How to make an isolon lamp?

Often, when carrying out various construction work, isolon is used. This material can be of different thicknesses. Recently, they began to create decorative products from it with their own hands. Today we will talk about how you can independently make a lamp from an isolon base.

general description
Handcrafted lamps come in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Most often, with the help of such material, interesting imitations of flowers are created. At the same time, they will look as realistic as possible.
Isolon itself has a rather soft structure; it is easily cut with a construction knife or even simple scissors. And also this base has good resistance to temperature extremes. When stretched, it can retain its original shape.
Such material for creating lamps can be easily fixed using adhesives, a stapler, threads.

To create various nightlights, lamps, izolon with a thickness of 2 millimeters is mainly used. When choosing such a material, it should be borne in mind that it can be of two main types.
Stitched... Has improved properties, which is achieved through special processing. Therefore, the cost of a sewn isolon is slightly higher compared to a simple one.
Unstitched... Such material is not subjected to special processing, but at the same time it is considered a budget option.
Lamps made of isolon will be a wonderful gift for February 23, February 14, March 8. Sometimes they are made in hat boxes and decorated with a large number of isolon decorative elements.

Tools and materials for creation
Before proceeding with the manufacture of the lamp, you should prepare everything you need for this. You will need:
pieces of isolon;
plastic water pipe;
LED lamp or incandescent lamp;
two-core wire;
switch, plug;
glue gun;
stationery knife;

And also remember that prepare the wiring in advance before starting work. When all the materials and fixtures are ready, you can start making the light source.
How to make a lamp with flowers?
The best option would be an isolon lamp in the form of various colors. We will analyze how to make such products with our own hands.
To create this product, you first take a cartridge, remove the ring from it and attach it to the sleeve. The wires can be neatly hidden in the future stem and small flower pot. After that, they begin to create the tulip itself. For this, a red or yellow isolon is taken.
Patterns for future petals and leaves are cut out of the material using scissors from plain paper or cardboard. In this case, 2 large elements should be made and somewhat smaller to form the entire bud.

After that, a hairdryer is placed on the cut petals and leaves, this will slightly bend the edges of the blanks. Then, using a clerical knife, veins are formed. This can be done using special molds.
Further, all the finished parts are glued together. The tulip should consist of four petals, they will connect to each other in pairs. In this case, the creation of the bud is carried out around the rod.
If desired, the petals can be tinted with pastels. In this case, a simple wet napkin is used, with which the crayons are soaked, and then applied to the isolon elements with light patting movements.

The top of the stem is placed in the center of the pot and fixed with a glue gun. If you want to make a growth tulip, then you need to take a water supply plastic pipe, it must withstand a large isolon bud.
To make the stem look neat and beautiful, it is wrapped with a special decorative tape or wire. Flower leaves are attached in the same way as all other parts of the product. The stem can be bent a little to make the composition look more realistic.

Such a flower should be formed near the plafond. Izolon, from which the product will be created, should be immediately painted with an acrylic compound in a bright pink-purple fuchsia color. And you will also need a material painted in white paint.
When the base is ready, the petals of the future flower are cut out of it. Several of these elements can be useful for one bud. They should be round or oval.

When all these parts are cut, you can start assembling them. With the help of a glue gun, they begin to collect all the petals into one large bud. It should be remembered that the base is created from pink-purple parts, the central part from white.
Separately, you need to cut the stamens. It is better to make them from pink isolon. For this, small thin strips are formed. They are also glued to the middle of the plant. To make the composition look more beautiful and voluminous, it is better to make three or four flowers of different sizes at once.

After that, they begin to create the stem. To do this, you can intertwine a thick, strong wire, or take another flexible, but strong base. It is completely braided with a special decorative green ribbon. And also small leaf blades should be cut out separately from the isolon.
To make the leaves look natural, veins should be applied to their surface.In this case, you can use a clerical knife or special templates. The finished parts are attached to the stem with glue and straightened a little.
All buds should also be straightened a little, they should be slightly tilted downward. Such a lamp can be made in the form of a wall sconce or a large floor lamp.

The lamp in the form of a basket with irises will look original. In this case, all the necessary blanks are first cut out. For each flower, you will need to make three large and three small petals of pink and lilac flowers.
Next, stamens are carefully cut out of the white and yellow isolon. To make them, you need to form segments from a rectangular base. Small cuts are made on the arcs. Then the resulting blanks are connected in half, thus creating a "sandwich", thus a stamen is obtained. Several such details should be done at once.

All petals are recommended to be tinted. It is better to do this with the help of special wax crayons. Next, a building hair dryer is taken, it will allow you to give the desired final shape to such details.
At the same time, you need to take a thick, strong wire and wrap it with a cut out strip of isolon... You can paint it in the color of the petals. All parts are connected to each other with a glue gun. At the end, all the stamens are attached to the finished bud.

When assembling, it is necessary to start with large parts, smaller parts are inserted between them. The finished flower with a cartridge can be fixed on a separate stand. Several isolone leaf blades can be attached to the stem.
In this way, several irises are made at once. Together they are sent to the basket in the form of a bouquet. The basket is also often weaved with our own hands, it is permissible to take an already finished product. Its handle should be wrapped around with LED strip. All irises are slightly straightened. The resulting product is often used as a beautiful night light.

In this case, the cartridge will be the center of the flower. A large number of thin white supports of the same length and thickness can be glued to the base. To do this, it is better to take wooden skewers, they are pre-painted white.
After that, small thin strips are cut out of the isolon base. They must also be white. Small clusters in the form of buds begin to form from them. Such blanks will be attached to the end of the skewers.

