How to make snowdrops from foamiran?
A handmade gift brings a lot of joy and warmth. Especially if the present is stylish, beautiful and neat. For example, on the eve of spring, you can make a wonderful bouquet of snowdrops... This will require a little patience and a special material - foamiran (fom).
Manufacturing features
Foamiran Is a dense material for decorative creativity, reminiscent of suede, soft to the touch. It is a sheet of thin synthetic foam rubber fabric. Foamiran has a fairly wide palette of shades - 20 or 24 colors. Most importantly, this material is non-toxic and not harmful to the environment. In addition, this fabric keeps its shape well.
Today we will show a master class on making spring snowdrops from foamiran. Even a novice master can handle this.
Snowdrop - an amazingly beautiful and delicate flower that blooms at the very beginning of spring, when the snow has not yet melted in the forests. It has long been considered a symbol of spring, purity, freshness. In the wild, this amazing plant can be found in forests in sunny areas.
There are many varieties of snowdrop. In our country, there are 2 types: snowdrop and galanthus. The latter can be grown independently. It should be noted that forest snowdrops are listed in the Red Book. With the arrival of spring, many people are specifically looking for places with snowdrops to please each other with a bouquet of these small delicate flowers. But this is not worth doing - the beautiful flowers are on the verge of extinction.
That's why a good alternative to a live bouquet of snowdrops - a decorative craft from foamiran... A bouquet of such snowdrops will look realistic and delight the eye with their beauty for a long time.
A three-dimensional painting or a bouquet of foamiran snow-white flowers will be a wonderful gift for March 8 or any other holiday.
Making a decorative bouquet does not require any special skills, the main thing is accuracy, perseverance and correctly selected tools. For snowdrops from foamiran, patterns of petals, buds and flowers are needed. They can be made from paper or cardboard.
Before cutting out the templates, you should draw the outlines on the cardboard with a pencil. For a complete and realistic match, print the snowdrops in color. It will serve as a hint when working with plastic material.
Tools and materials
In addition to templates and foamiran, you will need the following tools:
- floristic wire 35 pieces, 7-9 cm long (sold in flower shops);
- glue;
- foamiran;
- scissors;
- toothpick;
- iron;
- acrylic paints or colored pencils, crayons;
- tape for wrapping wire;
- stitch beads.
Sheets foamirana should be 2-3 shades: white, green, yellow. Stamens you can do it yourself, or buy ready-made yellow beads on a wire.
Iron is needed in order to form the necessary bends from the material. Under the influence of heat, foamiran becomes plastic and soft, takes any given shape. Cooling down, ready-made forms do not lose their position.
Glue for crafts made of foamed rubber, you need a regular one, without a strong smell.
PVA, "Titan", "Moment" are well suited for decorative items.
Step-by-step instruction
Sample for flowers, you can do it yourself, or print a ready-made version from the Internet, for example, which we offer. It is perfect for beginner craftsmen or children. The scheme can be redrawn onto cardboard - it will be more convenient to cut out parts of a flower from foamiran from it. Snowdrops have 6 petals - 3 external and 3 internal, as well as two green leaves on the stem.
To make snowdrops with your own hands, you must first take the wire and stamens, they need to be tied to the stem, then wrap the entire wire with tape. This is how we get the flower stalks.
The second step is to cut out the blanks. We put the finished templates on the Thomas sheets and circle them several times with a toothpick. Then carefully cut out the petals and leaves with thin scissors. Sharp nail scissors work best for this.
White petals (they are smaller) can be slightly tinted with green paint on the outside. Then the petals and leaves should be shaped with an iron.... On the hot surface of the iron, alternately apply the cut out parts for a few seconds, then use a stack with a ball or a toothpick with a bead to shape the petals into a boat. Green leaves can be rolled up slightly to give them a natural, casual shape. The material works well with your fingers, especially the outer edges of the petals.
The next step is to assemble the flower. On the stem with the stamen, alternately glue the white petals, first internal, small, then large. Places that were glued together can be decorated with tape. Then glue the leaves - one at the bottom, one at the top. The stem can be bent slightly to give it a more realistic shape. Thus, we collect the remaining flowers.
Ready-made snowdrops can be collected in a bouquet, tied with a ribbon, "put" them in a basket, or make a three-dimensional picture of them.
This master class involves a great flight of imagination, there are no clear recommendations here, you just need to properly prepare the template and choose the appropriate shades of foamiran.
Design ideas
The creation of bouquets from foamiran is a big trend in needlework. Artificial flowers are used in interior decoration, decoration of holidays, celebrations, as a decor for photo shoots.
Flowers that are easy to make can be used as a small presentation for any holiday... Large, voluminous bouquets look good in various interiors, because even up close they look like real ones.
Small flowers from foamiran can be used as additional decor gifts. Or they can be used to compose volumetric composition-paintings. Foamiran is also popular for making jewelry: children's headbands, hairpins, brooches, bracelets.
Since the material is non-toxic and odorless, jewelry made from it can be worn by both adults and children.
Artificial flowers made from this material are used:
- as pickups for curtains;
- for wall decoration;
- for making frames for photographs;
- for topiary;
- like large floor lamps-flowers;
- as stand-in bouquets for brides.
Making flowers from foam rubber is a fairly new niche in needlework. This method is interesting because with the help of foamiran you can create almost anything. The material is plastic, malleable and looks natural in the finished product.
Foamiran can be used to create postcards, panels, dolls, clothes for toys. This material has several features:
- stains well;
- restores its previous shape;
- easily cut with scissors or a special stapler for needlework;
- foamiran products can be washed with water - the material does not get wet;
- comes in two types: thick and thin.
Eco-friendly foam rubber crafts - a great way to make a gift with your own hands, which will delight for many years.
A master class on creating snowdrops from foamiran in the video below.