Secrets of making a Christmas tree from wire

It is difficult to imagine the New Year without a forest beauty. The wire Christmas tree will perfectly fit into any interior and will become a decoration of your home or office. These crafts can be of different sizes. A large outdoor homemade Christmas tree or a small tree can quickly turn an ordinary atmosphere into a festive one.

Selection and preparation of materials
To make an original Christmas tree for the New Year, you will need certain tools and materials. You can build a forest beauty from chenille or copper wire. A decorative winter tree made of aluminum wire will look very good. Thanks to the silvery shade of the selected material, the finished product will stand out well against the background of coniferous needles.
Chenille wire (twist) is quite often used as the main material for creating crafts. The twist is inserted into soft toys, various figures are made from it, chenille wire is used as a decor. This material is perfect for creating a Christmas tree. Products made from fluffy chenille wire are very beautiful.
A voluminous fluffy beauty made of this material will decorate a child's room, study or hall. Even a child can make any craft using multi-colored and well-bendable wire, so when starting work, it is worth introducing children to it. Such a craft will allow not only to decorate the room, but also to develop the creative abilities of the kids.

How to do it yourself?
The construction of a Christmas tree from wire at home will take just a couple of hours, a minimum of tools will be required for such work.An unusual Christmas tree will find a worthy place in any interior. The Christmas tree can be of different sizes - it can be a tabletop version or a floor construction. You can use it as a small Christmas toy on a real tree, or make an original composition and hang it on the wall.
Also, the craft can be a great option for the street. The Christmas tree made of wire will delight you with its beauty and unusual design for a long time.
It is not difficult to build such an original forest beauty, especially if you take into account the recommendations indicating how to do it step by step.
Master class for making a winter beauty in the form of a spiral.
- For such work, it is necessary to prepare a coil of wire, as well as scissors and tape. If desired, use a garland and tinsel.
- It is better to take a strong wire, this will allow you to make an elastic coil.
- The construction begins from its bottom. To do this, the wire is bent in the form of a circle and fixed at the junction with tape.
- Further, they continue to bend the wire in the form of a spiral, reducing each subsequent turn.
- On the last tier, the end of the wire should be directed upwards and used for the crown.

When the structure is ready, the spiral is aligned on all sides, trying to achieve even contours. It is important that the lower turn is flat, this will ensure the reliability of the placement of the structure. It can be placed on the floor, table, shelf, depending on the idea, and also taking into account the size of the product. The resulting frame is decorated with tinsel or hung with a garland.
To simplify the work, it is advisable to use a cone-shaped base, on which the wire will be wound. It can be cardboard or any other dense material. This will allow the wire to be wound without bending the material. The width of the turns can be very different, while the thickness of the wire will not matter much. In addition, such a structure can be attached to the ceiling.
In this case, it will not take up much space, but it will look unusual.

The forest beauty in a flat version will look very original. This structure is usually placed on a wall, panel or other suitable location. To complete the work, the wire is laid out on a flat surface and bent in the form of a herringbone. To facilitate the process, you can draw a diagram on paper in advance where the bends will be located, and put a wire on the drawn lines. Usually, such products are made small in size, they look elegant and at the same time not pretentious at all. To fix the model, you can make a loop at the top and hang it on the wall.
To make such a construction, you need the following.
- Take a piece of thick wire and fold the outline of the tree out of it.
- Draw horizontal lines between the improvised branches using a thinner wire.
- The structure is wrapped along the contour with a decorative rain, a garland. You can hang Christmas toys, beads.

You can build a structure by making it in the form of a triangle. Inside, an impromptu triangle is tightly wrapped with a garland. It is advisable that the flashlights are placed tightly, completely covering the empty space. The trunk of such a Christmas tree can be placed in a stylized pot, wrapped in tinsel or shiny cloth and decorated with satin bows. The leg of a flat Christmas tree can be placed in a stylized pot, wrapped with cloth, and decorated with a bow. Put small boxes representing gifts under the tree.
Alternatively, these steps are recommended for placing the Christmas tree on the wall.
- Lay out the outline of the tree directly on the wall.
- Use scotch tape to secure. You can take a regular one or use a double-sided one.
- Decorate the Christmas tree with flags, toys, beads.

As an original option for decorating a children's room or kitchen, a wire with a diode tape is suitable. For the construction of the structure, you should take a glass and turn it upside down. Using a wire with an LED strip, the glass is wrapped. Inside it, you can lay out cotton wool in the form of snow or put small toys.
Thanks to the glass surface, the light will reflect and shimmer very beautifully.

Chenille wire (chenille) is ideal for making a New Year's beauty. In order to get a fluffy tree, you can wind a chenille wire on a paper or cardboard base, on top of which tinsel, garlands or small toys are attached. This option is the simplest. Those who want to build a more complex masterpiece need to work a little more.
To make a New Year's beauty, you need to take:
- chenille (fluffy) wire - 1 skein;
- ruler and scissors;
- glue gun;
- decor for decoration, stick.
Improvised branches of different sizes are made from chenille wire, then a Christmas tree is assembled. To do this, a wooden stick 10-15 cm in size is used as a trunk and the branches are fixed, trying to ensure that the entire surface is densely covered. The branches must be distributed so that the finished tree turns out to be fluffy and voluminous. Using a glue gun, decorate the Christmas tree with New Year's toys.
A tree made of threads will give additional comfort. For this, a wire frame of any shape is wrapped with threads. You can simply wind the thread on the base or crochet a kind of chain cover.

Decor options
Traditional decorations in the form of Christmas tree decorations, various beads and tinsel, as well as garlands are usually used as decor. Spruce cones, felt or fleece toys are also used to decorate finished products. Corrugated paper and cardboard are also suitable for decorating a herringbone. You can quickly make any original jewelry out of them, giving them the desired shape. Such an original Christmas tree will stand for quite a long time, while there is no need to fear that the tree will dry out and throw off the needles. Various bows, satin ribbons, beads will complement the design of the New Year's beauty.

Beautiful examples
A voluminous wire installation will give a festive mood, it will become a worthy decoration of a living room or study.

Such a Christmas tree is perfect for rooms decorated in a minimalist style. The wire, fixed on the wall in the form of a Christmas tree and decorated with small Christmas toys, will become an exquisite decoration of the wall in the central part of the room. This is a great alternative to a bulky tree.

The corner structure will look very unusual, for which a wire frame is prepared and installed in the corner. Framing improvised branches with a New Year's garland of small bulbs add mystery and originality to the product.

A full-length wire tree, placed on the wall, gives the room a solemnity, adds mood.

Even a very tiny Christmas tree made of chenille wire will add a New Year's mood. A wine or champagne cork will serve as a stand for the miniature.

A creative golden pine tree made of wire, even without tinsel and toys, can become the main decoration of the room.

Christmas trees for the holiday, made in high-tech and modern style

Such crafts look light and airy, they do not require special care or watering. The product can be placed on the work table without fear of the wrath of the boss.
All the secrets of making a Christmas tree from wire, see the next video.