How to make original copper wire jewelry with your own hands?

Quite popular jewelry is not only those that can be bought in an accessory store, but also made by hand. These include original copper wire jewelry, which you can make yourself at home, with a minimum of inventory. What tools will be useful in such a matter, as well as what interesting ideas to pay attention to, we will find out further.

Tools and materials
To make a beautiful piece of jewelry on your own, for example, earrings or bracelet made of copper wire, in addition to it, should prepare:
- small pliers and round nose pliers;
- hammer;
- forceps;
- vice.

A good owner will always have the listed inventory. Otherwise, it is better to buy the tool in special stores for needlework, since ordinary pliers will not work here: they can bend the metal excessively and spoil it. Need small pliers with a smooth surface. Small tongs can also come in handy, especially if you need to take stones or beads in the work.
In addition, you can pay attention to the pliers with soft pads.

As a complement to the wire, craftsmen usually use inexpensive stones, crystals, beads and beads that are in perfect harmony with copper.
Copper wire is most often purchased with a cross section of 1 mm, and sometimes less... It depends on what kind of decoration you plan to make. It is believed that the thicker the metal is, the higher the likelihood that it will last for a long time.

Interesting ideas
Of the interesting ideas, many needlewomen may be interested in creating brooches, hairpins with stones, as well as vintage bracelets.

It is very easy to make an original Scandinavian-style copper wire ring with your own hands. Beginners should not immediately tackle complex products with inserts and stones. Try regular weaves and plaits first.

Let's get acquainted with a visual master class for beginners in making a copper ring. To make a ring, you should prepare:
- copper wire (it is advisable to use several sizes at once: both larger and smaller);
- a cylindrical battery on which we will wind the future ring;
- adhesive plaster;
- thread.
And also it is worth preparing a small hammer, a vice, a small file for fine work and pliers. All of these can be found in your home garage or purchased from a shop that sells tools.

The advantage of the future product is a feature that over time allows you to adjust the size of the ring by unbending or bending the bow.
We present step-by-step instructions for making a copper wire ring.
- With the help of a thread we measure a finger. Then we wrap the battery with adhesive plaster, adjusting it to the size of the finger. This will be the basis for weaving. Next, you need to fix the four wires to the battery with a vise. From them, and should begin to weave plaits.

- When the blanks for the future ring are made in the required quantity, then you can start assembling the ring from them. Usually, craftsmen alternate the wire in the product as follows: first a regular one, then a plait, then a pigtail, and then a regular one again. Rows during assembly can be done at your own discretion, giving free rein to your imagination.

- It is very important to grind all sharp and protruding parts of the product, file down - that is, to make sure that they do not cause discomfort while wearing the ring. At the end, it is necessary to make a securing strip, which is fixed at a distance of 3.5-5 mm from the edges of the product. The joint is made in the middle of the ring.

In order for the chosen product to work out for sure, we recommend that you first watch the training master classes, where all training takes place from scratch. Easy educational lessons, where they show the principle of working with copper wire, will help to understand the essence of working not only with the material, but also to master the technology of weaving.
We recommend that you pay attention to the variety of techniques for creating jewelry. One of the most popular wire weaving techniques today is Wire Wrap. Usually, using this technique, a variety of stones and crystals are braided. Pendants, brooches and earrings look very elegant here. Wire Wrap Technique can be easily mastered by studying some videos at home, after which your favorite hobby can become a full-fledged job.
Below you can see a full review.
A bit challenging, but very exciting. weaving technique "Viking" (Viking Knit). With its help, you can create original openwork jewelry for the neck, as well as bracelets and earrings.

In the business of creating jewelry, you should not be afraid to experiment in search of something new. But this is possible only if you have basic skills in weaving jewelry and, of course, a great desire to learn. There should always be order and good lighting at the workplace - only then it will be possible to do this business with great pleasure and comfort.