How can you make a squirrel craft?

Many children love to make various crafts. Images of cute animals are often used as themes. Today we will look at how you can make a figure in the form of a squirrel with your own hands, and what you need for this.

Made from natural materials
Let's consider the simplest options.
To make such a craft on the theme of autumn, you will first need to prepare all the necessary materials:
- cones;
- pom-poms (large and small);
- eyes;
- bead;
- scissors;
- adhesive composition;
- chenille wire;

First, a cone is taken, it is better to take a round fruit. It should be thoroughly rinsed with water and dried. A large pompom is attached to it - it will act as a squirrel's head. Eyes and nose are attached to it with glue. The nose can be made from a small black pom-pom.
After that, a smooth chenille wire is taken, from which it will be necessary to cut off two strips of 2.5 cm each. Each of the segments will need to be folded in half so that you get a blank in the shape of the letter V. The resulting elements are attached to the head - they will act as ears.

It is better to make a tail for a squirrel from chenille curly wire. To do this, you also need to cut off two strips so that the oval shape is repeated. The resulting elements are bent in half and twisted together. The finished tail is attached at the bottom of the cone and bent slightly.
Then, pieces of 5 cm each are cut from a smooth wire, they are smoothly bent and neatly fastened in the front of the body. In this way we will make the limbs. If you wish, you can put a small acorn in the squirrel's paws. It is sometimes made from wood beads and wire.

From vegetables
To create this fall version, you need to take two small bulbs. In this case, it is better to pick up one round, and the second elongated. They will need to be connected together using PVA glue.
Next, potatoes are taken, it does not need to be peeled. A small part of a round shape is cut off from it, cut in half, and these two halves are given the shape of a trapezoid. These will be the squirrel legs. They are also attached to the onion blank with glue.

Let's start creating the ears. You can make them from orange or brown plasticine. Also, sometimes pieces of dried red pepper are taken. The blanks are attached to the head.
It is better to make a squirrel muzzle from plasticine or paint it with persistent paints. For the tail, a dried leaf blade is used. It is attached to glue, and then slightly bent at one end so that it is slightly bent.

Sometimes simple dried leaves of various colors are used as consumables. They make unusual and beautiful flat applications. To do this, they begin to lay out leaf plates of a suitable shape on a sheet of paper.
For the body and tail, it is better to choose elongated oval elements, for the head - round ones. Legs and ears should be cut from large leaves. The muzzle is drawn with a black felt-tip pen.

Paper products
Such crafts are often created from paper raw materials. This option will be optimal for kids. Let's consider how to make a volumetric paper figure. First, prepare everything you need:
- roll of cardboard paper;
- glue;
- scissors;
- colored paper;

To begin with, a cardboard roll is taken. Its upper part must be carefully folded in such a way that you end up with ears for the future squirrel. Next, you need to cut a long and wide strip from colored paper, twist it and connect it to a cardboard tube - it will be the tail.
Also, paws and a muzzle are cut out of paper. All parts are glued to cardboard. The eyes can be purchased at the store. It is better to finish all individual details with felt-tip pens or paints.

The craft in the form of a squirrel in a hollow will look interesting.
- To make it, a cardboard tube is taken. At one end, it is cut into several strips of approximately the same size. All of them are neatly bent outward - these will be tree branches.
- At the same time, you need to take several sheets of paper of red, orange and yellow colors. Small pieces are cut from them and carefully crumpled, and then attached to cardboard strips. So we will have a decorative tree for a squirrel.
- After that, a sheet of plain paper is taken. An image of a squirrel is drawn on it; this can be done according to a ready-made template. The drawing is cut out. Also, an oval-shaped hollow is formed in a cardboard tube using scissors. A paper squirrel is glued into it.

A squirrel applique is a good option. To make it, prepare a sheet of plain paper - it will become the basis for the composition. You will need to draw a blank on it. This can be done with light brown or orange paint.

Individual elements should be drawn with a black felt-tip pen. Optionally, you can decorate the background. At the same time, an orange sheet of paper is taken. A large number of thin, even stripes are cut out of it. They should be roughly the same size. Each of them is folded in such a way that their ends touch. The resulting blanks form the squirrel's lush tail and ears.

A flat applique lined with eggshells will look original. This will create a mosaic effect. In this case, the shells dried after boiling should be crushed into small pieces. They should be medium in size.

Then a sheet of plain paper is taken. On it, with the help of a black felt-tip pen, they draw the contour of the squirrel, and also draw the nose and eyes. Prepared eggshells are painted orange or brown. You should wait until it is completely dry, only the field of this begins to gradually spread it on the sheet, filling the image.

If desired, the background can be additionally decorated with colored pencils or paints.
Plasticine crafts
This option will be optimal for a kindergarten or primary school.
- To make such a craft, you need to take an orange / brown bar. It is carefully kneaded in the hands so that the material becomes pliable and plastic, after which it is divided into 5 pieces, 2 of which should be larger - they will be needed to form the body and head. Feet will be created from all other elements.
- The body is sculpted from one large piece of plasticine; it should have a cylindrical shape. Two small even balls are attached to its lower part - they will be paws. They need to be slightly pressed down.
- Then the second large piece is taken, from which the head of the future squirrel is formed. Also at this stage, two small triangular ears are made. Eyes and a small ball are attached to the muzzle, which will imitate a nose. With the help of a stack, you can easily perform the mouth.
- A thin flagellum is rolled from the last small plasticine ball, after which it is divided into two identical parts. They will be the front legs for the squirrel.
- All prepared parts are collected in one craft. At the end, a lush tail is attached to it; for this, you can use a large oval-shaped cone.

How to make from improvised means?
Consider other ideas for making squirrel crafts. Often they are created from cones and old felt remnants. In this case, you first need to make fabric blanks. In this case, it is better to use a ready-made template.
It is transferred to felt material and individual parts (tail, muzzle, front legs and an acorn) are cut out of it.

The tail and forelegs are fixed on a bump. It is better to do this with a special hot melt glue at the base. At the final stage of manufacturing, a muzzle and an acorn are added, which are attached to the squirrel's front legs.
Squirrel can be made from cones and velvet cardboard remnants. For this, separate blanks are made. On a sheet of cardboard with a simple pencil, they draw details in the form of a curved tail, head, hind and front legs, after which all this is carefully cut out strictly along the contour lines.

Then the elements begin to be glued to the cone with hot melt glue. At the end, eyes, nose are attached to the muzzle, the mouth is drawn with a felt-tip pen or paints. A small acorn is placed in the front legs of the squirrel, if desired.
How to make a paper squirrel, see the video.