What copper wire crafts can be made?

Copper wire is a fairly convenient material for needlework, which allows you to create original crafts at home. In this case, even children can cope with the work.

What do you need to work?
Before you start creating crafts, you need to prepare all the materials that you may need during work. The material, of course, depends on the kind of craft. In addition to the wire itself, we can talk about multi-colored threads, beads, sequins, beads. Also, fabric scraps with beautiful patterns, foil and colored paper can come in handy. Additionally, it is worth preparing such natural materials as roots and branches of plants of unusual shapes. Plasticine will not be superfluous. In addition to copper wire, you can additionally use other types of wire with different thicknesses in order to be able to make the frame thicker, and the parts and connections thinner.

You will need pliers to get your wire pieces of the correct size, while round nose pliers and pliers will help you create nice curves. Quite often, creating bulky copper crafts requires a soldering iron to connect key parts. Since it is not possible to hold a hot wire with bare hands, you should first prepare a pair of tweezers, at least an ordinary (medical) one.
Before you start soldering a piece of jewelry or decorative figurine, it is better to practice on unnecessary scraps.
The combination of a hammer and an anvil will allow you to add the necessary flattened parts to the product. The role of the anvil can be played by some dimensional metal object with a flat surface.The rest of the tools required to work with copper wire include sandpaper, scissors, and durable tape.

Interesting ideas
For beginners, it is recommended to begin acquaintance with copper wire with the creation of simple products, for example, the outlines of animals and plants, as well as geometric shapes. Contour (flat) copper wire crafts are suitable for implementation even by children's hands. No complex schemes are required for this. It is enough just to start with the outline, then design the internal parts separately, and at the end connect one with the other with a thin wire. If necessary, the gaps are filled with a dense winding formed from thick wire.

Volumetric crafts have a more complex three-dimensional design. It can be a key chain, stand, basket or any other decorative object. It is to create voluminous work that a soldering iron is required.

Before the New Year holidays, you can make a decorative Christmas tree with your own hands. If the planned height of the tree is from 15 to 20 cm, then no more than 1 meter of basic material is required for the craft. The exact amount is determined depending on the angle of the helix. Such a tree is decorated with an ordinary garland or a hanging "rain".
However, it is important to remember that copper heats up well and acts as a conductor of electricity, so it is better to refuse a faulty garland.

You can also create a Christmas decoration with the addition of tinsel. In this case, the trunk will require a length of wire that will correspond to the height of the craft, and for each pair of branches - more by 1-1.5 centimeters. First, each copper thread is "put on" in tinsel, which slows down sliding, and then the branches are wound around the trunk with one or two turns, or they almost completely "wrap" it.

To create a ladybug keychain, you need one long piece of copper thread and 4 short pieces of equal length. The first will serve to create the body of the insect, and the rest - for the legs. The head can be made separately from a piece of wire of medium length. To create the little body, the long wire will have to be twisted so that a three-dimensional hemisphere is formed, which looks like an egg. Using red and black beads, you can decorate the base of the ladybug. The insect head is made by winding the middle wire around the body so that the free ends "go" forward. Thus, it is the ends that will form the antennae, and the bundle of wire will become the head. The legs of the insect are connected at the last moment.

A heart made of a piece of wire, fixed on a wooden cube, looks very nice. First, the metal is bent in such a way as to form the desired shape. At the base, the thread should be twisted, after which the heart should be made double. The end of the piece is fixed at the bottom so that the leg remains. A hole is drilled in a wooden cube, after which glue is poured into it and a copper craft is inserted.

To make a butterfly decorated with curls, you must first learn how to work with tongs. Having mastered this technique, it will turn out to completely construct an elegant insect from one wire. A beautiful curl can become the upper part of the winglet, after which it remains to make its lower part in the form of one curl and "mirror" the wing. To complete the craft, it remains to glue a large bead in the center, which plays the role of the abdomen.

It's pretty easy to create a wire spider: for this you need to prepare 8 metal strands of the same size and 2 beads. It is important that all materials have a similar color. The beads are put on one of the wires so as to leave a minimum distance between them. The rest of the wire pieces are tied at this point, and then bent to form the legs.

A hot stand is created from one thick piece of wire or two thinner ones.
It is important to select fragments of metal, the length of which is at least 1 meter.
Thick wires can be applied immediately, while thin wires need to be twisted around each other to form a spiral. In addition, a fairly wide ruler of suitable length will be required. First, the wire is wrapped around the ruler, and then the workpiece is bent so that the rings begin to look in different directions. If everything is done correctly, you should get a kind of sun, the ends of which are additionally fixed.

When interacting with the wire, it is best to stick to one of the basic working methods. For example, the material can be twisted in a spiral, or other curls can be formed. Thin wire is suitable as a reliable base for beading.

The ganutel technique allows you to create wire crafts using silk threads, beads, rhinestones and pearls. Before starting work, it is better to draw or print a sketch for more convenient work.

The following video presents a master class on making copper wire crafts.
Crafts - class!