How to make flowers from foamiran with your own hands?

Foamiran is the material from which very beautiful and naturalistic homemade products are obtained. Different types of flowers look especially impressive. Often, at first glance, it is not possible to determine their artificial origin. In today's article, we will learn how you can make flowers from foamiran with your own hands.

Before embarking on the formation of flowers from foamiran, you should find out what the main features of this interesting material are.
- Foamiran is a material with a high level of softness.
- The material stretches, retains its shape.
- The material does not retain moisture. Products made from it can be washed with water.
- Foamiran is a pliable material. It lends itself to embossing, takes on and retains different shapes.
- Foamiran absorbs paint and lends itself to staining. Foamiran is an environmentally friendly material.

Tools and materials
Let us consider in detail which components will be needed for the self-production of foamiran flowers.
- Floristic wire. To make flower stems, you will need to use thin colored wire. Part diameters usually range from 0.1 to 3 mm.
The choice of a particular option depends on what kind of flowers the master planned to make.

- Foil and foam parts. To make flower buds, seed boxes and other parts, you should make blanks from pieces of foam or food foil.
A large number of needlewomen decide to work with aluminum foil, because this product holds the required shape.

- Pistils and stamens. Each flower must have these components.They can be purchased ready-made or made from nail polish, threads and semolina.

- Coloring compositions. To achieve naturalism, craftsmen resort to toning greenery, petals and other components with coloring compositions of different shades. Acrylic and oil compositions are better suited for work.
To create delicate foamiran flowers with shade transitions, it is possible to use pastels.

- Additional consumables. We are talking about flock powder, glitters and rhinestones. These components are ideal for creating original effects.

- Scissors. Foamiran sheets are cut without problems, so ordinary scissors of sufficient sharpness can be used. In the role of an auxiliary device, it is permissible to use scissors that have rounded edges. With such tools, it is much more convenient to cut out leaves and petals with bends.

- Cutting tools. A simple pencil and pen will not work in this case. For high-quality and correct cutting of the necessary parts, it is better to use a toothpick, a blunt needle.

- Adhesive composition. For procedures with foamiran, it is strongly recommended to purchase glue characterized by increased fixation. To make it more convenient to work, you should first take a hot-melt gun.

- Iron. To give the foamiran parts the desired shape, as well as to reduce their thickness, the workpieces are slightly heated by means of an iron. At the same time, it is very important to act quickly and accurately.
The elements should not be overexposed on a hot surface, since under the influence of elevated temperature values, the raw material may undergo melting.

- Stationery. We are talking about a ruler, pencil, pen, cardboard and paper sheets - these components will be needed to make quality patterns.

- Stencils and templates. It is better to prepare such elements in advance so that making flowers from foamiran is easier and more convenient. You can make the templates yourself, or you can use the schemes taken from the Internet - there are a lot of options.

Master classes
You can make many different flowers from foamiran with your own hands - both field and indoor, and spring, and the rarest varieties. It is also possible to make chic huge handmade bouquets, flowers in pots, baskets, vases and many other interesting crafts that look natural.

Consider step-by-step instructions for making beautiful foamiran flowers yourself.
the Rose
You can make a very beautiful rose from foamiran. To do this, you will need to first cut out the blanks of all petals and leaf blades. To this end, you need to take cardboard and draw the necessary blanks on it. Then they are cut along the contour.
To make the flower as beautiful and bright as possible, you should choose a foamiran of the appropriate shade.

Let's consider step by step how to proceed.
- When all the blanks are cut, they will need to be painted with acrylic paints. The color should be darker towards the edges and base.
- Next, the petals need to be heated on an iron in order to ensure their attractive shape later. To do this correctly, each petal must be twisted and then stretched.
- Then the wire must be supplemented with a type tape. The core of the rose is formed from the foil. It will be possible to fix it with a glue gun. Then you can proceed to sticking the petals on the foil.
- The leaves will also need to be heated to make them curled. String them on a wire and attach to the base of the flower. Next, you need to glue the petals further, adhering to a checkerboard pattern.
The result is a very beautiful rose. You can make several roses and make a realistic flower arrangement with them that will look gorgeous.
From such a homemade product, you will get an interior decor or a creative present.

Lush, voluminous peonies can be made from foamiran. Let's consider the step-by-step procedure.
- First you need to prepare paper patterns. You will need to apply drawings of future petals. After that, the blanks will need to be cut.

- Next, the blanks will need to be painted so that the color of the petals is darker towards the edges and base. Due to this, the flowers will be more naturalistic. Then it will be necessary to paint the sheets. Veins should be drawn on one side.

- In order for the petals to acquire the appropriate volume, they will need to be folded correctly. Corrugation of parts should be carried out by folding them like an accordion. The top of the petal is twisted tightly. When the part is unwrapped, you can see how realistic it has become.
Such actions must be done with respect to all petals.

- The leaves need to be folded in half and then stretched. On the sides, the foamiran will need to be gently crushed with folds to get the effect of frills on the foliage.

- Now you need to make a large ball out of foil. It will serve as the base of the peony. Using glue, a wire is attached to the rounded part, a core blank is placed on it.

