How to make poppy from isolone?

Often, at various holidays, you can find large decorative flowers that look like they are alive. And very often these flowers are made from a popular material called isolon. Volumetric and realistic poppies from isolon look luxurious and expensive, which can be made even at home, having studied the main points of working with the material and preparing the necessary components.
Materials and tools
It is not difficult to work with isolon, but in order to bend this material and give it the desired shape, you should prepare a high-quality hairdryer in advance.
For creating small flowers and crafts, a household hairdryer is quite suitable, but for larger flowers, we recommend using a professional hairdryer that builders use.
With him, the time to work will be significantly reduced.

Izolon should be bought in hardware stores, it can be thin and thick, from two mm to one cm. A thin isolon is used to create small flowers, while a thick isolone is used for tall growth plants.

As the main tools for creating poppies from isolone, you will need:
- scissors;
- knife;
- a gun with glue (it is desirable that it has a temperature control);
- stapler, thread, masking tape, pencil for marking and creating templates for the future plant.

For coloring flowers, it is advisable to use only designed paints in cylinders, acrylic or rubber. Other pigments are usually not suitable, they roll off.

How to make it yourself?
Consider a step-by-step master class for creating a simple poppy from isolone. We recommend buying Izolon 3 mm. It is best to make a flower immediately from a dyed material, this will shorten the time.
- To begin with, the dark center of the poppy is created and collected. To create the middle, it is advisable to take a spherical base made of plastic or rolled up izolon remnants. On the so-called middle base, you will need to arrange the stamens of the plant. To make them, you need to cut off a long rectangular strip of black isolon and make a fringe on it with scissors. Then, using a hair dryer, attach the fringe to the ball. There should be several rows of stamens.
- A poppy flower is made from different parts, which are drawn in advance on paper. For a medium-sized poppy, you can use four large and four small red petals. According to the template, poppy petals are cut from the isolone, and then manually shaped using the warm air of a hair dryer. And only after that they are glued to the pre-created center with stamens in a cut-through way.
- A green sepal can be glued to the back of the poppy, but if the flower will be used to create a decorative flower wall or panel, then this will not be necessary.

If you want to create a poppy lamp, the middle of the isolon should be replaced with a ready-made plafond, where a light bulb will be inserted in the future. The plafond is also pasted over in a circle with stamens and petals. The essence of making a flower is the same. At the location of the sepal there will be a connection of a flower. With an electrician, however, we strongly recommend to be careful; if necessary, consultation of a specialist will not hurt in this matter.

Professionals often create large growth roses and poppies, which are used in interiors as lamps. Growing poppy is not difficult to make, but it will take time. Collecting a flower is no different from that described above, but you will need to take care of the presence of a stem. For a growth plant, a plastic pipe or metal welded to the base can be used.

Experts recommend forming large flowers on the stem immediately, and not fixing the flower after its creation, thus, the decoration will turn out to be more stable and as reliable as possible.
Poppy leaves are also created according to ready-made or self-created templates. And they are formed with a hair dryer in the same way as petals.
To learn how to create beautiful volumetric and realistic flowers from isolone, we recommend that you first watch several master classes from practicing masters. In MK for beginners, a variety of details and some tricks from the masters are available that can reduce the time for creating amazing poppies.
If unpainted material is used when creating a poppy from isolon, then you can use a special paint, but the petals should be painted before they are collected into a flower, otherwise the coloring may turn out to be uneven. In addition, if we are talking about poppy stamens, then it is better to use a ready-made dark isolon, it will be very difficult to paint them by hand.

Beautiful examples
To understand what the finished product will look like, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with illustrative examples.
- Luxurious scarlet poppies from isolone cannot be distinguished from natural ones, they are given out only by an unreal gigantic size. Chic poppies are often placed on holidays, in photo zones, as well as in the interiors of various establishments.
- Most often, Isolone poppies are represented by a large composition. In houses, they can be found as single decorations, but, for example, when creating a photo zone, about 10 plants with lush greenery can be used.
- In addition to the classic red color, some needlewomen also create white and green poppies that look no worse than their bright red relatives.
- Poppies in pastel shades look interesting, including pale yellow, beige and pale pink. They can be a great addition to any birthday or even wedding ceremony.

A master class on making poppy from isolone in the next video.