Epoxy Resin Crafts

How to make an epoxy pendant?

How to make an epoxy pendant?
  1. What is required?
  2. Manufacturing technique
  3. Beautiful examples

Various accessories can be used to complement a stylish look. Popular options include pendants in all sorts of designs. Such a product can be made by hand. Today we'll talk about how to make your own epoxy pendant.

    What is required?

    To create this accessory from such material, we need the following elements.

    • Epoxy resin. When preparing, it will need to be mixed with a special hardener. It will allow you to make the mixture of a suitable consistency. In this case, it is worthwhile to ensure that even small air bubbles do not form during mixing.
    • The form. It will be needed in order to pour the material there and give the product the required shape. Cylindrical or round parts are often taken.
    • Connecting ring. It will be needed in order to connect a pendant and a chain or lace.
    • Drill. With its help, a small hole is drilled in the finished pendant.
    • Filler for the pendant. In this case, this element will act as a decorative decoration. Shiny multi-colored beads, beads, dried flowers and leaves, feathers, wood shavings are often taken.

    When buying a resin, be sure to pay attention to what direction it is. To create jewelry, it is worth choosing just such a variety, which is designed for doing creative work with your own hands. It will have the right density.

    Manufacturing technique

    At the present time, on the Internet, you can find a large number of different master classes for making epoxy resin pendants. Let's consider the simplest option for beginners. First, mix the hardener and epoxy. In this case, the entire mixture is constantly and gradually stirred with a wooden stick, as a result, a semi-liquid homogeneous composition should be obtained.

    After that, you need to prepare the molds for pouring. Instead of them, special molds are often used. They must be completely dry and clean. A small amount of the finished epoxy is gradually poured into them. If small air bubbles form in it, they must immediately be pierced with a toothpick.

    Also, bubbles can be easily and quickly disposed of with a lighter. This product only heats the top layer of epoxy. Thus, all irregularities will be squeezed out by themselves.

    The workpiece is covered with a small lid and left in this form for a day. During this time, the epoxy can dry out sufficiently. Later, dried small flowers are placed on the first layer of material. If necessary, several plant elements can be previously glued together. Then the finished decoration is again covered with a lid and left for a day.

    After the lapse of time, the lid is removed and a little more epoxy is poured into the mold. In this form, the decoration is again sent to dry out for a day. When the mass has completely solidified, the pendant is carefully removed from the mold. In this case, you need to carefully inspect the surface of the product. It should be absolutely flat and smooth, without chips or irregularities. If necessary, the suspension can be sanded down a little at the end.

    Grinding should be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to spoil the appearance of the jewelry and not to scratch the surface of the product. This procedure is best done with a piece of gritty paper without using any tools. It is recommended to polish the pendant before assembling the entire jewelry. This can be done with a special polishing paste or linseed oil.

    Further, the decoration is completely assembled. First, you need to drill a small hole at the end of the suspension (you can also make a hole in the workpiece before sending it for drying, but the hole should be made as carefully as possible so that the semi-liquid mixture does not fill it). A connecting ring is threaded into it, which you can buy in advance or also make it yourself. A lace or chain is attached to it, after which the accessory will be ready.

    In this technique, you can make a pendant with other fillers. Depending on the type of product, decorative elements can either be stacked or poured. If you want to make a pendant with a flat shape, then you can pour a little color into the composition. You can also add some colored sand or just sparkles there. Small parts carved from wood are often used as decoration.

    When using dried buds and leaves, it is worth checking first to make sure they are completely dry. Otherwise, in the cured epoxy, they will begin to rot and mold.

    Beautiful examples

    A small almond-shaped epoxy resin pendant with a dried small flower will look unusual. At the same time, you should not add other decorative details inside the material. The pendant, if desired, can be placed in a gold or silver frame. Such an accessory will look neat, simple, but beautiful at the same time.

      Another interesting and beautiful option can be a pendant made in the shape of various animals, flowers, leaves, stars and hearts. To make such a model yourself, you need to choose suitable small forms.

        As a decoration for a product, you can:

        • use dried plant elements or small multi-colored feathers;
        • combine several types of different decor at once;
        • make a pendant with both a chain and a cord;
        • fix the part in a gold or silver frame.

        For information on how to make an epoxy pendant, see the next video.

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