Crafts from napkins

Making snowmen from napkins

Making snowmen from napkins
  1. Preparation
  2. DIY voluminous crafts
  3. Creation of applications

Many people like to make various interesting crafts with their own hands. They can be made from a variety of materials. Often, simple paper napkins are used for this. Today we will talk about how you can make a product out of them in the shape of a snowman.


Before you start making a decorative snowman, you should prepare all the necessary materials and accessories. In addition to the napkins, you need to prepare the following:

  • PVA glue;

  • scissors;

  • brushes;

  • acrylic-based paints;

  • container with water.

And you can also immediately think about decorating a snowman. Often, various rhinestones, small sequins, beads, buttons, pearls are used for this.

DIY voluminous crafts

To begin with, we will look at how you can make such voluminous crafts at home. To make a simple snowman, several sheets of napkins are taken, they will need to be crumpled by hand and formed into a ball.

At the same time, an adhesive composition is prepared. For this, the glue is diluted with water in equal proportions. The rolled ball is dipped into the prepared adhesive.

Later, more dense balls, carefully smeared with glue, roll down. They should be of different sizes (for head, torso, handles). Sometimes such blanks are given a pear-shaped shape.

Then you will need to completely dry all the blanks. Next, an adhesive tape is taken, small pieces are cut from it, they are glued to the balls. After that, you can start collecting the snowman.

At the final stage of manufacturing, the finished figurine is decorated. In this case, a small hat, mittens, drawings in the form of stars, hearts can be cut out of fabric materials.All this is glued to the craft. With the help of black paint or a felt-tip pen, they make out the muzzle.

For children, Olaf's volumetric snowman made of cardboard will be an excellent option. To make such a craft, a white cardboard sheet is prepared. Several round blanks are cut out of it to create a head, torso, arms and legs. To make them all as smooth and neat as possible, you can use templates.

Then all the cut out parts are given the required shape. They can be left round, or you can give them a slightly oval shape. Napkins are glued to their surface. This should be done in such a way that a surface with small folds is formed. Later, they begin to stick together using a solution with PVA glue. In this case, a torso with a head is first formed, consisting of three parts.

Next, the legs are attached, while they should be located at an angle of 90 degrees to the body of Olaf the snowman. To provide stability, you can glue cardboard supports on the back of the craft.

Next, white cardboard or paper is taken, buttons, mouth and eyes are cut out of this material. And you should also immediately prepare brown paper - hands are cut out of it, it is better to do this according to ready-made templates. A carrot-shaped nose is formed from the orange material.

If necessary, individual details can be completed using a felt-tip pen or paints. Most often, such homemade products are made in large sizes, they can decorate a room.

Creation of applications

Now we will consider options for the step-by-step production of flat appliques with napkins with snowmen. Such crafts made by the facing method look unusual. This technology involves the use of curled paper elements. First, you need to prepare the basis for future crafts. In this case, it is better to take a sheet of bright colored paper.

After that, on the colored side, the contour of the future snowman is applied using a felt-tip pen. At the same time, paper napkins are taken, first they are cut into strips with scissors, and the strips are then cut into small squares.

Small crumpled balls are gently rolled from each resulting paper square, you should immediately make a large number of such details so that the snowman turns out to be large and beautiful.

Later, they begin to gradually fill in the previously drawn contour with balls. For this, PVA glue is taken, it is applied in small quantities to a paper base, while a little space should be immediately left for the buttons. Rolled white elements are laid on the areas smeared with glue, carefully distributing them.

Next, the buttons are made. They can be made with red napkins. To do this, take the material, divide it into three equal parts, and then cut the finished strips into squares of the same size. Each element obtained must also be crumpled into balls.

Then the finished parts begin to fill in the left spaces for the buttons. To make a snowman's nose, you should take an orange napkin; small blanks in the form of rolled balls are also formed from it. The eyes are best made of black paper.

At the final stage of manufacturing, a nose and a hat are glued. If you wish, you can also make mittens and other additional decorative elements. Separate details, if necessary, are completed with black marker or paint. This master class is perfect for kindergarten.

Consider another option for creating such an original applique with a snowman for the New Year. So, you can make a craft using openwork napkins. They can be cut according to ready-made templates from sheets of white paper. You can make only two such blanks with different sizes, one of them will act as the basis for the head, and the other as the basis for the torso.

At the same time, it is necessary to prepare the basis for the New Year's application. As in the previous version, you can take a simple sheet of colorful bright paper. Both openwork blanks are carefully coated with adhesive, and then gently applied to a paper base. In this case, you need to ensure that all parts are placed as evenly as possible on the sheet.

After that, they begin to manufacture various additional elements. So, buttons for a snowman are cut out of paper of different colors. They should all be roughly the same size. In this case, you can use a compass to make the elements even.

And you should also cut out the nose of the snowman. For this, a sheet of orange paper is taken. At the same time, using a thin black felt-tip pen or a pen, you can draw contour lines on it. Then the nose is glued to the muzzle.

The eyes and mouth are cut out of black material. Snowman handles can also be made from a paper base. If you want your applique to look more original, then you should make them from thin twigs. They should be roughly the same size. They are fixed on the sides. And also, if you wish, it will be possible to make a hat, mittens, a bow for a finished snowman out of paper. In this case, it is permissible to use almost any color.

For information on how to make a snowman from napkins, see the next video.

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