A yellow dandelion should be made separately. To do this, you need to take a yellow isolon material. Small thin strips are also cut out of it with scissors. Next, they begin to make the stem and leaves. To do this, isolon is painted with green acrylic paint.
At the same time, they take a wire base for the stem. It is completely wrapped in green material. Oval leaf blades are cut out of it, and then small teeth are made along their edges with scissors.
All parts are interconnected. If desired, growth options are made, they become large floor lamps, but you can also make a small night lamp.

First, the isolon base is painted with blue or purple acrylic paint. Petal blanks are cut from the dyed material. Parts should be oval. They are given the desired shape with a building hairdryer.
Stamens are made from the same isolone. Several thin and long blanks must be rolled out of it, which will slightly thicken towards the end. Next, they begin to create the sepal. To do this, paint another piece of isolon green.
Several oval-shaped parts are cut out of it, by the end they will have to sharpen a little, these parts of the same size are also processed with a construction hairdryer.

After that, the stem is made. Twisted wire or a small plastic tube is braided with green isolon. Several elongated leaf blades are formed from it.
At the final stage, all the elements made are combined into one product.The sepal is attached to a blue or purple base. The stem is neatly attached to the chuck. Leaves are glued in the same way.
Lamps can be made from isolon in the form of many other colors. An interesting option would be such a sunflower product. To make it, for a start, the material is painted with acrylic yellow paint, then blanks of petals are formed from it. All of them should be approximately the same size, their shape is elongated, slightly pointed towards the ends.

The central part of the flower is created separately. This can also be done from isolone. For this, yellow, blue and black materials are prepared. It is cut into small thin strips, which are then connected alternately together. The finished center must then be carefully glued to the rest of the details so that it does not obscure the light source.
A stem for a sunflower is formed from a green isolon and a thin plastic tube. For him, leaf blades are created separately. They should be cut from the same isolone or from paper. All this connects with each other.
A small lilac night light will look unusual. To create it, the isolon is painted in lilac colors. Many small blanks are made from it, each of them should consist of four oval or round petals.

Stamens are attached to the middle of each such blank. In this case, it will be enough to glue a small piece of yellow or orange isolon there. All elements begin to neatly lay out near the plafond. If desired, the products are tinted with wax crayons.
Next, another piece of material is painted green. Several large leaf blades are formed from it. They give them the desired shape with a building hairdryer, draw veins. The finished leaves are glued with a gun to the bottom of the lilac. The resulting product is best placed in a small flower pot or in a decorative vase.
Lamps in the form of gladioli, daisies, cornflowers, magnolias, gerberas, lilies of the valley are also made from isolon with their own hands. They are used to produce both large floor products and table lamps, miniature bedside lamps.

Step-by-step master class of painting lamp
Now we will analyze how to make a picture lamp from such a material. Consider a panel with roses. It should be remembered that the picture can be installed in those places where it is possible to use the wiring for the luminaire. If possible, they are made bedside.
Work begins with the formation of buds. Better to make 3-4 colors at once with different sizes. To do this, the isolon will need to be painted with acrylic paint (for a rose, red, white or pink are often chosen). Next, the bases for the petals are made, they must have different shapes so that the flower is as natural as possible.

Just one rose will need about 20-25 petals. In addition, you need to make several small leaf blades from a green base. Next, first the smallest and then the largest parts are attached to the coupling in a circle.
The first row of petals is simply glued, the second strip along the edges is slightly warmed up with a construction hairdryer. At the same time, they are given a slight outward bend. A cartridge is inserted into the sleeve, to which the wire is connected.
In the same way, several smaller flowers are formed. It is better to arrange the finished composition in a beautiful thin frame and hang it on the wall in this form.

In the same way, you can make a ceiling chandelier from an isolon in the form of a large rose. It will harmoniously fit into various interior styles.
Variants of other unusual fixtures
Other lamps can be made from isolon. There are simple options that even a beginner can handle.
Unicorn night light. To make this mini-product, the base is taken in the form of a transparent bulb-ball. It is completely wrapped in white isolon. Then small ears are made from the same material.In order to make a horn, they take a small piece of a plastic tube, wrap it in several layers with isolon, which is pre-painted in any color. On the finished basis, the eyes and nose are drawn, sometimes they are also cut out of the isolon material.

- Night light panda. In this case, you will also need a base in the form of a transparent ball. It is completely covered with a white isolon material, and then a black base is taken. Ears, panda eyes are neatly formed from it. Pupils are often made of cardboard or paper. A small decorative bow of any color is made separately.

- Lamp in the form of a clown. Several pieces of isolon of different colors are prepared in advance. Wide strips are cut from each base. One end of such elements is cut into small strips. Each part is folded into a tube and fixed with a glue gun. Then the resulting parts are attached to the light bulb around the entire circumference. Additional decorative elements, including a bow, are made separately. Clown eyes should be cut out of white, red and black material.

- Pineapple shaped lamp. This requires a yellow base. It is cut into small oval-shaped pieces, towards the end they should taper and sharpen. They gradually begin to glue the light bulb over with them. At the same time, you need to take another piece of isolon and paint it green. It is cut into long and thin leaf blades. They need to be fixed to the top of the pineapple with a glue gun.

- Lamp-fire. To make this product, you need to take a material of red, yellow, orange colors. It is used to make blanks in the form of tongues of flame. They must have a characteristic shape. Most often, ovals of different lengths and widths are formed, and then they begin to give them the desired outlines. With the resulting details, they gradually begin to glue over a bright light bulb.

Many other models of lamps are often made from an isolon base, including those in the form of animals: a cat, a swan, a marshmallow night light, a fish, a Christmas tree, a gnome are also produced. Such interesting products can also be purchased in specialized stores. They tend to supplied with instructions, which helps to connect the device.
The following video presents a detailed master class on making a lamp from Izolon.