Making flowers out of felt with your own hands
Flowers made of soft and effective felt are an excellent decoration. They can be varied, the masters bring something of their own, so each flower is unique and inimitable. In this article, we will take a closer look at making felt flowers on our own with our own hands.
How to make roses?
Felt roses look unforgettable and elegant. Such a flower can be used as a decoration, and if it is supplemented with a clasp, it will become a brooch. To create a felt rose, it is recommended to prepare the following materials and accessories:
felt of different colors;
glue gun;
thread and needle;
There are several steps to be followed.
Make a blank - a circle with a diameter of about 10 cm. First, make a semicircular edge, then continue to cut small waves, smoothly moving towards the center of the circle.
Roll the workpiece into a roll, while fixing the center of the flower. Use glue or a pin to secure the beginning.
When the flower is ready, secure its shape with a glue gun. Be sure to wait until it is completely dry.
Making sunflowers
Many people love sunflowers because they are associated with summer. Large flowers create a joyful mood even on cloudy cold days. Let's take a closer look at a master class on creating felt sunflowers.
They are pretty simple to make and look pretty fun. You will need free time and a desire to make a beautiful sunflower.
First you need to prepare the following materials and tools:
felt black and yellow;
beads of a golden hue;
needle with thread;
The scheme for creating autumn sunflowers.
Take black felt and cut 1 circle out of it.
Make 12 small and 18 large rectangles out of yellow felt, then make one side pointed.
Next, you need to give each petal a "bouquet" shape.
When all the petals are ready, you can proceed to assembling the flower. Take the large petals first and sew them to the base step by step in a circle - just a few stitches are enough to fix the petal.
The petals need to be sewn pretty tightly together. When you run out of large petals, move on to small ones.
Next, make two circles of black felt: one large and one slightly smaller. Each circle should be cut around the edges, creating a fine fringe.
Sew beads in the middle of the small black circle, they should fill the entire middle of the circle.
Now we go to the assembly - sew a larger circle in the center of the sunflower, then sew a smaller circle with beads on top. The sunflower is ready!
More ideas
To make flowers out of felt with your own hands, you do not need to have special skills and abilities. Below are step-by-step simple instructions for beginners.... You can easily make voluminous felt flowers.
Delicate violet will be a luxurious decoration for various crafts. To create it, you should prepare the following materials and tools:
felt of two colors (green, purple);
needle with thread;
Further actions are recommended:
prepare in advance a cardboard template for the petals, its size can be only 4 cm in diameter. Attach the template to the felt, make 5 petals, cut them out, forming wavy edges;
- take one petal and bend it several times in half, a petal is formed in the form of a corner, fix it with threads;
- according to the above algorithm, make the rest of the petals, try to keep them the same, and the stitches are neat;
- spread all the petals and sew them together;
- now the flower can be supplemented with green felt leaves.
Hydrangea looks very delicate and elegant. You need to prepare the following:
white, yellow or cream felt;
The step-by-step instruction is quite simple and looks like this:
make circles of the same size from felt, their diameter may be 3 cm, you need to prepare 12 pieces;
in each circle, apply glue, for example, "Moment", and make a petal;
cut out one large circle from felt, and in turn attach 4 prepared flower petals to it;
continue attaching the remaining petals until the whole flower is filled with them;
you can supplement the hydrangea with a large green leaf.
If you like spring flowers, look out for delicate tulips. Usually they do not delight the eyes for long, so felt tulips will definitely appeal to lovers of these spring flowers. To create a tulip, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:
felt for flowers (white and bright pink);
green felt for the formation of leaves and stems;
bamboo skewers;
needle with thread;
paper and pencil.
The tulip formation algorithm includes a number of stages. Let's list them.
You need to make three patterns from paper (for a bud, leaf and stem). These details must be drawn on paper, transferred to the material and cut out with scissors.
One tulip will need two leaves. Take the sketch of the sheet, and put it on the green felt, trace along the contour with a ballpoint pen, and cut out two parts from the felt.
There is only one stem you need to make. For it, you need to take a dense green felt, and cut out the detail.
The bud will be formed from two pink pieces. Attach the bud piece to the pink felt and cut out two pieces.
We start assembling the tulip from the stem - take a bamboo stick and wrap it with green felt. Sew along the entire length of the stem, creating stitches over the edge.
We sew up the stem from below - this way the stick will not fall out.
Let's move on to the formation of the bud. It is necessary to take two pink parts, and sew them along the edge, while leaving the edges from the bottom not sewn. You can sew either on a sewing machine or by hand.
Now we turn out the bud and gently straighten it, then it must be tightly filled with padding polyester or holofiber. The filler should fill all the space inside the bud, especially the top.
Then you can put the bud on the stem, while the bamboo stick should touch the top of the bud.
Sew on the bud from below to fix it on the stem with pink threads, while you can use regular basting stitches. Then we tighten the bud from below with threads to fix it on the stem. Use small blind stitches, and the edges of the felt at the base of the bud can be safely wrapped inward.
Moving on to the leaves, cut out two sheets of green felt. We wrap the stem with one sheet, sew the base of the leaf to the stem using green threads, while forming small stitches over the edge.
Then we move on to the second leaf - we also wrap it around the stem, but place it below the first leaf. The second leaf also needs to be sewn at the base of the stem using green thread.
If you want to make a bouquet of tulips, you need to make a lot of flowers.
Many women love chrysanthemums as this flower attracts attention with its originality and beauty. The chrysanthemum made of felt can be used as a decoration for various accessories, for example, for a purse or clothes. It is worth purchasing the following tools and materials in advance:
thick needle and thread;
It is recommended to perform the following sequence of actions:
cut a long strip of felt, fold it in half and fasten it with pins;
make cuts of the same size, try to keep them at the same distance from the side of the fold;
take a needle and thread and sew the strip with large stitches where it is fastened with pins;
now carefully roll the strip into a roll, while forming the flower petals, use a thread with a needle to fasten the petals;
fix the design of the flower, straighten the petals - and the flower is ready, it remains to add green leaves.
Making a bouquet
A bouquet of flowers made of felt looks impressive and stylish. Such a bouquet will definitely become an unforgettable gift. It can be presented to your closest ones - mom, sister or grandmother. Such a gift will be remembered for a long time and will symbolize your love.
To make a bouquet You can use a variety of felt flowers, as long as they are located on the stem. Above, it was described how you can make a flower stem. When all the flowers are ready and located on the stems, you can proceed to the formation of the bouquet. Take a piece of felt and wrap all the flowers, tied with additional ribbon. The felt sheet can be replaced with corrugated paper or other festive wrapping.
Felt flowers in a pot look very beautiful and stylish. You can put a piece of styrofoam in the middle, so the flowers can be securely fixed inside the pot. You can replace the pot with a glass beaker or small vase.
A bouquet created from a variety of flowers looks very attractive, it is better to use felt of different shades, then the bouquet will be brighter and more effective.
You can make a bunch with flowers without stems. In this case, you need a box. They can be placed in it in any order. Usually, such gifts are complemented with sweets, tea or a jar of coffee. Of course, the choice of an additional gift will depend on the preferences of the person to whom you are going to make this present. But in any case, such a gift will remain in the memory for a long time.
How to make flowers out of felt with your own hands, see the video.