How to make a creative wire bracelet?

In modern society, it is quite difficult to surprise someone with a purchased accessory, because there are a great many of them, and only in exceptional cases are they unique and exclusive.
Many girls and even men, trying to look stunning, go to some tricks, making jewelry with their own hands, the analogues of which cannot be found in any store in the country. Thus, unusual earrings, rings and amazingly beautiful wire bracelets are born, which is quite often used for needlework.

Let's take a closer look at how to make an accessory on hand from ordinary wire, and what is needed for this.
Tools and materials
In order not only to bring your idea to life, but also to create a truly high-quality product that can compete even with expensive branded bracelets, it is necessary to select the right materials.
First of all, let's figure out the types of wire that can be used.
- Iron wire, specially processed, or made of stainless steel is perfect for these purposes. It can be quite tough, so you have to make some effort, but the result will exceed all your expectations.
- Brass or copper - great options for making bracelets. Wire made from these materials has sufficient flexibility and is also resistant to damage. But brass can contain lead, which can be detrimental to health. Therefore, it is better to give preference to copper wire.
- Chenille wire very unusual as it has a soft plush covering. But with its help, you can create a bracelet that does not need additional decor.
- Silver wire - a very expensive material, so it can be used as a supplement to another metal.
- Aluminum also actively used in the manufacture of handmade jewelry. And its silver color allows you to leave the result without additional decor or to successfully combine it with silver.
- Steel rope - has a wicker structure and is quite tough, which greatly complicates the work. But the surface of this type of wire is ideal for making male models of bracelets.

Beads, seed beads, various sequins, small pendants, feathers and elements from old jewelry can be used as decoration.
And also if you want to create an accessory of a certain color, it is recommended arm yourself with paint and a special coating.

Execution technique
To make a wire bracelet with your own hands, you must first of all decide on the weaving technique, because the result will depend on it. After which it is necessary draw up a step-by-step scheme of actions, pick up a decor, and then start weaving.
Let's consider in more detail the different methods and features of their implementation.
- Weaving. A braid is braided from several parts of the wire, which, as a result, will need to be flattened to create a more stylish effect, as well as for better fixation.
- For making braids you need to take a few thick wire elements and a thin wire. Depending on your preference, you can wrap a thin wire around thick pieces, connecting them together and forming an original pattern.
- Bending and forging - ideal for creating openwork elements. The thick wire is bent to form the desired pattern, then flattened with a hammer, thereby fixing the bend and intersection of the parts.
- Decorating - thanks to this technique, beads, beads and other decorative elements can be woven into wire patterns.
- Often, bracelets are made from individual linksconnected to each other.

To better understand the technology of making wire bracelets, consider step-by-step examples on simple options.
Minimalist Slip On Bracelet
To make this product, you need to measure a piece of wire according to the volume of your wrist, as well as pieces to create a decorative element.
The main decor consists of spiral details at the ends of the bracelet, which are made by bending and forging, and metal beads are attached to the product using braiding technology.

Bracelet with original clasp
For the manufacture of this product you will need a piece of thick wire to fit your wrist, a thinner wire with a margin, pliers and a hammer.
The surface of the bracelet itself is made in the braiding technique, and both ends are bent into loopsthat will serve to attach the clasp. The end of the thinner wire segment must be threaded into one of the resulting loops, after which the segment is twisted into a spiral from one end and into a hook from the other. We fix everything with a hammer. The resulting hook and loop forms a clasp.

In order to simplify the manufacturing process and make the product truly luxurious, you can use the recommendations of those for whom this activity is a kind of hobby.
For example, you can pick up a solid object in the form of a cylinderthe girth of which matches the girth of your wrist. Using it, you can try on the bracelet during the manufacturing process, without constantly putting it on your hand. And also thanks to such an item you can easily round the wire to the desired shape.
When flattening parts with a hammer, avoid strong impacts, as you risk making part of the wire too thin or even breaking it.

To create an antique look and darken the copper bracelet, you can use a simple life hack.It is enough to hard-boil and cut a chicken egg, placing a bracelet next to it and covering it with a lid. Due to the sulfur released, the metal will begin to darken.
A to make the product lighter and more shiny, you need to clean and polish it. To do this, you can use alcohol-based solutions, peroxide or conventional detergents.

If you want to keep the bracelet in good shape, you should avoid strong mechanical stress, do not carry the product in a bag without special packaging, and get a solid box for storing it. Thus, you can protect it from deformation.
For a master class on weaving a bracelet from copper wire, see the video below.