malleable material, which is convenient and simple to work with. Even novice craftsmen quickly adapt to the peculiarities of this product and make chic crafts out of it. Currently, a variety of products are created from foamiran. These can be spectacular detailed decorations, decorations and even full-fledged solid compositions, with the help of which it is possible to add additional bright accents to the interior.

Foamiran can have a wide variety of colors. Often, masters make high-quality toys from colored foamiran, imitating natural colors.
Foamiran is also popularly called "plastic suede" because it is pliable and not capricious in work.
Besides, the material has a soft, velvety surface that is pleasant to touch. Today, foamiran is on sale, presented in the form of thin silky leaves. It is characterized by a slightly porous structure. The material in question is made from foamed rubber raw materials.

Due to this, foamiran has the following performance characteristics:
- possesses water-repellent properties;
- under the influence of high temperatures, it can take on a variety of forms;
- can keep the shape given by the master;
- neither heat nor cold influences the material.

Today, foamiran of Iranian or Chinese production can be found on sale. The latter is cheaper, but its quality is inferior to products from Iran.
Experienced needlewomen recommend giving preference to the last copies, since working with them is much easier and more efficient.
Besides, Iranian fabric crafts take on a more natural look and can be dyed or toned if necessary.

What is required?
To build beautiful and high-quality carnations from the material considered, the master will definitely need to prepare a number of important tools and devices. Let's analyze the list of required positions:
- you need a high-quality Iranian foamiran with a thickness of no more than 1 mm: red, dark green, snow-white shades;
- adhesive composition in a tube pistol (it will be as convenient to use it as possible);
- iron;
- sharp, high-quality scissors, as well as the so-called "uneven edge" (the thing is not necessary, but it is advisable to stock up on it);
- second glue;
- special wire used in floristry;
- foam balls with a diameter of 1.5 cm (you can make them yourself from foil sheets);
- scarlet oil paints, brush;
- special dark green tape.

How to do it?
When you have prepared all the necessary components for making decorations with your own hands, you can get down to business. If this is your first time creating a craft from Iranian material, you should rely on a detailed master class describing each of the stages.
- First, you will need to prepare a pattern for future carnation petals. To do this, sketch out circles with a diameter of 5.5 cm, 5 cm, 4.5 cm, 3.3 cm. If you wish, you can make large templates, especially if you want to make growth flowers in the future - it all depends on your wishes. Next, cut the circles to the desired sizes as carefully as possible. Their number should correspond to the values indicated on the pattern sheet. Let's try to make flowers in red and white.

- Carefully and carefully cut the edge using special scissors called "uneven edge". If you do not have such a device in your arsenal, the necessary surfaces can be made using simple scissors, it just takes a little more free time. Take the white circles and paint their edges with scarlet paint using a bristled brush on 2 sides.

- Fold the circle into 2 halves. Cut. Before reaching the center of about 0.5 cm, cut the workpiece into 3 equal parts (you should still retreat from the center about half a centimeter). Further, each of the slices will need to be trimmed in 2 more places, retreating from the edge no more than 0.7 cm. All the notches that you make on the circles should be drawn in advance on the pattern to make it more convenient to prepare the elements. In the same way, cut the largest circle, as well as the next smaller one (we are talking about 5.5 and 5 cm circles). Then you will need to trim small circles (3.3 cm).

- When the necessary workpieces are prepared for further work, they will need to be carefully warmed up on the iron. Fold the cut out elements into a pile, scroll them several times between your fingers. You don't need to scroll too hard - be careful. You will only need to slightly "revive" the petals of the future craft. In the above way, you will need to process each of the petals of the future artificial decoration. Then on the iron you will need to warm up the leaves of the carnations. Fold them lengthwise before they cool down.
When dealing with these elements, carefully pull back their edge, but here it is important not to overdo it.
As a result, you should have neat curved petals.

- Then heat one of the halves of the cup, and then make a small indentation in it. Miniature stars (podashie) will only need to be warmed up, after which they themselves will take the shape they need. After that, all the details of the future design will be ready. You can proceed to the assembly of foamiran flower crafts.

We will deal with the step-by-step completion of the work, during which the master must correctly collect all the prepared elements of the flowers.
- Round off the tip of a special wire used in floristry. At the same time, it is advisable to drip a little glue, and then attach the smallest detail of the structure. Fix it as tightly and securely as possible so that the wire base is not visible or covered. In the same way, you will need to glue all the remaining petals of the carnation. You will need to do this in accordance with the order of their increase. The result is neat flowers. If you initially wanted to get flat crafts from foamiran, then at this stage it is quite possible to stop.

- Find a suitable background and glue the resulting flat flower to it. If you are planning to achieve a voluminous flower, take a foam ball, cut off the top from it using a clerical knife. You can prepare a similar piece of foil, and then press down its upper half. Glue the ball to the carnation, then carefully glue it using a cup.

- This is followed by submission fixation. It is recommended to attach it with a second glue - this will be more reliable. Then wrap the base with special tape. Do not forget to pick up the leaves of the craft during this stage.

This completes the process of making a beautiful carnation from foamiran on your own. The result will surely please if you draw up a detailed diagram of the future flower in advance and follow all the points of the instructions.

Helpful hints and tips
Before you start making an attractive carnation from "obedient" foamiran, you should read some helpful tips from more experienced craftsmen.
- Making such a craft, the main thing is not to rush. Proceed carefully, carefully. Any mistakes and shortcomings will be clearly visible on the finished product.

- To cut parts, use only sharp enough, and not blunt scissors - because of the latter, the product may turn out to be unattractive, having many flaws.

- You can sketch the scheme of the future carnation yourself, or you can find it on the Internet.

- To give the foamiran the desired shape, you can use not only an iron, but also the flame of a lighted candle. The main thing is to follow safety precautions and exercise caution.

- If you are processing workpieces with an iron, it is advisable to select the "silk-wool" mode.

- When assembling the structure, do not pour too much glue - it will appear unnecessarily on the craft and risk ruining its appearance.

Beautiful examples
Let's look at some attractive examples of carnations made from velvety foamiran.
- The rich red foamiran carnations attached to the St.George ribbon look very beautiful. For such crafts, the buds of artificial flowers can be made both lush and large, and more modest.

- Pink (bright or delicate) carnations from foamiran also look very beautiful on St.George ribbons. For the base of such cute flowers, you can use not only an ordinary ribbon, but also a miniature brooch made from it.

- Carnations of different colors (not necessarily red, you can purple or pink) will make a gorgeous topiary. In this case, the central part of the flower buds can be additionally decorated with beads or beautiful shiny stones.

The following video presents a master class on creating carnations from foamiran.