DIY flowers from plastic bottles

Using plastic bottles to create flower arrangements and garlands is a way to turn unnecessary junk into a real decoration, and in some cases, into a work of art. Plastic has long ceased to be disposable tableware. Contemporary artists use raw plastic in their works in order to encourage others to consume wisely and non-standardly use seemingly unnecessary things.

Master class on making a simple flower
Many summer cottage owners often demonstrate their creativity in creating plastic decorations. Plastic is an ideal material for making appliques and decorative elements in kindergarten and school. Children will love making flowers, garlands and decorations from colorful materials. In many school competitions and exhibitions, it is precisely such compositions where each element can be worked out to the smallest detail. This is why parents should not throw away used bottles.
To make beautiful flowers from plastic bottles with your own hands, you need to choose a material that is suitable in color and density. For beginners, a simple option for making a flower is suitable.
The main thing is to remember the basic elements of plants: stamens, pistils, bud. In the future, this will help to make more complex flowers and whole compositions.

The easiest option is to take a base from the neck of a bottle with a screw cap and punch a hole in it for a wire. Divide the base into rectangular segments and shape them into petals. Paint the petals in the desired shade, fix the base on the wire.
Instructions for creating a simple flower step by step.
- To prepare the base, you need to take the bottom of the bottle, for the petals - the sides.
- The stem will turn out from the sides of the green container. The material should be cut in a spiral, within one centimeter in width. As the basis of the stem, you will need to take a piece of wire of the required size, around which the material should be wrapped, after heating.
- The petals should be cut into the desired colors and sizes, and then burned with a candle the edges. Depending on the time, the edges will be more or less curved, which will give the composition a more natural look.
- Fasten the sepal to the wire with the stem, and then, alternately heating, string each of the petals.
- The product can be left in its natural form or treated with colored paint.
Such simple products are perfect for both home and garden.

How to make different flowers?
Knowing the basic principles of making flowers from a plastic base, you can make a full-fledged bouquet from different plants. Taking into account the possible types of painting and the use of additional decorative elements, flowers made of plastic will become a real decoration for a vegetable garden or garden.
The variety of colors and density of the material allows you to form from them real bouquets of cornflowers, daisies, roses, chrysanthemums, dandelions.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a dandelion from several segments.
- From a part of the container at the neck, cut a blank of the base of the flower, 7 cm high.You can reduce the size of the base to 5 cm if necessary, but in this case, you will need to reduce the size of the petals and other details.
- Cut the middle part of the bottle into 3 parts, 20 cm long and 10 cm high.To complete the work, you will need two containers, from which you will get 6 identical parts.
- Cut each piece into vertical strips several mm wide, not reaching the base. The width of the petals will depend on the size of the base and stem, as well as the amount of material.
- Roll one of the parts in the form of a rim by bending the thread outward.
- Attach all the blanks in the same way.
- Insert the assembled bundle into the base by screwing the cap on the neck. One of the segments of the future dandelion is ready.
- It is advisable to screw a self-tapping screw into the cover so that the structure does not fall apart, or to fix the structure in another way, for example, using a glue gun.
- In the same way, collect a few more of the same parts, depending on the size of the dandelion. Consider the size of the base that will be used for the flower.
- Fasten each of the parts to the base in the form of a hemisphere using a wire. The hemisphere can be made from foam rubber or polystyrene.

Making bottle chamomile is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you need to take two pre-washed and dried white bottles, a marker, scissors, packaging for a kinder, pliers, a glue gun, a wire hanger.
Manufacturing stages.
- On the side next to the neck, draw the contours of the petals. You don't have to make them absolutely even and the same size. The more diverse the elements are, the more natural the finished product will look.
- Trim the petals along the contour without separating them from the neck. It will be most convenient to first divide the container into segments, and then give them a semicircular shape and align to size. To complete this stage, ordinary scissors will be enough, but at the most difficult stages, a clerical knife can be used for this purpose.
- Fold back the petals so that the chamomile acquires volume. The most naturalistic effect can be achieved by bending each of the petals in a different direction.
- Make another similar blank from the second white bottle.
- Cut off the second row of petals from the bottleneck. It is important not to cut the base so that individual petals do not fall off.
- Unscrew the neck from the first part, cut a hole in it, then put it back, after putting on the second workpiece between the plug and the first workpiece. It is important that the petals are folded back so that both parts are visible.
- Cut off the lid from the kinder package, insert the package into the middle of the plant.
- Divide the wire from the hanger into pieces of the required length.
- Straighten each bend of the wire with pliers to get an even stem.
- Insert the stem into the hole made in the screw cap, bend and attach with a glue gun.
- Screw on the bottle cap.
The flower will look very realistic from a distance. You can make the number of flowers you need for a bouquet. Chamomile will dilute the bright buds and inflorescences of cornflowers, irises and roses.

