How to make a lamp in the shape of a heart from isolon?

Luminaire made of izolon can be made in almost any form. It can be a fantasy lamp, floor lamp or sconce. The only condition is the presence of a non-heating light bulb, despite the fact that the isolon can easily withstand high temperatures. The design of the lamp depends on its future owner. Below is a look at how to make a heart-shaped lamp.

Materials and tools
Before making a lamp, you need to think in detail about what tools and materials you need for this:
- isolone;
- wire for crafts in skeins (diameter 3 mm);
- thread in the same color as isolon;
- round nose pliers;
- scissors;
- a small piece of tape for decoration;
- ornamental grass with flowers (optional);
- satin ribbons (optional);
- glue gun;
- bulb;
- plastic pipe.

You can also choose different materials for decoration according to your taste. These can be beads, sequins, or smaller hearts. The light bulb is selected depending on how bright the lighting should be in the room.

Manufacturing technology
In order to make a lamp in the shape of a heart from an isolon, you first need to take a wire. We make a heart with round nose pliers or with our own hands. This will be our foundation. Then follow step by step in our MK.
- Isolon is taken, tightly wrapped around the frame, which was previously prepared from wire. Try to make sure that the base is completely hidden. You can attach it with a glue gun.
- Please note that you cannot press too much on the wireframe, as we need to keep it in perfect shape and proportions. The lamp is wrapped tightly with thread, which is selected in advance according to the color of our material.
- Even in the process of making a lamp in the shape of a heart from isolone, it must be borne in mind that it will become smaller than our original frame. Therefore, it is better to immediately focus on the size that you would like to get.
- The remaining thread must be carefully hidden by tying a knot. The loop is fixed, if necessary, it is taken with hot glue.
- Further, the heart is decorated according to your taste and desire.

Then we need to make a spiral from a plastic pipe, where the wires to the future lamp will be hidden. For these purposes, a building hair dryer is used.
It should be borne in mind that the lower part of the pipe should turn out to be flat, since the entire structure will be held on it.
A wire is passed through the sleeve, the cartridge is screwed on. Our finished heart can be glued with a glue gun, the pipe must also be fixed. The heart-shaped lamp is now almost complete. At the final stage, a light bulb is screwed in, a switch is attached. Such an item will decorate any house or apartment.

Beautiful examples
One of the best examples of such lamps is the use of sisal. It fills the space inside the heart. Here you can experiment with different colors and decorations on top of the lighting element. For example, make a rose out of several ribbons and attach it to the side of our object.

If the heart is left hollow, then inside it can be attached to a ribbon or another heart can be tied. It is made both from isolone and from ordinary felt or sisal. Fabric options are also possible. Additionally, the frame is decorated with beads.

A creative option is to fill the heart with roses. They can be matched in color to the main composition and glued together with a glue gun. An unusual solution would be to use a garland with small lights around the frame.

There are also variations with the base, where the wire for the lamp is laid. It may be straight, or it may be slightly curved. It depends more on the purpose of using such a lamp and its intended functionality.

Next, see a master class on making a heart lamp from isolon.