How to make a flower from a ball?

Balloons and helium balloons are an integral part of almost every holiday. Recently, figures and whole compositions of balls have been especially popular. Most often, it is flowers that are made. Such figures can be purchased ready-made in the store or made on their own if you have certain skills. The creation process is simple, but it requires accuracy. It is also important to observe safety measures.

How to make a chamomile from balls?
In order to make chamomile from balls, you need to thoroughly prepare. The work can be significantly facilitated if all materials and devices are purchased in advance:
- a set of multi-colored balls (long and round to create different types of daisies);
- glue;
- thread and fishing line;
- inflation pump (this tool is optional, but will speed up the work significantly).
It is better to choose those balls that are made of denser rubber, since the thinner ones will tear. The color of the material is at the discretion of the master.

Of the long
Chamomile is most often made from long balls. The peculiarity lies in the fact that in the process of work they will have to be twisted. Because of this, you need to choose the highest quality balls.
Step-by-step instructions for creating chamomile are as follows.
- First you need to inflate five small balls of the same color - these are future petals. If a rainbow chamomile is supposed, then each ball can have its own color.
- When five pieces are ready, they need to be tied into two groups: two and three. The connection process is clearly shown in Photo 1.
- After the blanks for the petals are made, you need to inflate the middle of the contrasting shade. It must be connected to the petals.As a result, the chamomile should look something like the one shown in Photo 2. To decorate the walls or windows, you can leave the flower in this form.
- If you want to get a complete composition, then you need to take a long green ball and twist it to get five equal parts. The result of this work is shown in Photo 3.
- Now each of the obtained segments needs to be twisted as shown in Photo 4.
- The next step involves connecting the main part with the one that was made from a green ball. Photo 5.
- Now you need another oblong green ball. At one of its ends, you need to twist two balls - Photo 6, and then roll them up as shown in Photo 7.
- You should get a pedicel - Photo 8. It must be combined with the main composition. The final result of the chamomile is shown in Photo 9.
From such daisies, you can create a wonderful airy bouquet for your birthday and even place it in a vase. If you don't want to make inflatable stems, you can replace them with special plastic sticks.

Another way to make chamomile from long balls consists of the following steps.
- From a ball of any selected color, a sausage is first created, which is then twisted in two places so that the figure shown in Photo 10 is obtained.
- Then the figure needs to be twisted in three more places according to the same principle and carefully placed in an accordion. Photo 11.
- The accordion needs to be twisted, resulting in six identical petals. To them you need to add the middle and the peduncle.
The final version of creating chamomile from oblong balls is shown in Photo 12.

Of round
In almost the same way, chamomile is made from round balls. To create you need five balls of white and one yellow. The process consists of several stages.
- The balloons need to be inflated one by one. The size should be approximately the same, otherwise the flower will turn out to be asymmetrical.
- The balls, as in the previous case, are connected to each other. Later, a pedicel is attached to them.
The final version of the work is clearly shown in Photo 13. Here you can also limit yourself to one copy or collect a whole airy bouquet.
An important point! In order for the balloons to be inflated to the same size, it is recommended to use such a homemade measuring device as shown in Photo 14.

The creation of the iris
To create an iris, you need at least two oblong balls: green and purple. A master class on making an original flower consists of several sequential steps.
- From the purple ball, you first need to twist the figure eight, and then fold it in half and twist it from one edge. The process itself, the result of the work, is clearly shown in Photo 15.
- Now you need to start making the stem. To do this, take a green inflatable strip and twist it as shown in Photo 16.
- Add the middle of yellow and connect the composition.
The final version is shown in Photo 17. The petal on the stem can be twisted or left without it.

Flower with 6 petals
Flowers with 6 petals can be made from both long and regular balls. If we talk about the last option, then you need to inflate 7 round identical balls. Tie them three at a time, then add a contrasting center and dock.
The scheme for creating a six-color is identical to that described when creating chamomile from long balls. That is, the sausage itself needs to be inflated, twisted in three places, laid in an accordion and supplemented with a contrasting center.
Next, you need to add a green stem, and the six-color version is completely ready for use. Step by step, you can make as many diverse colors as you like with your own hands.
The most important thing is the availability of working material, as well as skills, desire and perseverance.

Safety regulations
At first glance, creating balloon compositions seems to be a very safe activity. But this is not entirely true, since the master can quite easily get injuries of a different nature. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to follow the safety rules every time.
- When inflating, twisting and some other manipulations, the balls tend to burst. In general, it is safe, but only if there is no face of the master himself or other people nearby. The fact is that pieces of torn rubber under the pressure of air can painfully hit the face and other parts of the body. It is best to keep the balls away from your face to avoid injury.
- Any craftsman should know that round balls are not meant to be twisted. Even if you inflate them weakly, you cannot perform such manipulations with them.
- In order not to spoil the working material once again, the master is recommended to cut short nails or work in protective gloves.
- In some cases, it is necessary to put some kind of drawing or inscription on the balls. For this, it is permissible to use only water-based markers or felt-tip pens. Any alcohol dyes can corrode rubber. Their use can harm the entire composition.
- If for some reason the ball was initially twisted incorrectly, then it is not recommended to use it in the future, since it is already considered damaged. Most likely, it will burst after a while. It will also harm not only the master, but also the composition.
- In order not to injure your eyes in the process, it is recommended to work in special transparent glasses. They can optionally be glass, you can use a plastic accessory.
In case of eye injury, it is recommended to immediately provide the person with first aid. If necessary, you can contact a medical institution.

In order to understand in more detail the process of working with balls, it is recommended to master the basic concepts and terms:
- a joint is a miniature part that is formed during the twisting process;
- a bubble is an area of different sizes that is obtained in the course of the wizard's actions, located between the twists;
- a tulip is a bubble that is formed between one twist, as well as the beginning or end of the ball;
- twisting is, in fact, the process itself, as a result of which all of the above elements are created.
Creating compositions from different types of balloons is a simple process. But for its competent implementation, you need to comply with safety rules. You also need to have certain traits: perseverance, ability and willingness to hard work, attentiveness, accuracy, good imagination, stress resistance.
This activity can be just a hobby or business that brings a good income.

For information on how to make chamomile from balls, see the next video.