- The pointed rays are folded up, the stamens are made with the help of yellow paint. Then with a glue gun, the first 10 petals are glued to the core, and after them the details of group B are attached. Next, the petals of all other groups are attached.

Foamiran tulips are easy to make. Let's figure out how to do them correctly.
- A petal is depicted on a cardboard sheet. The height parameter should be 6 cm, the width in the central part - 3.5 cm. Then the template should be cut out.
- On the cardboard they draw another leaf 25 cm wide, 3.5 cm in the center, the detail is cut out.
- Outline the template of the blanks with a toothpick on foamiran, and then cut it out. You will need 6 petals.
- The homemade petals and leaf are tinted with a wet wipe and pastel.
- Each petal must be warmed up by placing it on the iron. Elements are given a natural shape. The tulip leaf must also be brought to the iron, and then folded in half lengthwise.
- 3 petal parts must be glued to the base (bud), completely covering it.
- Glue the remaining 3 petals staggered.
- Next, the cut part of the special wire is glued into the sheet part.
- The stalk is wrapped with a type-ribbon and a leaf is attached.
- In the same way, it will turn out to make a full-fledged bouquet consisting of tulips.

Let's analyze in stages how to make a lily from foamiran.
- The contours of a lily petal with a length of 6 cm are sketched on a cardboard sheet. Next, the element is cut out.
- The template part must be attached to the snow-white sheet of foamiran, then it is circled and cut out. These blanks will require 6 pieces.
- The petals are tinted from 2 sides. Then they are heated on an iron, veins are made with a toothpick.
- They warm the edges of the petal so that they acquire wave-like bends.
- On each of the petals, draw the bottom and points with a brown felt-tip pen. The stamens are glued to the wire piece.
- On the green foamiran, you need to draw 3 leaves of an oblong structure. Then the details are cut out.
- Warming up on an iron, the petals are textured.
- Next, the flower is collected. Around the stamens, 3 petals are first glued, and the remaining 3 are attached as a second row, adhering to a checkerboard pattern.
- The last step is fixing the green leaves.

Let's analyze the instructions for creating a beautiful foamiran chrysanthemum.
- Foamiran sheet is folded in half lengthwise, then cut.
- Take 1 part, apply an adhesive solution along its edge. Fold in half again and glue the blank.
- Cut through the fringe along the entire length of the piece.
- A sticky composition is applied and the strip is twisted, thus forming a beautiful chrysanthemum bud.
- Glue is applied again, but on the back of the bud, a soft wire is inserted, which plays the role of a stalk.

Let's figure out the intricacies of making a dahlia from foamiran.
- First you need to prepare all the blanks - 3 petal circles and 3 parts for the bud, blanks No. 2 - 2 pcs., No. 3 - 2 pcs. 6 small leaves and 2 large ones are cut out of the green material. The sepal is cut out.
- The core of the petal circles is located, cuts are made parallel to each other. This should be done with all circles.
- The tips of all petal circles are tinted with white acrylic paint and a damp cloth.
- Circles 3, 4 and 5 are tinted in the middle. All circles are processed with an iron. Take a piece of foil, make 2 balls from it - these are the cores of the flowers.
- A piece of foamiran is processed with an iron and covered with a foil piece. Next, the circles are prepared.
- You need to glue the petals to the petal circles to get ready-made buds.

Consider the step-by-step instructions for creating foamiran violets.
- First, the flowers must be sketched on paper, cut out and transferred to foamiran. Template elements should be cut from the material itself.
- Wire is taken, cut into pieces. 3 beads are put on each of them. They are placed in the middle, the ends of the wire are twisted.
- Cut out blanks from green foamiran. Collect flowers. A hole is made in the center of the violets, a wire with beads is passed through it, green elements are strung, but they are not lowered to the bottom.
- You need to drip glue on the part, press it against the flower.
- The stem is wrapped with a special tape. Leaves are cut out, veins are formed on them with a toothpick.
- For decoration, you can use a pot filled with plaster mixed with water.
Leaf blades can be dipped directly into gypsum, placing them at the edges, and covering the central part with violets.

Let's analyze a step-by-step master class.
- You can make flowers from the details formed with the Forget-me-not hole punch.
- The workpieces should be formed from light blue or blue material. For sepals, you need olive foamiran. Cut a strip 0.5 cm wide from the yellow material.
- Sepals are cut into several pieces. Petal circles are rolled, for example, with a rolling pin.
- In the middle of the circle, make a hole with a toothpick, scroll between the fingers. This should be done with each petal. Next, they need to be slightly straightened.
- They take snow-white acrylic paint and draw an asterisk in the middle of the circle with a brush.

We will learn how to make a poppy from foamiran.
- Patterns are sketched on a cardboard sheet, cut out. A circle 6 cm in diameter is cut from foamiran of a greenish shade.
- A bead is put on the wire and securely fixed.
- The circle is heated with an iron and a bead is screwed into it. The edges are fixed around the wire.
- You need to wrap the finished ball with black threads. Flower petals are cut out according to templates. They should be folded like an accordion and twisted with your fingers.
- Red petals are glued to the stem. Leaves are cut out of the green material, which must be twisted with your fingers.
- Cut off the wire base and glue the sheets.