Another way of budgetary decoration of a plot of a house or summer cottage in the evening is a garland of glowing flowers.
Stages of creation.
- Cut off a piece of the bottle, stepping back a few centimeters from the neck.
- Cut out the petals from the base.
- Fold back each of the petals to add volume to the composition.
- Cover each plant with colored paint.
- Make a hole in the bottle cap.
- Place a lantern from an ordinary garland into the hole.
- Screw the prepared plant to the lid.
It is important not to violate the integrity of the garland. If you want to make free-standing glowing buds or full-fledged flowers, you can use LEDs. It should be remembered that the number of hours of operation of such diodes is limited.
The glow effect can be achieved by applying a special glue with a neon effect. Unfortunately, such glue is not sold in every store, but if desired, it can be purchased at specialized points.

From the bottom
It is very easy to make flowers from the bottom. Plastic bottles are always available material that is absolutely safe for small children. Toddlers will love experimenting with shapes and shades.
Before starting work, you should collect bottles of all kinds of colors. Typically, manufacturers choose a narrow range of shades for the beverage industry: transparent, white, green, blue, brown, blue, yellow, black, red. The main shade for creating plants will be green.
It is also important to consider which part of the bottle is to be used for what. For example, the bottom almost always serves as a good base, and the side for cutting petals of various shapes and sizes. The base at the neck of the bottle can become a separate flower, for example, a chamomile or a bell.
Flowers from the bottom of the bottle are unusual in shape and very beautiful.

Stages of creating a plant from the bottom of a bottle.
- Cut the base from the bottom with deep slots, such as green plastic.
- As a filling, you can use the petals cut from the base according to a previously prepared template. The more varied in size and shape the petals are, the more magnificent and original the plant will look.
- The middle of the plant can be made from chopped noodles and a rolled-up strip of white plastic.
- After all the pieces have been cut, you can start firing with a candle flame.
- First of all, the edges of the petals and base should be processed with a flame. It is important not to hold the product over a flame for a long time, otherwise it may bend severely. The sharpness of the bend can be controlled by bringing the petal closer to the fire or further away from it.
- The bottom of the plant should be treated in the same way, starting with the depressions. In order for the individual elements to become curved, it is important to bring the base leaves vertically to the fire.
- A strip of the middle of the plant should be melted along the edges, then rolled into a tube and the lower edge should be fixed.
- Cut leaves of different shapes from the middle part of the green bottle and melt each of them with a candle.
- Give each sheet the desired shape.It is important to remember that the sheet will bend in the direction of the candle flame, so it should be held for only a couple of seconds.
- When assembling, you can use different shades of green plastic to make the plant look as realistic as possible.
- It is advisable to use thick wire for attaching flowers. It can be both ordinary material and part of other products, for example, old cords or hangers. The color will suit the black or brown version of the product.
- Make holes with a soldering iron, heated nail or awl.
- Twist the end of the wire and collect all the elements on it.
- To braid the stem of the plant, cut the middle of the bottle into long thin strips.
- Wrap a few turns of plastic on the wire, then bring the candle flame to it. The plastic will lock in place by pulling together.
- Pull the wire to the base of the plant, then gradually wind up to the end.
- Make holes in the leaves and put them on the wire in the right places.
- Several flowers can be made on one stem by securing them with separate pieces of wire.
- Attach the leaves in the correct order to each of the bases.
- Cut out the centers from black plastic, then blast with a candle flame. You can experiment and make the middle of different shapes. The centers can be prepared from plastic in other contrasting colors.

Useful Tips
- To obtain a rich and uniform shade, you can use spray paint, which is sold in cans.
- Allow sufficient time to prepare templates. You can prepare templates of different leaves and petals on thick paper or cardboard in advance, so that later you can save time on cutting out details.
- A heated awl or an ordinary needle will help to transfer the finished template to the material.
- Before starting work, all bottles should be well washed, dried and cleaned of paper and glue.
- For maximum realism, you can give the desired shape to the products using your fingers.
- Before cutting out the details, you can paint the product in the base color. After all the elements are ready, manually give them the desired shades.
- It is best to use acrylic paint or acrylic varnish on a plastic base.
- When creating summer cottage compositions, you can use paint for cars.
- For outdoor varieties, enamel is suitable.
To add sophistication to the product, you can use special stained glass paints. In this case, the products will be very bright and eye-catching.

For information on how to make flowers from a plastic bottle, see the next video.