Chamomile is done like this.
- Cut out blanks. It is better to make circles with a protractor.
- The tips of the cut petals are heated, giving the necessary structure.
- A long strip of 27 cm in length and 2 cm in width is cut from the yellow material. This is the middle.
- Scissors leave cuts for the fringe along the entire length of the strip.
- The strip is coated with adhesive and twisted.
- The core is fixed on a wire.
- The preforms of the petals are strung onto the stem, starting from the smallest circle, not forgetting about the glue smears.
- For a green foamiran substrate, a circle with notches is cut. This will be the final detail.

Let's find out how to make this flower from foamiran.
- Cut red petals of different sizes.
- Make a small foil ball, attach it to the wire base.
- Form the flower itself. Starting from the smallest petals, you need to glue one by one, with an overlap. Before that, they need to be given a wave-like shape.

Foamiran sunflower is easy to make.
- Several petals of different sizes are cut out from foamiran.
- White foamiran should be painted with yellow paint.
- They make leaves of a green tint. Twist the black foamiran strip, cutting the edge along the entire length. The part is glued together. This will create the core of the flower.
- All petals are heated and glued to the middle. The final stage is fixing the green petals.

Let's figure out how to make these flowers correctly.
- First, the white foamiran is ironed. Patterns made of paper are laid on the material, circled with a toothpick and cut out.
- Draw on the petals with yellow pastels from tip to edge. The edges are painted over with purple.
- By means of mold and iron, the petals are made ribbed. The heated edges of the foamiran are stretched with your fingers.
- Take a yellow stamen, glue the largest lower petal to it. Fasten the side elements. Overlap the last pair of petals.
- The middle is treated with yellow paint, the tips of the petals are made purple, varnished.
The finished buds can be fixed on the stems or made into another floral arrangement.

Let's analyze the step-by-step instructions for making foamiran hyacinths.
- First, they make blanks, cut them out of foamiran, and process them with an iron. The petals must be carefully modeled.
- The yellow material is cut finely and glued to the wire base (these will be the stamens).
- Form flower heads around the stamens. First, they glue the base, and then carefully fasten the sides to each other.
- Form a flower crown.
- Cut out a sheet, tint, roll out the edges.
- In the end, all the components are assembled into one homemade product.

And so calla lilies do.
- Prepare templates for cutting. Longitudinal stripes are made on the petals using a knitting needle or a toothpick.
- Acrylic paints are diluted with water. The lower third of the petal is tinted with a moistened sponge in a pale yellow shade, the base is made green.
- Warm up the iron. The cut petals are brought to it, applied for a couple of seconds. The material is stretched with your fingers, deepened at the base. Rub the edges slightly with your fingers.
- A triangular piece of foamiran is prepared for the pestle, smeared with Moment glue, rolled into a roll without voids.
- The pestle is dipped in glue, and then in semolina. When the part is dry, it is painted yellow with a sponge or foam rubber.
- Next, a stem for flowers is prepared, connected to the pistils, wrapped with a green ribbon. Cut out green sheets, supplemented with longitudinal stripes. The leaf plates are glued to the stem.
- You can stretch the color in the area where the stem and bud join.

Apple blossoms
These products are very easy to craft.
- First, they make blanks - leaves, sepals, petals. For apple flowers, 15 parts are prepared, 10 of them are for buds. The leaves are cut from green foamiran.
- They give the petals the desired shape, tint them, make stamens. 5 petals are attached to each of the latter.
- For buds, the wire cuts are folded in half. The loops must be wrapped in foil.
- Small petals are attached to the foil. Connect the bud and sepal. Attach the sheets.
- The remaining components are attached to the longest stem with tape, forming an inflorescence.

A beautiful poinsettia can also be made without any hassle.
- First, templates are prepared: petals and leaves of the same size. All components are given a more naturalistic look, by means of an iron and a toothpick.
- The green parts must be attached to the molds.
- The wire stem is wrapped in green type-tape.Stamens made in advance are attached to the base, and then prepared leaves and petals are glued around them, starting with the smallest ones.

We will learn how to make sakura from foamiran.
- Templates are drawn on paper - 15 large and 6 small blanks.
- Cut out the petals, tint them with a pink dye composition.
- The stamens made are attached to the wire.
- Green sepals are kneaded by hand.
- Surrounded by stamens, large petals are glued.
- Small parts are ironed and attached to the stem.
- The stalks are wrapped with a type-ribbon. All flowers are harvested on one branch.

Helpful hints
- Before you start making flowers, it is better to prepare detailed diagrams and sketches. A homemade product should be thought out in advance so as not to make mistakes in its manufacture.
- The petals should be treated with a moderately heated iron. Temperatures should not be too high.
- When working with an iron, you must observe safety precautions. Do not keep foamiran on the device for too long, otherwise it will melt.
- The finished product can be wiped with a damp cloth, but abrasive products must not be used.
Homemade products should not be exposed to excessive heat.

For information on how to make flowers from foamiran, see the next video.